The Career Change Maker Podcast

# 181: How This Lawyer Pivoted Into An Unconventional Legal Role That Is Perfect For Her

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In today’s episode of the ‘Career Change Maker’ podcast, I am talking about how this lawyer pivoted into an unconventional legal role that is perfect for her. I wanted to share with you a little story to give you an example of a lawyer who was able to pivot into an unconventional role and how she made that possible.

The reason I am talking about this example is that this particular lawyer went through one of my programs and oftentimes we hear that things are possible but then if we don't see an example of it, it's hard to truly believe it. So, when you see an example from someone who's in a similar space to you then it is easy to believe.


Episode Highlights

·       03:20 -  I want to share with you the three things that my client had to pay attention to that allowed her to identify and then move into different types of roles.

·       05:55 - There are a number of learned behaviours that we develop in our careers and those learned behaviours serve us well because they allow us to operate in the environment that we've been put in, and they allow us to perform.

·       07:40 - The second thing that she did was to address the beliefs around what good would look like. So in order to do that she had to identify what would be good without putting the filters on.

·       09:20 – My client got to the place where she was aware of who she was, and was aware of the type of role that would be good for her.

·       10:50 – Since she knew that this was an ideal opportunity for her, so rather than taking the approach that she used to take to opportunities, it was more yes, and so she went for it.


What you will learn:

  1. This client of mine had been in her career, she started off in private practice, she worked hard to get to where she was, and she had done some testing. So she had taken some different roles, and kind of created a portfolio career for herself but was still feeling like something was missing. She was thinking about moving into different industries, wanted to do something that was more meaningful, and was using her skill set completely. So when she came into the program, she was a bit skeptical as to whether or not it was going to be possible for her to figure out what else she might do.
  2. So we learn how to show up, we learn how to speak, we learn what to say, we learn how to navigate our way through certain environments, but are those things that you've learned align with who you actually are as a person, and how you would typically show up if those things were not required for you. So it's important to understand your true self, not just the self that shows up at work, and does what you're supposed to be doing because you're paid to do it, but the self that you are outside of work.
  3. The third phase is to expand your understanding and knowledge about what is available. Oftentimes, we have our blinkers on and don't always take the time to look outside of that to consider the current landscape that we're in and how the industry is changing and how new opportunities are being developed all of the time because of innovation and change.

Other episodes you may also enjoy:

Episode 155: How To Be More Confident In Your Career Change Decisions

Episode 162: The #1 Career Lesson I wish I Learned Sooner


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