The Swear Jar

(Unlearning) About the Great Undesked

Andrew Brown and Elizabeth Williams

The "Great Undesked" is a segment of the workforce that often gets forgotten, neglected, underserviced and sometimes even scapegoated by employers.

Just think about nurses, insurance agents, healthcare givers, drivers, miners, grocery store workers, care takers and couriers --- just to name a few. These workers, who are critical to the success of so many organizations and communities, are rarely glued to their screens. So, what's an Employee Communications professional to do to effectively engage and inspire them?

In this episode of The Swear Jar, we explore what makes the great undesked unique, reveal myths about these hard-working and committed employees and talk about how to effectively build trust with them.

Our guest is the ever-passionate CEO of Red E App, Jonathan Erwin -- who, by the way,  extends a very generous discount on his company's communications tool to listeners of The Swear Jar.

Chances are your organization includes members of this critical (and fast growing) segment of the workforce. Listen in to find out how you can communicate well with the great undesked.