Let's Get Visible Entrepreneurs

143: How To Use Attraction Marketing To Get More Coaching Clients

February 15, 2024 Christine Amerman Episode 143
143: How To Use Attraction Marketing To Get More Coaching Clients
Let's Get Visible Entrepreneurs
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Let's Get Visible Entrepreneurs
143: How To Use Attraction Marketing To Get More Coaching Clients
Feb 15, 2024 Episode 143
Christine Amerman

Are you so done with the hustle of chasing down your next potential client, or dealing with the stress of where your next coaching client will come from? Instead of chasing, you could be attracting clients to your coaching business. Enter = Attraction Marketing! 

Rather than going on and just friend requesting a bunch of people and sending the same message to everybody who looks like they might be a potential client… this is a strategy to help clients find YOU so that you aren't consistently feeling like you have to chase them down or laying in bed at night wondering where your next client comes from.

In this episode, you’ll hear about:

  • Attraction marketing: what is it & how to apply it to your business
  • How to stop chasing clients + wondering where your next client is coming from 
  • The 5 keys of attraction marketing 
  • How to attract clients through your content 

Have a question or topic you’d like to see covered on the podcast? Go to www.lifewithpassion.com/podcast and I’ll create a custom episode just for you!

Show Notes Transcript

Are you so done with the hustle of chasing down your next potential client, or dealing with the stress of where your next coaching client will come from? Instead of chasing, you could be attracting clients to your coaching business. Enter = Attraction Marketing! 

Rather than going on and just friend requesting a bunch of people and sending the same message to everybody who looks like they might be a potential client… this is a strategy to help clients find YOU so that you aren't consistently feeling like you have to chase them down or laying in bed at night wondering where your next client comes from.

In this episode, you’ll hear about:

  • Attraction marketing: what is it & how to apply it to your business
  • How to stop chasing clients + wondering where your next client is coming from 
  • The 5 keys of attraction marketing 
  • How to attract clients through your content 

Have a question or topic you’d like to see covered on the podcast? Go to www.lifewithpassion.com/podcast and I’ll create a custom episode just for you!

You don't have the kind of engagement that you want, you don't have people finding you, it's likely because you don't understand attraction marketing. Welcome to Let's give visible entrepreneurs. This is the podcast where we bring you the secrets behind what it actually takes to get seen, get known and get more clients. I'm your host, Christine Amerman. And I'm sharing my best strategies from over two decades of experience as a media marketing and messaging expert, to help you expand your exposure, grow your personal brand, attract dream clients, and more, all while staying true to your authentic self and unique vision. If you're a passionate, heart centered entrepreneur, thought leader or expert looking to stand out from the crowd with confidence, you're in the right place, are you ready? Let's get visible. There's a trend in the coaching and consulting world right now that I really, really dislike. And I want to talk about an alternative, what we teach our clients. If you've been listening, you know, we're all about alignment, being in alignment with your values, having a strategy that works for you. And what doesn't work for most of our people is family DMS. Now they must work for somebody because people keep doing them, I keep getting them. I know my clients get them across platforms. It's not just one place where it's happening. It's across platforms, you can sniff them a mile away, even if they are positioned as free value. And you all know what I'm talking about. And we really teach the opposite of that. We want to help you understand attraction marketing as well. And that's what today's episode is about attraction marketing, I want to introduce you in depth to this concept, and help you learn how to take this to your business as well. First of all, what the heck is attraction marketing. In corporate world if you have had a job in marketing, this is called inbound marketing. And attraction marketing, which I like better, which sounds more fun, right? is essentially this idea that you put value out into the world and not just any value, not this like nebulous value that I've heard a lot of coaches talk about, just add value, and they will come that's not true. Strategically putting out value into the world and attracting people to your work that way. Attraction Marketing is a strategic approach that focuses on warming up engaging, serving potential clients creating that know like and trust that you've probably heard, if you've been in this space, people only buy from people that they know like and trust rather than actively pursuing them or chasing them down. Rather than going on and just friend requesting a bunch of people and sending the same message to everybody who looks like they might be a potential client, and then telling them to go check their others folder and messenger because the you don't want them to miss it. Or I've seen people who go on to someone that they perceive as a competitors page and look at the comments and like spam those people in their inboxes friend request them anytime you're going outward. Anytime you are chasing anytime you are sliding into people's DMS without their consent without a prior conversation happening, I consider that spammy. And what we really do and teach people to do is to ask for consent. If you're going to start a DM conversation with them respond to something they said to you, of course, right hopefully that's obvious. But if not, if you want to attract people into your DMS you want to attract people into your world. Ask them first ask for hand raises. This I am talking about making calls to action here. Now there are other ways to use attraction marketing. But essentially when it boils down to it, it's a strategy to help clients find you so that you aren't consistently feeling like you have to chase them down or laying in bed at night wondering where your next client comes from. If you have ever felt that way, attraction marketing might be a huge relief. So let's dive into the five keys of attraction marketing. First of all attraction marketing requires you to have a crystal clear understanding of who it is that you are trying to attract. who it is that you're trying to attract. I cannot tell you the number of people who come To us, and are not as clear as they need to be in order for attraction marketing to work. We call this knowing your Cloneable clients who it is that you want to fill your program with. And I'm not exactly a big fan of narrowing it down to one avatar with a name and knowing which magazines that they read. I'm talking about the the kind of amalgamation of your favorite clients, or folks in your life, who if they were clients would be your favorite, and your favorite clients? How do they speak? How did they speak when they came to you? And what do they want? This might seem so simple, but if you haven't revisited this lately, chances are, you are speaking to yourself, and what you need. And you probably have heard us say like using social media as a journal or a diary, when you wake up, and you're like, what am I gonna say today, whether or not you know it. And this really, really, really falls flat with your ideal audience. So if you don't have the kind of engagement that you want, you don't have people finding you, it's likely because you don't understand attraction marketing, there are businesses who are have gotten to eight figures 10 million or more, and many of them are still not clear. So from the outside, they might look like they have it all together, they might have built a business that has very, very little profit margin. But big numbers, I've seen these types of businesses, and they're churning and burning through clients, because maybe they're spending a bunch of money on ads, or maybe they're doing this or maybe they're doing that they might have gotten a lot of revenue, but they aren't dialed in, and their marketing. And their messaging feels all over the place. Because guess what it is? If you want a deeper understanding of this, you can go to Episode 138, where we talk about niche to go deeper. Number two, the second key of attraction marketing is content marketing. This is what we do. Content Marketing can be across platforms. So we recommend that you have a primary platform. Where are you showing up with valuable and relevant content to attract those ideal perfect fit clients? Some options are social media content, podcast guesting having your own podcast, blogging, on your website, blogging on other people's writing articles on other platforms, strategically doing videos in one place, right? These are a chance to share compelling stories that connect with your audience emotionally. That's what they're looking for. Right? They're not just looking for the person with the exact, I don't know, bonuses, or sexy course, or whatever. They're looking for someone that they know like and trust. Stories are how we learned your stories. We call them stories that silently sell because we're not talking about being pushy, or salesy, or like overly promotional. We're talking about stories because they are so much more memorable, exponentially memorable than just sharing facts. And this creates know like and trust faster than anything else. And if you think about maybe your favorite influencers, the People's people whose content that you really follow online, you could probably think of some visceral stories that they've told whether it's about how and why they got started in business or about some struggle that they went through and overcame, or maybe some of their clients stories, I bet you can think of at least one that you're like, oh, my gosh, story, story. Right. You can also create some interactive content, asking people to engage with you. And see how that goes. It could be calls to action, it could be quizzes, it could be polls, it could be asking people for feedback via surveys. I don't recommend that you do all of this. But I want you to see some other forms of attraction marketing, if you have an email list, you can work with them as well, because they have opted in to hear from you. Right protip do not look at your unsubscribes it's just gonna mess with your mind. If they don't, if they aren't gonna buy from you. You don't want them on your list anyway, if they don't enjoy you, they're not a superfan. They're not a potential client, bless and release. Okay, the third key to attraction marketing is having a powerful personal brand. If you want to go deep on this, you can go to Episode 141, just two episodes ago where we dive into this. But in summary, quickly a personal brand is something that they are drawn to something that really resonates with them, that allows people to feel your authenticity allows people to know you're credible At and also understand your values where you're coming from. Again, this creates no like and trust, it creates the things that you need in order for people to come to you with their hand already raised, oh my gosh, I love what you do. I want to know more, I want to learn more, you seem like my person. Consistency is really important here. I've heard it said so many times that what you're experiencing right now in your business is the result of what you did 90 days ago. And a lot of people that I see in the space don't even last 90 days with one offer, they talk themselves out of it after a week or a month. They're just like it's not working. And they don't stick with it long enough. And my, one of my coaches said to me, it's like, the bubbles, the tiny little bubbles that appear at the bottom of a pot. Before the full, rolling boil, it's kind of hard to say full rolling boil that five times fast. But those little teeny tiny bubbles, just starting to get some some possibility out there getting some consistency, Don't stop, keep going. Because the more consistent that you are, the more memorable you become. Next is how are you capturing the incoming leads as they are attracted to you this doesn't have to be complicated. This is what happens when you're creating inbound sales, when you're creating magnetic attraction, you need to have a way to get them into your world, once they have established know like and trust with you. So this could be freebies, this could be resources, this could be information, this could be a call, right? You want to serve them really, really well, on the back end of that value. Don't just turn and burn. And by the way, if you don't have freebies yet, if you don't have an email list yet, it's probably too soon. It's probably too soon. That's what I find with my clients all the time. They're setting up systems, they're setting up automations. They're setting up these things, when they haven't fully attracted the right folks that are already in their existing audience. But they're like following some coach who has 10x or 20x, the revenue who's saying set up automations. And oh, by the way, use an affiliate link, right? And it's just too soon. It's just too soon, my friends. So focus on where you're getting those little bubbles? Where have you been consistent? And where could you be consistent for at least 90 days sharing content specifically targeted to that Cloneable client again, going back to number one. And having a way for them to reach out to you this could be the DMS, it could be that simple. If that's where you are beautiful. Allow it to be there. All right, the fifth and final key to attraction marketing. We mentioned this briefly earlier, but it's your authenticity. It's your authenticity, people can feel whether chat GPT wrote your freaking content, it's so easy to spot you all. If you're not being authentic, you might accidentally repel the people who are most meant for your work. Now, this is also going to mean likely if it's effective, some people may come to you and they might not be the right fit. We're not talking about 100% Hitting the Bullseye every time we're talking about positioning yourself and how your messaging is positioned to attract those vulnerable clients. Another part of it is the energy with which you create that content. People can feel if you're being authentic. People can feel if you're being salesy. People can feel if you're being transparent. Now, this doesn't mean getting naked online and being that attention seeking person that so many of us are afraid to be. This means being strategic, you can go back to what I shared about personal brand for this being genuine with what you do show up and share. Sharing your scars, not your wounds that you're actively working on healing, but build trust and more connection at scale between what you've strategically chosen to include in your personal brand, and the people who follow you. And this will create what happens is people who have maybe been watching you for years or that you've been friends with when you get these five keys dialed you would not believe what happens. You would not believe people will come out of the woodwork and reach out and say hey, I want what you have or Hey, could you help me with this or know someone who does your authentic self positions you as that expert in your niche and that is what I want for you. So attraction marketing, begin to ponder it. Think about how you can include it in your work. and let us know how it goes thanks for joining us for this episode