The Career Change Maker Podcast

#193 Reasons You Are Convincing Yourself You Need To Stay In A Role You No Longer Enjoy

Janine Esbrand

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In today's episode I am talking about the 3 reasons you are convincing yourself you need to stay in a role you no longer enjoy.

I get a lot of people asking me questions like: 'How did you make the transition from a Lawyer to a career coach?', and 'What made you take the big leap?'

I have asked myself why it took me so long to make the move and what was my thought process. After reflecting, I came up with 3 reasons why I was delaying the career move that I knew I wanted to make, and in this podcast episode, I share them with you.

What you will learn:

  1. How doubting whether it's possible to make a career move can hold you back - I know you have invested so much time into your career and getting to where you are today, so it makes sense that you have doubts whether you can make the transition, and still have the salary that you require. You may feel that you might have to take a pay cut or make a complete change in industry and you're concerned that you lack the skills. But when you gather data that helps you to get a better vision of the possibilities that are out there for you, you will feel confident and inspired to take the action required.
  2. How to deal with confusion around the career transition you want to make - When you have been in your industry for years, you know how the organisation works. you know what you need to do to progress within that organisation. But when you're making a career move, it's something new, out of your comfort zone, so of course the confusion is going to creep in! Should you make a shift, leap or pivot? I'm going to help you decide what opportunities there are to explore.  
  3. Why guilt can stop you in your tracks - Guilt appears when you have committed a lot of time and effort working hard and making progress in an organisation. You might be unhappy, and you have decided you want a career change, but feel guilty because of all the time and effort you have invested into your role. I'm going to help you release this feeling of guilt so that you feel freedom to move into a new role that aligns with you and your goals.

Other episodes you may also enjoy:

Episode 185: Growing Into Your New Role After A Career Change

Episode 192: How To Get A Six Figure Salary Increase During Your Career Change With Scott Barlow


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