The Career Change Maker Podcast

# 191 - The Identify Shifts That Must Happen If You Want To Make A Career Change

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In today’s episode I am diving into the identity shifts that must happen if you want to make a career change.

I've had so many conversations with clients who say they want to make a career change but they don't have the relevant credentials, discredit the experience that they already have and talk themselves out of opportunities before they do any divining to really assess if they could be a good candidate.

One of my clients kept herself with a box, she couldn't see herself doing anything different, despite the fact that she had the credentials, the experience and met all the criteria.She didn't take on that leadership identity initially.  Once she did the work and started to look at things differently and separated who she is from what she does, new opportunities started coming her way.

What you will learn:

1. The importance of identity shifts - when you can separate who you are from what you do it is easier to be open to new possibilities

2. Leverage your varied expertise - The experience that you have gained elsewhere can be relevant and welcomed in the new are that you want to move into. What you already have can give you an edge and help you to stand out.

3. The power of selling your value - Once you recognise the objective of the organisation and the purpose of the role you're less likely to consider whether you are "good enough?" and more likely to focus on whether you have a track record of figuring things out. Organisations are more concerned with the value that you bring, than you probably realise.

Other episodes you may also enjoy:

Episode 109 - The Importance Of Tapping Into The Hidden Job Market

Episode 120: Has The Fear of Success Been Holding You Back?


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