
E23 Futuresteading Shortie : Life in lockdown

Jade Miles & Catie Payne Season 1 Episode 22

Need some lockdown solidarity? Here’s 20 minutes of it, with a real and honest chat about our experiences, and insights, from the ongoing Victorian lockdown. 

Jade’s juggling kids on the farm in Stage 3 while Catie is chucking tanties at her laptop in Melbourne’s Stage 4. We hope this little small glimpse into our everyday is akin to a virtual hug.

Caveat: There's no one experience of lockdown, nor prescription for doing it right. We acknowledge our relative good fortune while honouring the tougher-than-tough reality of so many others.


  • Why Catie's brain is like wet cake
  • Long funky days at home with kids
  • Wired brains and screen-impacted sleep
  • Solidarity!
  • Finding daily patterns for consistency and reassurance
  • Why this enforced localisation is giving us the chance to take a microscopic view of our local turf
  • Sharing a daily lunch with family - snack plates + kids
  • The value of accepting this period of wartime-like grief
  • Seeing a psychologist is a mental multivitamin
  • We are experiencing acute instability
  • Grief/joy/love are combining to create empathy for others
  • Human adaptability
  • At least there's no FOMO!
  • Willingness to be vulnerable; we are all in this together
  • The value of maintaining perspective
  • The value of repetition and order
  • Diving into abstract, artistic, creative concepts and classic literature
  • Loving those at home
  • Letting joy be your compass - harking back to our childhood loves
  • Why we don't have to have a picture of the new world we want. Nature is emergent; let's be open to unfolding solutions
  • Seeing the beauty in the immediate


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