Let's Get Visible Entrepreneurs

140: I made a huge mistake

January 25, 2024 Christine Amerman Episode 140
140: I made a huge mistake
Let's Get Visible Entrepreneurs
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Let's Get Visible Entrepreneurs
140: I made a huge mistake
Jan 25, 2024 Episode 140
Christine Amerman

Oops! I made a huge mistake & I'm breaking it down for you in this episode and sharing what you can learn from my mistake to help improve your business!

When I first made this mistake, immediately my inner critic came up. As I explain in the episode,  "We just tend to make ourselves wrong and make everything wrong. Everything is the worst. I'm the worst. Everything is the worst."

We’re entrepreneurs, but we’re also human! And as humans, we all make mistakes! But it’s about what we learn from them that makes the biggest difference in our business. Tune into the episode to hear the lessons I learned from this mistake + how you can avoid similar problems in your business!

Key takeaways from the episode:

  • The BIG mistake I made in my business recently 
  • What I did to fix my mistake and overcome this challenge
  • How to avoid this crucial mistake in your business
  • …And much more! 

Have a question or topic you’d like to see covered on the podcast? Go to www.lifewithpassion.com/podcast and I’ll create a custom episode just for you!

Show Notes Transcript

Oops! I made a huge mistake & I'm breaking it down for you in this episode and sharing what you can learn from my mistake to help improve your business!

When I first made this mistake, immediately my inner critic came up. As I explain in the episode,  "We just tend to make ourselves wrong and make everything wrong. Everything is the worst. I'm the worst. Everything is the worst."

We’re entrepreneurs, but we’re also human! And as humans, we all make mistakes! But it’s about what we learn from them that makes the biggest difference in our business. Tune into the episode to hear the lessons I learned from this mistake + how you can avoid similar problems in your business!

Key takeaways from the episode:

  • The BIG mistake I made in my business recently 
  • What I did to fix my mistake and overcome this challenge
  • How to avoid this crucial mistake in your business
  • …And much more! 

Have a question or topic you’d like to see covered on the podcast? Go to www.lifewithpassion.com/podcast and I’ll create a custom episode just for you!

Welcome to Let's give visible entrepreneurs. This is the podcast where we bring you the secrets behind what it actually takes to get seen, get known and get more clients. I'm your host, Christine Amerman. And I'm sharing my best strategies from over two decades of experience as a media marketing and messaging expert, to help you expand your exposure, grow your personal brand, attract dream clients, and more, all while staying true to your authentic self and unique vision. If you're a passionate, heart centered entrepreneur, thought leader or expert looking to stand out from the crowd with confidence, you're in the right place. Are you ready? Let's get visible. Welcome to this episode of Let's get visible entrepreneurs. I'm excited to share a little bit of a confessional today and also some lessons that you can use and learn from my huge mistake. Okay. Yes, I made a huge mistake. And I'm owning it. And guess what this is only a few days old. So I spent several days like integrating this and working through it, and have already made all of the updates that you're about to hear. So I feel comfortable sharing this with you because this is part of doing this work. Part of doing personal development work part of running a business is that you return more and more quickly to a state of regulation to a state of trust, to a normal state, whatever that is a non stress, non fight or flight response state. Because you've weathered challenges before. So this podcast is about how we avoided getting sued, essentially. And how we took something that seemed in the moment to be very, very negative. And actually, it became a blessing in disguise. So you've probably heard if you've been listening for a minute that we have this new program that encapsulates 20 years of my experience of helping my clients to get clients of helping my clients in different industries, at different scales. And, you know, right now, what I have found over the last 20 years that my favorite people to help are these coaches who are doing amazing work in the world and want to do more of it and want to help more people. So we have this new program, we invested a lot of time and research into naming it the visibility vortex. And we looked at what our clients and ideal clients are drawn to what it is that they want, what it is that they need, what it is that they're going to get from working with us. And we really fell in love with this title, to be honest with you, which can be dangerous. And I'm going to tell you why. Nicole, my integrator came up with a beautiful, beautiful logo, a rose uses the same structure as a vortex. So we combined the two because the rose is my favorite flower. And it holds a lot of spiritual significance to me, it connects me to my angel daughter. And I love red. And I love red roses. And so we had this beautiful logo, we had a tagline. And for us the the word vortex meant pulling in the people who are most made for your work so that you don't have to go and chase them down. Because the type of visibility that we teach is attraction marketing, or inbound marketing, which I know might sound kind of corporate, but it's essentially this idea that you strategically put out value into the world and people are attracted to your work. I know that value is very nebulous, right. But it's can be very, very simple. So visibility vortex encapsulates what we're going to teach encapsulated. So we thought what are people want and need? We researched other programs, we found that there were other programs named visibility vortex. And honestly, we thought we were safe. We plan this launch. We have been planning this launch for months, you all and finally walked it out just over the past couple of weeks. And it has gotten the attention of some big names in the space. I will keep their confidentiality. But the big names in this space and honestly outside of this space. It's exciting. People are reaching out. We're practicing what we preach, right? It's getting noticed by some of our favorite people because we had named it for these people. Well, a few days ago I got a DM from a big name business owner in the space. Who said hey, so somebody that I know has the trademark on this name, visibility vortex. And they said, I'm not positive, I haven't looked it up. But you know, they're using the TM after the word which you can do, even if you don't have a trademark by the way, and some people do. But they said look into it. I think they have the trademark. And this is another big name person. So, you know, the assumption would be, hey, they have the resources to shut me down if they choose. So I was already having a weird day. It was like, at the end of the day when I got this and my energy was just off. And honestly, I probably just needed to call it a day and go to bed. But my mind was overactive. And I got this DM and I almost burst into tears, like the tears are burning the back of my throat and my eyes, because we had worked so hard on this. Have you ever been there where you're like, I have worked so hard on this thing, and now, I can't use it or now whatever it is, this launch failed, or nobody responded to my post that I put my heart and soul into, or I just haven't been able to get traction, and I'm so disappointed. Well, I've had those things happen before, but I have never had a potential lawsuit happen before. And I am definitely a recovering perfectionist a people pleaser. I thought I was doing all the right things. We had done our research. And yet, here I was, you know, my mind is going to all these places where I get a cease and desist letter, and maybe I get sued and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So I realized that that night, and that time was not the time to make a decision about anything about the potential problems or the potential success or failure of not only this program, but you know, life in general, because we tend to catastrophize when something happens and we make it about all of these other things rather than just hey, this name needs to be changed, for example, or hey, this launch didn't work. This post didn't work, right. We like we just tend to make ourselves wrong, and make everything wrong. Everything is the worst. I'm the worst, everything is the worst. It's the worst, right? So I slept on it. I let Nicole know. And the next day, we hopped on zoom with pieces of paper, and we brainstormed a new name. Now, also in this process, I learned how to properly search on the government's website for a trademark, you know, trademark is not something I've ever gotten for myself. I have coaches who have gone through the trademarking process, I've consulted on the trademark process, when it's it's in my opinion that you want to be making seven figures a year before you apply for a trademark. And so that's why I haven't. And at the same time, I don't spend a lot of time on the trademark website, right, because it's just hasn't been relevant, relevant to my life. And I made the mistake of not searching there. And just looking through Google and finding that there were multiple programs in the visibility vortex and thinking okay, well, one more just fine, like we're not going to be safe, or we're going to be safe. And I just missed that. The one that uses the trademark. So Nicole and I are on Zoom. And we get to choose how we look at this, right. And we very, very quickly realized, hey, we were in love with the visibility vortex name. And this actually was dangerous for us. And instead of this being devastating, and well, now what you know, we're gonna have to name it something lame, we realized that the vortex did not properly convey the promise of the program that we are really helping people to achieve. Okay, we came back to our Cloneable client interviews, what is it that they want, we came back to the clients that we're coaching and where they are in the process of getting visible and attracting clients. And we realized that the work that we do the work that I've always done, and you know, when I read my testimonials, right, and when I talk to my clients and look at my ideal client interviews, it's not just about getting visible. Like we're not just teaching you to how to get an as seen on or you know, banner or these vanity metrics that most of the time if you're not strategic about them, they don't get you clients, but really creating the right way for each of our clients to attract those right Perfect Fit high ticket clients, into their businesses, their own Cloneable clients, the people that they're just so excited to work with. So that's what we do is to help people attract their own what we call Cloneable clients. And so how do we convey that and also How do we convey that in a name that's going to resonate with our clients. And it's going to resonate with our perfect fit clients. And then also, that isn't being used by everyone else that isn't being used by everyone else. Now, there's a reason a lot of people use the same words, right, they resonate, they work, they're proof that they worked for other people would work for you, you know, as opposed to trying to be the very first and only to do something where you have to do a lot of proving that this is a thing and work to become memorable. So we're looking for that sweet spot of what would resonate with people, and what really captures what we do. And we changed the name officially to the client attraction amplifier, the client attraction amplifier. Now here's how we came to the name. All right, and I want you to really pay attention to this because you can use this yourself, I want you to be thinking about if you have a name for your program, and or a tagline for your program, the promise of your program. Even if you don't have a name for it, let's say you just work with clients one on one, you're like, This is my one on one, I want you to be thinking about what the promise of it is. Because this also applies to like, when people ask you what it is that you do, or like we have a client right now who has really struggled with naming herself feeling like she needs the perfect title, in order to be able to explain to people what she does, and I actually don't think that that's true, I actually think it's more important that you're able to explain what it is that you do. Rather than give a title which often can bring its own associates it associations, and people can make assumptions that might not be true. So don't let them assume give them something very, very clear that you are doing. Alright, so let's talk through each of the words. Okay, client, this program is all about attracting aligned clients to your business. Okay, so we wanted to be very, very clear that it's about getting more clients getting to six figures getting to 10k months getting to 20k months, in a way, that is the second word attraction, which this program is very much about getting clear and taking aligned action, not just becoming, you know, a program collector with another program to your name, or a course collector, that's going to sit where it's gonna sit on the shelf, and you didn't do much with it, we know that action is required to build a successful business. And we know that our best people take our best clients with the best results take consistent action doesn't have to be a ton of action, it needs to be consistent, it needs to be clear, it needs to be strategic, right? So attraction has the word action in it, a t t, r, and then the word action. How cool is that? Right? So it's attraction. And it's action, it's two things that we know are extremely important for our type of person to bring in clients, and then the word amplifier. So we help you really to simplify down what you're doing, and then create a clear plan, and support and accountability to carry it out. When we create that simple clear message, mission and plan, then we help you amplify it. So think about like a megaphone, we help you to simplify and really narrow it down. And then we pour gasoline on that fire so that you can attract as many clients as you want, without all of the gross sleazy sales tactics that we all hate. And that don't resonate with us. So our tagline for the client attraction amplifier is Get clear. So we just talked about the clarity, get known, become known as that go to expert, and get clients as a result. Now, what I did here and explaining this to you, is I use a couple of things that are really important for messaging, I use the benefit of the benefit, where I talk about what we're helping you to do. And then I talk about why that's important. And then I also talk about the promise of the program. And then I talked about what it's not, right, like I said, without all of the gross sleazy tactics that we hate, without having to take a ton of action all the time and burnout. So I want you to think about your own program. How accurately does that program or that tagline? Describe the outcome of working with you? Is it crystal clear why someone would want to join what they're going to get out of it? How it addresses their biggest desire, just from what they hear about it, or is it not? Right and this is an opportunity to upgrade how you speak about what it is that you do. This is something that our people get hung up on all the time. What do I put in my bio? On Instagram, for example, or Facebook? What do I call myself? As I mentioned? What do how do I name my program so that people get it? Right, a lot of times we're putting pressure on the wrong things, or we're naming it for something that we're excited about. But that doesn't necessarily resonate with our ideal client. And so this is really, really important to consider. Okay. So to summarize all of this, within 24 hours, less than 24 hours after me getting that DM, we had come up with a new name, run it by some people to validate it, updated it everywhere, our launch had been announced. Our website, socials and the podcast. And it was done. And frankly, it was a relief, we don't have to worry about it anymore. There is no trademark on this name. And it encapsulates again, exactly what it is that we're doing for people. So I want to hear from you. Have you had something like this happen, and then turn it into a blessing, maybe you've had something like this happen, and it's like hanging out in your head, and you've used it as a reason or an excuse not to out of fear, fear of failure, or perfectionism, or you've been procrastinating on fixing something, or coming up with a solution because it just seems so overwhelming. I hope this inspires you. I hope you have gotten some clarity out of this and how you can name or upgrade the name of your own program or your tagline. And by the way, this does not have to be super, super difficult when you know who you're talking to, and what it is that they want. Right? I cannot hone in on that enough. Do not get stuck in your head, as Nicole has reminded me, I think it's a Tony Robbins quote, when you're in your head, you're dead. And I can definitely get caught up in thinking thinking thinking my mind is very, very, very active all of the time, right. So this takes a management. But it can also be very, very simple when you know what you're trying to do. And again, that program name, that tagline those can also inform your bio, I know this because I've come up with a bio that's worth eight figures before. And this is a lot of what we do is like messaging in a way that resonates with you and your ideal client so that you're excited to put it out there. So now we have the client attraction amplifier, and you will be hearing more about that. And I want to hear from you. Let me know what it is that you're going to upgrade or let me know what story or experience you're going to heal after hearing this episode. Thanks so much for listening to another episode of Let's get visible entrepreneurs.