Psychic Sundays

Light Versus Dark

Michelle Morley & Louise Hedges Season 1 Episode 6

In Episode 6 Michelle interviews Jonathan Brown a well known internationally medium that has travelled the world looking for the answers to light vs dark.. is there a dark side to spirit ? can we get spiritual attachments? tune in to find out...

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VO outro :

Hello and welcome to psychic Sundays with sisters Louise and Michelle. We both full time psychic mediums, healers and teachers. In these podcasts we share our experiences, knowledge and some wisdom from our guides with you. So grab a copper, sit back, put your feet up and enjoy this podcast as we journey into the spiritual realms together.

Michelle Morley :

Hi everyone and welcome to this Sunday's podcast. I've got a really great friend and colleague with me today, Jonathan Brown, say hello.

Jonathan Brown :

Hello everybody.

Michelle Morley :

There we go. I'm somebody I hugely respect and mentor to me as well. And I just thought it'd be a really cool podcast to cover. Light V's dark, something that Jonathan is Very, very experienced with has travelled the world investigating and for us to get his take on that. So what what is light vs dark so it would be things like I'm sure you've all heard of attachments, nasty experiences in your home Poulter ghost, just the darker side of the work that we do. So I thought it would be really nice to bring Jonathan in, and for him to talk about his experiences and his belief systems to share it all with you. So, over to you, Jonathan, per minute.

Jonathan Brown :

Thank you, Michelle. What can one say first off such an interesting topic. Yeah. Many people around the world have different beliefs and different knowing as to what we look at as light versus darkness. So let's start first and foremost with looking at our connection with God with source with the universe and for many mediums out there and those who aren't even that mediumistic LinkedIn, you have an understanding of spirit or the spirit world, anything that's discarnate from the physical body. We've got to look at first that God is love. Yeah. And again, which is very debatable around the world, because many people say, Well, if God is just love, why do bad things happen? In fact, why is there a natural colour in the world and what I tell people to start off with is if you look at your connection with spirit, or the angels, the angelics, or directly to God, when we ask for that link, that love that light, that energy, that protectiveness to come in, we always receive that straightaway. And we feel that we have countless evidence and proof around the world as mediums of connecting with loved ones loved ones from the highest side of life come through evidence. We're in a peaceful place. We're in a place of love and harmony and joy. They never come through and say it's bad is scary. I wish I was back here on Earth. Yeah at all. If we look at the various few things, culturally, religiously, History throughout the world, many societies and people over hundreds if not thousands of years now have believed in the afterlife on the lower vibrational place like there is a hell there is a lower place where karma applies and if we've not been good people, bad things,

Michelle Morley :

quite religious beliefs as well as some religions might be,

Jonathan Brown :

I'd say it's very much around the religious stigma. Yeah, I would talk very much about his old divine masculine paradigm, which is anything which incorporates fear, then keeps people in lower vibrations with their own thoughts or thought, yes. We also need to look at the paranormal side of things. Because, yes, there is paranormal activity, but we only have paranormal activity and activity given to us by most people in the world the paranormal investigators or researchers, again from their point of knowingness Again, we don't have great substantial proof of confirmed divine evilness coming through in the world. It's a lot of people's assumptions. Some people tie in with scientific background or knowledge that they have or experiments again, but there's nothing concrete out there to say, yes, there is the opposite polarity to heaven to love to light to the spirit.

Michelle Morley :

Yeah, absolutely. And I know from just doing my my own readings, I mean, I haven't gone into it anywhere near in the depths that you have investigated it. But most certainly have had my own experiences. And when I reflect back on those now, I can see more of it being a state or a place or a mental state that I was in. So therefore, I believe more that someone's coming at me, someone's attacking me, someone wants to hurt me. My energy being lower my belief system, I think rarely. But having done all my readings and all the readings I've done, Yes, you do. Get the occasional person that wants to come through you feel they come through whether it be shame guilt apology, I want to make amends I want to say sorry that's a different vibration you feel that vibration difference and you're aware of it but they come through to make amends yes they come through to let to let you know as the medium to let you know I've I need to come to you on this vibration because it helps you engage know acknowledge who you are dealing with and why they're there more on that energy. vibration. Yeah. So the person you've got with you who needs to hear the apology. Obviously it's up to them whether they receive or not absolute their priority. But majority of the time 99% of the time, it is all in love, all in love, isn't it? It's just love, love, love, love, love wants to bring a message want to help want to heal, want to be good, that's mental mediumship but going into more of the physical stuff, where you hear of things being moved beds been moved curtains been moved, pitches being moved? Does that necessarily mean that it's not someone coming in on love?

Jonathan Brown :

I totally agree with you on my own understanding, it's 100% in love. And if we're looking at mediumship on the whole, even if we're covering the mentor, the translator would say to the physical mediumship and as we know, different connections and different links happen. The mental mediumship plethora is more known in the world, people have a better understanding of it as a whole, less people have an understanding of the physical mediumship would say current times were more in a place where people are getting more acquainted with Trent's North states. Yeah, two minutes specifically what you asked about the physical phenomena that comes through with physical mediumship. For the average person, if you're at home and the door moves or a chair moves or the bed moves, we naturally go into our consciousness and our unconscious and our subconscious of Okay, what do I already know about that? Well, I really Remember, when I was young, somebody's telling me that there are ghosts or I remember watching my first horror film and the bed was moving or something like that. So things are already deep seated there within our consciousness somewhere. And unless you've been on your journey yourself and had it proven to you and prove to anyone in the world extend an all we say, is only proof to you when it's proof to you. It's lovely when people come from the outside and can give links and messages and we can even have conversation today and debate on such a topic, but any for anybody listening again, you're going to go through your own experience. So I'm a good example because many years ago, I believed that there was a dark side to life that there was that other balance and we can look to some prolific spiritual teachers out there in the world, even still to present day that still talk about the war of the light versus the darkness. If you're wise and you take a moment to reflect and look at these teachers that are supposed to 100% calm From the vibration of love, it's very easy to look into it and actually go, well that's not coming from a vibration of love if that is causing fear or instilling fear or keeping fear within someone else. So being a medium as you know, Michelle is not to come from a place of ego. Yeah, it's very important come from that heartfelt place. But as we are connected with heaven in the spirit world, many of us take upon us to have the responsibility of the physical world. And we know the scientific aspect is very significant, trying to bring that balance in for the whole entire world to wake up and actually understand that they come from the logic logical, not just the intuitive that everything is in a vibration of love. So I find it quite easy to stand there and say to people, okay, I can prove, given the chance that there isn't any dark forces, dark force entities and spirits and things like that. So you're not coming from a place of ego to say such a thing as coming from a great place of responsibility. Monsters very very different.

Michelle Morley :

It is different is very very very different but there is also that you know the physical we've sort of crossed over spoken about beds being moved things physically being moved. And then you have the mental belief that there is an attachment I have something attached to me I have something called me people sending me negative nasty things I've got an attachment it's it's overwhelming and so many people really really really do believe it to the point of possession I guess you can call it possession. And then we're coming into another Different Dimension again of is it just fear Are you just not well? Is it fear? Are you tired Are you run down? Are you exhausted? Is somebody saying you because we will know. Energy is everywhere. Negative there is negative energy and there is positive energy. I could sit here and send hate hate hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. You feel the difference if I sent Love, love, love, love, love, love, love. So we're gonna pick that up. So there's that there's that that comes into it as well. It's, it's complicated, but then again, it's really very simple, isn't it?

Jonathan Brown :

Yeah, I agree it's less complicated. Yes, understand. As you delve into science getting an understanding of it, we have to look at things such as universal law, the power of polarity, the law of energy, and everything does have a positive or negative. Let's start with self if we wake up in a day and we're in more negative thought processes with ourselves about ourselves and about other people about life. Then lower vibrational energy we are in we are attracting we're susceptible to if we look at the opposite, if we're in a vibration of love, if we're positive if we're happy if we're surrounded by positive people, our life is very, very different. Yeah. And I like to bring up a word which I'm sure you're very familiar with the word curse. Yeah, absolutely. Curse has been around for hundreds of years. And it originated in the sense Curse someone back in the old times was just to speak bad or send bad thoughts to someone. Now we're all susceptible to doing this as human beings in the world. One of my very funny friends hi Rachel in London, I love you loads getting you on air, but we'd love in your life. Beautiful human being person full of love. And we have giggles on the phone because she's driving a car in London and the drivers are causing havoc and then she goes into lower vibrational energy, nothing I can share. And as as she does it, so she'll swear in F and Jeff, and then she pulls herself at the end. Then she goes, Oh, sorry, no, and I shouldn't have done that. Should I then she corrects her thoughts well done. And she sends all the positive energy. Yeah. And that's just to be human. Yeah. Yeah. An example I know I'm able to use on air as well. So yeah, we're all susceptible with our own thoughts and consciousness and there is a positive and negative and it's scientifically proven, but what is not scientifically proven beyond that and bear Ma'am, we do have para psychologists and para normal investigation dams around the world, many things going on in universities. They're looking within the field for that definitive proof. And still, even if I was to comment on the last 3040 years where we're touching up a lot more now with technology and with the means to find and record such evidence, we still have no definitive proof.

Michelle Morley :

Absolutely, absolutely. But just from being a simple human being, and when I see some clients if I'm giving healing or have done a reading or whatever it is, I might be doing. I say to them, try tomorrow morning. If they've been an adult place up and feeling low or a bit depressed or sad, or dealing with grief or whatever it is, bless their hearts that they're going through. Try to in the morning, think right today. I'm going to be in a positive mindset. I'm going to lift my vibration up, I'm going to wake up in Go going to fight that normal limiting belief systems, whatever you want to however you want to describe it or call up. But to have that mindset of right today I'm going to punch through and I'm going to keep my vibration up, keep myself positive, keep myself in a good place that to me can prove without necessarily the scientific stuff that the dark can go. Make sense. Yeah, the dark can go so you can be in a better more upbeat place and feel less that stuff has been sent sent sent sent at you. Does that make sense? Yeah, yeah. So we can within ourselves, protect ourselves Absolutely. And mentally in a higher vibration, a vibration of sending out the love sending out healing or letting go or moving on or wherever we are changing our thoughts, our vibration can just have a real good flip effect on us as human beings.

Jonathan Brown :

I absolutely agree. I would say it's being more conscious. Just fully aware and if you find yourself in a day to anyone out there you know not feeling so good feeling low it's that choice that comes from within you know, do I put the music on it's going to keep me in that sad mood that down mood or am I gonna put something on that's gonna take me away from those emotional feelings and thoughts and make me happier and lift me up so many environment Am I going to stay somewhere where I feel sad or low or depressed or am I going to go out into the beautiful nature or around positive people it's all these things that make a difference

Michelle Morley :

it is indeed it is indeed and so like these dark summit up What do you reckon light vs dark what would you sum it up as.

Jonathan Brown :

light the light versus dark because we talked about it as a duality so within all of us even as human beings There's our light if you wish that the angel that happy place and we will have that little what's known as the devil. It's unique to Yang tube into the conversation of light versus dark. External to ourselves. Yeah. beyond our own human psyche and our soul. I'll put the question to you. Do you feel wonder or know if there are bad spirits out there?

Michelle Morley :

I haven't come across any. I have had an attachment or what I thought was an attachment taken from me. I was feeling really, really very ill very sick, very low, very down. And when I was having the healing, it was like a man's voice. My voice became a man's voice. And my whole physical body changed shape into what would feel like this old man that was being taken out with me. Yeah. Reflecting on that, I don't know still to this day. I still his big question mark for me. But I do feel that there's always always, always always like there's more light than dark. I really do without question of a doubt. And the more I walk in that way of thinking, ethos mindset belief system, the more I feel that there isn't such a thing as dark, dark spirit, dark entities, i less than less than less believe in it. Yeah, yeah. That's how I feel.

Jonathan Brown :

Often, as many cases around the world people, and you gave a good example you were in a time of your life, which was quite a tough time. Yeah. And you'll have a loved one or a spirit communicator or somebody coming from that place of love that fibration Yeah, coming very close to you at that time. And often for people. They're not at that time reaching out or being able to reach out or getting a connectedness from other people. Yeah, in their life, maybe their families, their friends, maybe they don't feel supported. Yeah, there's all these various things going on. And it makes sense that those from the higher side of life from the more positive vibration We'll come to you, but a person in that instance is in a lower vibration. So yeah higher vibration coming to connect with the lower vibration. Yeah. Which will change things natural set of energy Yes.But if the person within their own consciousness or in their own thoughts is in worry, yeah, fear shame guilt anything yeah we classes are lower vibrational energy Yeah. You have to filtrate first through your own conscious mind before you get clarity you in our in our 100% place of unconditional love and residency. Yeah. I've done some work many years ago in mental health hospitals and the mental health field, the mental health field prior to becoming a professional medium 10 years ago, and the early days of my career when I wasn't doing readings and things like that I was giving my time and helping people in a mental health hospital so just come out of severe mental Institute's. Yes. Okay. Often these people have gone through severe traumas, or elements of conscious D fragmentation or soul D fragmentation. Yeah, because whatever the traumas they've gone through are unhealed or unresolved within themselves. And there's many cases with them where, because part their conscience would defragment and often bless them it was because of things like sexual traumas they'd gone through, or rapes or hard situations or circumstances with family or the world at large or sometimes drug alcohol substance misuse problems. It's easier for private conscious to defragment and say, rather than looking at the trauma, there's something that tells me there's this external force that's stopping me or healing myself. It's like a deflection and there's this external force that I'm okay understanding it to that rather than accepting that this person I absolutely love that was one of my family members did this to me or something. Yeah,

Michelle Morley :

like, yeah, yeah. So it's not how to dictate pets it's it's almost like a little bit of a, I've got an attachment I've got a possession out clause where I don't have to look within deal. Heal absolutely and move on and then it can just grow and grow and become bigger and bigger. Yep. Right

Jonathan Brown :

a typical example Yeah. For decades and decades now men and women its higher percentage recorded women in the world have confirmed cases where a spirit has slept with them in some way shape. Absolutely heard that in bed and it's usually within the early hours of the morning. Yeah, they just sleep in Yeah, and the spirit comes in it pins them down. Yeah, they can't move in the head held to the bed and the bed won't move. Yeah, up against the wall. Yeah. And they all speak or record of feeling or a situation like that Spirit come and took the governing power over them beyond their will and in essence had a penetrative type intimacy. Yeah. with them. Yeah. And as I'm sure you'll agree, listen to that. You've heard that Yeah, I have thought Yes. Yeah, absolutely.

Unknown Speaker :

If we jump out of that from the outside and look in now, pretty much all those cases are women, God bless them that at times in their life went through big traumas and things when he talks about like, sexual abuses and rapes and things like this. Yeah. And in a moment of such an event happening when the the, the neutrality of your psyche, because your soul goes into a soul shock, yeah, there's this split consciousness and again, if we go to the scientifical aspects, and there's no proof or anyone that's ever gone and reported it teams have come in and things like that even two ladies go into the doctor. Yeah, 3D component within the world. The doctors can't find any physical evidence for example, as into if we had an earthly rape.

Michelle Morley :

Yeah. So do you think it could be the soul the body, etheric, astral, whatever, doing a little bit of travelling, leaving yourself for a while beleiving it.

Jonathan Brown :

It will be many aspects. The first thing I want to say to any experience that we go through in life, it's part of our growth and our learning to have that knowingness and that understanding. Now, if we look at just very quickly, very simply a lot mediums in the world, a lot of mediums in the world really opened up to spirit and mediumship through a form of trauma. I know I know I I know I do. And usually what happens in those incidents is like we've been talking about is your consciousness goes from what we call the three dimensional aspect, it naturally goes to the fourth dimension, the fifth dimension now that there are great ways to do this. We teach people to do it through meditation and going with him as the neutrality ways of doing it. But often it will happen through a quick shock factor. Yeah, of going through it and it needs to happen in a divine way. overnight. You're a medium

Michelle Morley :

Interesting, interesting, interesting. It's, it's such a an amazing subject, it's I'm sure all of you listening to the podcast will understand that like these dark possession attachments, Poulter ghosts, all of this is cannot be explained and it's just really down to your belief system, how you feel and and ask ask and ask don't just believe don't just just take it as it is. And take a look at yourself self healing where you are, where you are with yourself how you feel reflecting on yourself. And yeah, take it from there, really. So I want to thank Jonathan enormously for this podcast today. It's been fantastic. And we will be doing another one very, very soon.

VO outro :

Thank you for listening. And for further information about private readings, demonstrations and workshops, or if you just want to drop us a line with some questions or anything you'd like us to do. discussing our podcasts, you can email that to info at psychic So until we meet next time, stay connected, stay true and always remember spirit love

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