From Sumplace New: The Long-Term Travel Podcast

There has never been a better time to work remotely and travel—ever! (E16)

Jon Sumple & Karen Bernhardt-Sumple Episode 16

We have never been more amped up than we are for this episode because it has become crystal clear that the current employment environment is opening doors for people to take their remote work on the road. Want proof?

  • 77% of survey respondents of a recent survey expect the number of employees working primarily from home (at least three days a week) will increase post-pandemic. 
  • Consulting company Global Workplace Analytics estimates that when the pandemic is over, 30 percent of the entire workforce will work from home at least a couple times a week. Before the pandemic, that number was in the low single digits
  • A Littler Mendelson PC survey of 1,000 employer says that 30% of respondents plan to change policies to allow telework as long as employees prove to be productive

The truth is there has never been a better time — in the history of the world! — to begin transitioning to a remote working lifestyle from abroad.

So why not now? And why not you? We provide several reasons why this is an ideal time to start planning, and what steps to take, as well as hacks to make you a better remote worker while abroad.

This is the most important episode we have done, because we truly believe it will inspire people to consider the possibilities and then take steps to creating their personal journey.

Are you ready to join us? We can't wait to see you on the road!

If you have a family and are considering a travel lifestyle, make sure to check out our friends Jessica and Will Sueiro at They are the experts on planning for long-term family travel!

Follow us on Instagram: @SumplaceNew
Follow us on Facebook: @SumplaceNew


Intro/Outro Music: The World at Large by Daniel O'Connor
Intro VO: Laura Welsh