Let's Get Visible Entrepreneurs

132: Signs, Synchronicities, and Soul Sisters

August 31, 2023 Christine Amerman and Nicole Janton Season 2 Episode 132
132: Signs, Synchronicities, and Soul Sisters
Let's Get Visible Entrepreneurs
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Let's Get Visible Entrepreneurs
132: Signs, Synchronicities, and Soul Sisters
Aug 31, 2023 Season 2 Episode 132
Christine Amerman and Nicole Janton

In this solo episode, Christine shares some updates for what has been going on in life & business and some amazing signs, synchronicities, and soul sisters that have came into her life recently!

To access the free workshop with Maeve to Craft Your Group Coaching Offer That Converts, join our free FB community! Click here to join

Whether you’re an entrepreneur who wants to grow your business, a podcaster who wants to grow your own show--or BOTH--Podcast Guesting for Profit is the perfect resource for taking your podcast guesting game to the next level. Tune in and join the conversation!

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  • Social Media Insights: Connect with us on social media to get daily tips and inspiration for podcast guesting success. Follow us on Instagram @lifewpassion and @roarwithnicole and Facebook (Christine Amerman) Facebook (Nicole Janton).
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  • Explore Our Programs: Dive deeper into the world of podcast guesting with our comprehensive training programs. Visit our website www.lifewithpassion.com for more details and embark on a journey towards profitable podcast guesting.

Thank you for being a part of our community, and we look forward to helping you unleash the full potential of your podcast guest appearances!

Show Notes Transcript

In this solo episode, Christine shares some updates for what has been going on in life & business and some amazing signs, synchronicities, and soul sisters that have came into her life recently!

To access the free workshop with Maeve to Craft Your Group Coaching Offer That Converts, join our free FB community! Click here to join

Whether you’re an entrepreneur who wants to grow your business, a podcaster who wants to grow your own show--or BOTH--Podcast Guesting for Profit is the perfect resource for taking your podcast guesting game to the next level. Tune in and join the conversation!

  • Subscribe Stay up-to-date with the latest episodes of Podcast Guesting for Profit by subscribing to our podcast on your favorite podcast platform. Just search for Podcast Guesting for Profit and hit the subscribe/follow button!
  • Leave a Review: If you've found value in our podcast or any of our programs, we would greatly appreciate if you could leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or your preferred podcast platform. Your reviews help us reach more people and provide them with the tools they need to succeed.
  • Social Media Insights: Connect with us on social media to get daily tips and inspiration for podcast guesting success. Follow us on Instagram @lifewpassion and @roarwithnicole and Facebook (Christine Amerman) Facebook (Nicole Janton).
  • Spread the Message: Help us create a ripple effect by sharing this episode with someone who needs to hear this message! 
  • Explore Our Programs: Dive deeper into the world of podcast guesting with our comprehensive training programs. Visit our website www.lifewithpassion.com for more details and embark on a journey towards profitable podcast guesting.

Thank you for being a part of our community, and we look forward to helping you unleash the full potential of your podcast guest appearances!

Christine Amerman  0:03  
Welcome to podcast guesting for profit, where we bring you the secrets behind what it actually takes to be successful as a podcast guest without being sleazy or salesy. I'm your host, Christine McAllister,

Speaker 2  0:17  
and I'm your co-host, Nicole Janton. Together, we're sharing the tips and strategies that we and our clients have used to generate seven figures from podcast guesting so that you can tap into the true power of podcast interviews.

Christine Amerman  0:30  
Whether you're an entrepreneur who wants to grow your business, a podcaster who wants to grow your own show, or both? You're in the right place. Welcome to podcast guesting for profit.

Welcome to podcast guesting for profit, where we talk about how to grow your business authentically and in alignment with yourself. Yes, through podcast guesting, and also through so many other things. I am your host, Christine Amerman. Formerly McAllister, and I'm here today solo to bring you an update on what it has been going on behind the scenes a vulnerable life update and also to teach you the lessons that I have been learning that Nicola and I have been learning that our business is reflecting to us. And that I feel might be most helpful for you today in this moment. So welcome, welcome, welcome. If this is your first time joining us, I'm so glad that you're here. And I invite you to follow subscribe, leave us a review, if you're a listener who has been around and you haven't already done that we would love to hear your feedback. And we also know this helps more people hear this message of how they can grow their businesses in alignment with themselves with their souls with their community without having to sacrifice their values. Regardless of what other people say you should do, or the bottom line of this is the way everyone should do it, we push back against that. And we say, we're here to help you express your full true authentic self and your message and to serve the world in the process. So it's my first solo episode in quite some time. And it's been such a season of change and new levels of expressing myself and my truth and the way that that has impacted this business that is such a soul level calling for me. If you follow me on social media, which you may or may not because you don't have to write, you don't have to be on social media, in order to express yourself or to get into or to learn, right. And that's part of what we're here to take a stand for for you. But if you do, you've seen that I've recently come out with some very, very vulnerable shares, where I have shared about the massive, massive changes and events, experiences that I've had over the past 1213 months of becoming the first person in my extended family, both sides living to get a divorce, of changing my last name, Reclaiming my last name, my birth name to experiences that I've had like supporting my children with how they are wired differently, who they really are. And that is included cutting my work hours in order to be more present with them and be able to pick them up from school every day. As Rebecca Campbell says in her book, rise, Sister rise, having my hours how loving my hours, having my hours you understand what I'm saying cutting them in half and doubling my devotion to, to my work and to my business. Shout out to Ashley mandore who I always think of when I hear the word devotion. Love the way that you lead and live from the heart and to making a major lifestyle choice to end my relationship with alcohol to graduate from my drinking wine career. So that began as an adult and because I have now 41 It's been about a two decade career since I started drinking, once it became legal here in the US for me to do it. And the changes that I have felt in my in my mental health and my physical health, and my clarity, in in, in graduating from from my drinking career, as one of my friends said, essentially, like my vibration, no longer was a vibrational match for alcohol, I outgrew it. And, and one of the things that has been one of the biggest lessons for me that I really want to share with you out of this is the idea that you really, really have no idea and we so often forget this. So listen up. Most people who listen to you, or follow you, or read your stuff, in any capacity, watch your stuff, whatever, consume your content. Most people are lurkers, the large majority of them are lurkers. And growing myself to such a place where I was now comfortable having integrated these lessons comfortable enough to share them out of service, right, sharing scars, not wounds, has reminded me of that in a very, very visceral way. Because I have had people slide into my DMs, sharing that me sharing that I was dealing with suicidal ideations and crippling anxiety, while running a business, gave them hope, that the darkness that they were experiencing, would be something that they could come out of on the other side, that maybe they've been questioning their own relationship with alcohol. And they resonated with me saying, I didn't identify with labels, I didn't identify with dogma, I didn't personally identify with going to AAA, for instance, and my intuition was still telling me there was something to be changed here, right, and that my desire to feel free, resonated with them, and that they wanted to have that, that sense of freedom for themselves that I now have. And I think it's so so, so important, I even had somebody reach out to me who was a student of mine, when I was a professor. If you've been around for a while, you may know I became a university professor at age 23. And have taught adjunct, undergrad and grad, over the years at four different universities, media and communications. And so I've gotten the opportunity to teach a lot of students and one of them has been following me for a decade at least. And I have never had a conversation with her outside of the classroom. And she reached out to share something that she has been struggling with related to trauma and healing, and to have a conversation about how she could better resource herself for healing. And so I share all of this, because it's really, really important to me, to teach you how to express yourself authentically, and the ways that you can be of service to doing that, whether or not you understand directly how it is going to build your business, which I think a lot of times, every post that we put out there has so much attachment to this is exactly how I'm going to build my business part of building a personal brand is very much sharing your scars, sharing the things that make you you and creating in the process of doing that a resonance with the right people, which also leads me to what we've been doing behind the scenes of life with passion, which is taking a step back with this new level of clarity and going how do we bring the clarification of our message of what we do, how who we are, what we do, and how we do it to our people. So that at a new level, our people can know that we're we are for them. Right? And one of the things that's come out of that is to be honest with you, we had a lot of people saying what is it that you do? And in the past, I would have been like I would have made myself so wrong for that because Hi we've been doing this for years. I thought it was super clear. I am a messaging person, a marketing person. That's been my My entire career, right? But now in this moment, I really saw it as a gift, I saw it as an opportunity. And I said,

I'm gonna take this opportunity to make sure that we're internally clear and to and to enter a conversation that's already happening, rather than try to create an entirely new one. And so what's emerged from that is, we really take a stand for people who want to authentically express themselves have these huge missions are wonderful at channeling through or getting into flow and having answers come out of their mouth when they're asked a question that they have no idea what they just said, Right. but when it happens to be recorded, that's the best because it can go back and it can be broadcast and it can be repurposed, and it can live online, right. And so really, this idea of helping these conscious, ethical changemakers, right, to express themselves in ways that feel authentic to them. A lot of times in long form content, without having to live on social media without having to live and die by launches. Right, really challenging that status quo that says, you need to be on platforms, you need to be building an audience, you need to be doing these things, you need to be in stories you need to be baba, baba, you need to be DMing people, right? Whether or not they've asked you to, typically when they haven't asked you to, you need to be doing all of these things that are doing doing doing that are hustle, hustle, hustle, like we take a stand against that. And we are here to help you develop and share your authentic voice to grow that business that you already know, is your calling is your work that you've been able to help people with. And you've just been bumping up away, bumping up against all the different ways that the biggest loudest names are saying to grow your business. Right are saying you have to to grow your business, I saw even one of the like, really spiritual influencers, that I follow online saying that she posts and creates content every single day. Like that that's part of why she's so successful? Well, I would I would challenge that. So we are working behind the scenes on bringing this message with a lot more clarity than I just expressed it to you. Right? We are doing things that are leaning into our edges, right, that are creating more space, in my head, and for clarity for our clients or results for our clients. And a lot of times those are the things that we've that I've had the most resistance to things like like optimization and automation and these things that, that I just want to be with people and I just want to connect, right. And I know that in order for us to have our greatest impact, it often requires taking a step back and then going like what are the what are the biggest areas of focus that we can put energy and intention and attention upon and behind and into, in order to continue to serve our mission. And so giving ourselves the space to do that, rather than showing up from a place of pressure, right? giving ourselves the space to do that to settle in, to allow these changes to to happen and to integrate right instead of the pressure that is so easy to pick up on from, from hustle culture from the way that so many people live their lives on social media, right where it's like, sell, sell, sell, sell, sell, you know, promo promo, promo promo. And one of the beautiful gifts of being in the season is that we've we have recommitted ourselves to folks who are exactly the right fit because of the exact stage of business that they're in, meaning that they've already have an offer a high ticket coaching offer that they've served people with, right that they have charged a high ticket price for and that they've served people with and that they know is the thing that they want to grow tweak scale like this is the work. And as part of that also my heart because I served people who are newer to business for so many years and wrote a book about it and And as what I began my podcast guesting journey with is how can we serve that that group of people who are in resonance with us as well, like they're newer to business, maybe they need to create, or they're working on creating their first offer. So they're not quite ready to pour gasoline on the fire of their visibility yet to spread their message far and wide. They want to get some of the, some of the foundations in place, in order to be ready to do the work that we speak to. And what's come together in this beautiful divine timing is the opportunity to collaborate with and, and connect on a deeper level with one of our clients who has also become a soul sister. And as I'm saying this, like it's, it's something that I've known forever, but I haven't really talked super openly about publicly, which is that back in, back in late February, I was in one of those in one of those seasons, where I was like, really in my head and really questioning everything. And it was very emotional, and doing a lot of healing work. And the business, of course, came into all of that, and I was in a place of surrender. Which is, you know, I jokingly say control is my pathological love language. So, surrender and trust are like these big spiritual lessons for me, that love to pop up all the time. And in that place, I asked for a sign. I asked for a synchronicity. I asked for direction. And what happens next? Sounds like, you'll never guess what happened next. It really surprised me sounds like one of those click baity headlines. But what happened next really did just just surprise me like mind blown emoji style. And that's that, that we, we got to serve an amazing brand new client, who had who was the first human I've ever met, who had the exact same name as my angel daughter, who inspired me to start life with passion eight years ago, and her name is Maeve. You may know that, you know, my angel daughter's name is Maeve. And this is the first human I've ever met with that name. And she became a client and she became what we call a Cloneable client. And somebody we would love to fill our business with if we could clone her. Right. And she invited Nicole and I to speak at her luxury retreat in the north of Ireland in June, which we did, and which we will both be going back to speak at in March a year after we met her. And she came into my life at this moment when I was asking for a very clear sign and very clear direction. And she also started working with us like the same week of my knaves birthday, Angel nursery, like the signs just could not have been any clearer. Okay? Like, this is the type of person that you are called to serve and as our relationship with her has developed over the last six months now, it's just been this incredible, incredible synchronicity of she is the person to serve those members of our community who are who are newer who are working on getting that traction, of getting their first high ticket coaching clients. And it it was confirmed again, just last week, I was in a moment of like releasing some trauma, releasing some stored emotions. I was doing like a hip opening yoga practice and crying and just felt in that moment very much like, I'm going to ask for another sign another synchronicity six months later. And about an hour later, Nicole told me that the same woman Maeve Ferguson was I was celebrating her birthday. And what was significant about that is that it was also my rainbow baby's seventh birthday that day. And birthdays are have historically been my kids birthdays have historically been pretty tough for me pretty triggering for me because they remind me of milestones that the my Maeve isn't having here on Earth. And so hence the tears hence the release and asking for a sign and finding out that not only did Maeve Ferguson share a name with my angel Maeve, but Also, she shared a birthday with my rainbow baby like.

So I went, Okay, so, so cool. So we'd already been like in practicality years what all this means, we'd already been planning on sharing, Maeve Ferguson with more of our community, and offering a free workshop, where she helps you create a high ticket coaching offer that converts and using AI to do it with more ease. And that was so so that was such a confirmation to me of oh my gosh, we're on the right track. And really, I also want you to hear that, like, when you create a community and you feel this, if you're a business owner, you create a community, you create such a deep connection, you have so much care for the people in in your community or your followers or your Facebook friends or whatever, right? I do. And if you're listening to this, you probably do as well. And there's always this question of what does it look like to share somebody to share this community that you've created, to introduce someone else to it, right, and to trust that they're going to take the kind of care that you would with your own people. And I've gotten to know, Maeve Ferguson, I have just been, it's been confirmed for me over and over and over that she cares about her community and her clients the same way that that we do. And so I am just amazed by the synchronicity and the signs of all of this, that we get to share her and her genius with, with our community. And so if you're listening to this will, whenever you're listening to this, the workshop that she's hosting on about a week after this recording is going to be located inside of our Facebook group, which will be linked up in the show notes which you can come and and and join the group or if you're in the group, check it out, understand how to build that high ticket offer that converts and how it can be made even more useful with AI without like taking a heart and soul and a connection that we care about so deeply out of it. So I really want to my heart here is to like summarize and say, very, as you can tell, like I've had my eyes closed for most of this recording, I have just been like listening to what is flowing through me What is what wants to be shared organically and straight from my heart. And so this is so vulnerable update of, of what's been going on and the synchronicities and the signs that I have been searching for and have been answered by and a little bit of the way that I've been choosing to collaborate and show up in community and create that sense of community and connection over any sense of like perceived competition, and how much peace and joy and has brought to me and it is even bringing to me to retell this to you. So I want to say thank you for being on this journey. with me and with us. I want to say thank you for listening. Thank you for sharing your time and your energy. With with me and with us. And if this resonates, I'd love to hear about it. And I'd love to invite you to share in this workshop that we are that we are co hosting with Maeve which again you can you can access inside of our Facebook Group link in the show notes. Thank you so much for for listening. Thank you for being part of this journey with with me and with us. Thank you for you know living your own life with passion and from alignment and if you feel inspired to reach out to share I'd love to know what stuck out to you from this episode

here's to living your life with passion