The Career Change Maker Podcast

# 182: How Lack Of Alignment Is Costing You Thousands Every Single Year

June 02, 2022

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In today’s episode of the ‘Career Change Maker’ podcast, I am talking about how lack of alignment is costing you thousands every single year. I see that people go around saying that they want to change but they're not making any moves.


People have the desire to make a career move but there's resistance so either people know what they need to do, but they're not taking the action, or they don't know what they need to do, but they're not getting the support.


Episode Highlights

·       02:30 -  What I see as a pattern time and time again, is that people say they want to make a move in their careers but then when it comes to actually taking action there is resistance there.

·       04:15 - When there is a lack of alignment in your career, and when you are feeling frustrated, those feelings have to be channelled somewhere. This is when the people who are close to you, are the ones who experience those emotions.

·       05:50 – Many times when I finished working with my clients inside of my program, and we wrap up and they're able to really transform their work-life, they come to me and say “Thank you for your support, and my husband also says thanks.”

·       07:30 - I want us to be thinking that when we are deciding and making a decision not to take any action and not to do things differently. Know that it not only affects you but it affects those around you. It doesn't just affect you because of the emotions that you're feeling they have to go somewhere.

·       09:50 -  It's important to think about where is it that you want to be because people say that they want to make a move, but they're not taking any action. When you're not taking any action then you're not going to get to where it is you could get to.

What you will learn:

  1. What often happens is the people that you love, the people who are close to you, those are the people that experience the real emotions. So the outside world, the work world, they get the polished version, and then the people who are close to you get the real version. So what that looks like is getting irritated with your children. It looks like not having much patience with family members who will have a conversation with you.
  2. The other aspect of being in a place where there's no alignment between who you are and how you want to show up in the work that you do is that it's not going to be possible for you to truly get to the place where your earning potential is fulfilled when you're not in the right role. All of the irritation and frustration that you're experiencing, all of that takes your energy and capacity.
  3. It is important to recognize the opportunity costs for the decisions that you're making or the decisions you're not making when it comes to your career progression and your career advancement. If you've been saying the same thing time and time again for the last few months or years, but yet you're still in the same position then the question is what is holding you back from moving forward, and then when you identify what that is, how can you be approaching it.

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