The Career Change Maker Podcast

# 179: Why Your Dream Career Is A LOT Closer Than You Think

Janine Esbrand

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In today’s episode of the ‘Career Change Maker’ podcast, I am talking about why your dream career is a lot closer than you think. I talk about finding an ideal role which means ensuring that it is fully aligned to who you are as a person and that you're able to bring to the table the strengths and values you have.

I also want to talk about the fact that when you execute an ideal role or a dream role, you're going to feel like you're in flow with it, and to feel like everything's good in the way that you're doing on a day-to-day basis.


Episode Highlights

·       01:55 -  I hear from a lot of people, particularly the lawyers that I've worked with, who have professional services backgrounds, that they want to make a change. They know that where they are right now is not where they want to be.

·       03:50 - When it comes to making the pivot, I've realized that there's so much time and energy that you spend at work on a day-to-day basis.

·       07:45 – We can’t just rely on our experience; you have to recognize that sometimes exposure needs to happen before you can experience something else.

·       09:10 - When I first started out in my business, I invested in programs, and got in rooms with people who had achieved the thing that I wanted to achieve.

·       11:05 -  When you drill down and think about your skillset, and you think about the commerciality of your mind-set, and how it is that you can approach transactions, conversations and negotiations. 

What you will learn:

  1. One of the things that are consistent in terms of what clients say to me after they've gone through my program is that they have now expanded their belief around what is possible, I was  literally talking to a client in this January cohort of the program. I was asking what are some of your biggest takeaways and the client shared that one of her biggest takeaways was just recognizing what is possible for her and all of the possibilities that are out there inside her industry or adjacent to her current industry.
  2. If you don’t get exposed to something, then you wouldn't be able to believe in it and won’t be able to move on to the next big thing. We don't necessarily have to focus on the big leagues, but even for you to make the shifts, or for you to make the pivots you need to know what's out there available for you. So you need to be able to expose yourself differently from how you're exposing yourself right now.
  3. The thing that we need to be thinking about is not that I want to make a big career change but I can't take a pay cut so I'm going to have to stay where I am. Instead what we need to be thinking about is maintaining this level of salary. What are the potential adjacent opportunities that I could pursue which will allow me to continue to leverage the skills that I have and still come on with the type of salary that I have desired?

Other episodes you may also enjoy:

Episode 91 - Uncovering Your Top Strengths

Episode 90 - Day Two: What Do You Want Life To Look Like?


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