The Career Change Maker Podcast

# 198: Why You Should Frequently Audit Your Own Performance

November 24, 2022

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In today's episode I will be talking about why you should frequently audit your own performance in the context of the work place.

There are so many occasions when I speak to clients that I'm working with who are ready to step up in their careers, who are ready to articulate the value they bring to an organisation. 

When we start looking for the evidence and looking for the examples of the work they've completed, the impact they have already made, they struggle to bring everything together.

Often times we want and rely on a structure that's put in place within an organisation. i.e. the annual review.

That is not often enough - we can't just rely on the organisation or the job search process to make us do the work that we should be doing throughout our journeys... the work that we should be doing on a consistent basis.

If you're being intentional about the goals you are setting around your career development, then you're able to be intentional about tracking the results that you're getting. If you are not taking time to decided what it is you're trying to achieve, it's difficult to track it and if you're not tracking it, it's difficult to talk about it... and if you're not talking about it, it's difficult to get recognised for it.

What you will learn:

  1. How to audit every 90 days: By doing an audit every quarter, you are taking time to plan ahead and decide what is it that you want to achieve in the next quarter. The 3 things you need to focus on when doing your audit are: what are your personal goals? What are the company's goals? How do your goals align with the company's goals? When you understand what you want to do and your goals align with the company, it's so much easier for you to draw out the value that you bring. 
  2. Identifying your strengths: Lean into what you're good at and how you do things best. You're likely to get to where you want to get to quicker doing this, rather than trying to do something in a pre-prescribed way that doesn't align.
  3. Importance of auditing: When you are in your day-to-day role, it's easy to lose track of the goals you have set. Setting your goals and doing an audit for the next quarter is helping you keep on track.

Other episodes you may enjoy:

Episode 192: How To Get A Six Figure Salary Increase During Your Career Change With Scott Barlow

Episode 197: Moving Past Negative Work Experiences


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