The Swear Jar

The Swear Jar - Greatest Hits (Volume 1)

Andrew Brown and Elizabeth Williams

Well, it's been a wild ride so far!

In producing The Swear Jar podcast we've tackled the good, the bad and the truly ugly in employee communications/internal communications. But why would we do that?

Because we are determined to provide practical and actionable insights to Employee Communications professionals --- across industries. And, we do that because, quite frankly, Fearless Communicators need tools and advice so that they can ensure that employee communications are awesome, aligned and authentic (...Btw, that's The Fearless Communicator's credo).

So, in recording The Swear Jar podcast, we've welcomed authors, subject matter experts, other podcasters and editors -- and we've taken a few swipes at things that could be a lot better (like town halls and budgets).

Our Greatest Hits (Volume 1) episode is a great place to start if you're new to The Swear Jar podcast. In this episode we briefly touch on nuggets of insight from 10 of our most popular podcast episodes,  including:

Let us know what you think of this episode (or any of our episodes) by reaching out to us at info (at)

Also let us know if you've got a topic/issue you'd like us to explore.

Of course, if you've got some great insights, let us know if you'd like to be a guest on an upcoming episode of The Swear Jar podcast

Finally, keep in mind that listeners can take advantage of discounts and prizes offered by our podcast guests and The Academy of Business Communications (