
Super-Group - Indigenous Tech, Indigenous Knowledge: Wampum.codes as a model for decolonization

Amelia Winger-Bearskin Season 1 Episode 9

Indigenous Tech, Indigenous Knowledge: Wampum.codes as a model for decolonization

In this public panel, Amelia Winger-Bearskin brings together Indigenous artists, technologists and knowledge keepers to discuss how we can take an ethical approach to tech projects. The conversation will be a part of of Wampum.codes, her Mozilla Fellowship Project at the MIT Open Documentary Lab's Co-Creation Studio. Wampum is the practice of encoding contracts and agreements into beaded patterns, which was commonly done by Winger-Bearskin’s own tribe (Seneca-Cayuga Haudenosaunee) in pre-contact times. Just like the craft that serves as its namesake, Wampum.codes is a recording of the stories, ideas, and wisdom that is collected through conversations with other native people. This panel is part of a virtualized delegation in collaboration with the Indigenous Screen Office.

Panelists include Asha Veeraswamy, Dawn Borchardt, DeLesslin Roo George-Warren, Erica Tremblay, Jade Begay, Joseph Clift, Martha Winger-Bearskin, MorningStar Angeline, and Eve-Lauryn LaFountain.

Apr 28, 2020 12:00 PM in

Season 2 of the award-winning podcast Wampum.Codes bring you audio from live streams, on-location recordings, and some of the same formats you know from Season 1. Indigenous guests explore themes of creative exploration, storytelling, and emerging technologies. Your host Amelia Winger-Bearskin (Seneca-Cayuga) invites you to sit back and have a vibe shift for your day.

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