This is a conversation about the future. About creating a culture that values tomorrow. We reckon a slower, simpler, steadier existence is the first step - one that’s healthier for humans and the planet. We call it Futuresteading. Each week we chat to community builders, ritual makers, food growers, health wizards and environmental wisdom keepers, gathering practical advice and epic solidarity - so we can all nut this thing out together. Join our nitty, gritty, honest and hopeful convo every Monday during our 16 episode seasons. Support the pod by shouting us a cuppa >>> buymeacoffee.com/futuresteading
Ep 152 Charlie Showers - Farming as his laboratory for life + initiating boys into manhood
Meet Jades husband - Charlie Showers. Perched at the kitchen table, this conversation is steered by questions received from listeners. For an oft reserved gent, Charlie emotionally opens the doors about why he leans into the 'uncomfortable' to realise his humanity, to the grief of facing his own mortality, taking his boys through rites of passage & why regenerative farming has been the perfect laboratory to spur his curiosity about systems, our connection to biological processes & being brave enough to do the opposite of what the mainstream insist on when fighting for a life of perpetuity for humanity.
Learn what 'exudate' means & how it could be the chance for all of us to leave life instead of destruction behind us + what he want's done with his teeth when he dies.
Links You'll Love
Pandoras Seed
Black Barn Farm
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We chatted about:
Sharing a common vision but not always sharing the same timing ambitions
Movement has power - just start & collectively the energies come together
The value of being a curious poly-jobist
Why bringing a dream to fruition is impatience filled when the vision is so clear
His experience of taking his boys through rites of passage
Where he wants to be buried
Numbing yourself with the anaesthetic of netflix
Relishing the chance to build deeper ritual in his life
Embracing discomfort
Being a morning person through & through
His enough: a daily reflection - what's enough for him spiritually & to be who he truly is
Also asking - what will I strip away but what do I need more of: cultural depth,
His desire to explore an extremely simple existence - stripping back his farming 'needs'
Moving away from the word 'farming' - becoming hyper experimental in the way he produces food on country
Moving away from the loaded word of 'farming'
Exploring the edges of the system we are all ensconced in
What the landscape he stewards evokes in him & being a proud contributor to the Alpine Valleys of North East Victoria.
"I'm yearning to be surrounded by people who are connected to place not just for the sake of it but because its important to living in a deep
The intimate beauty of hosting on farm Wwoofers (volunteers)
Composting op shop shirts when they literally fall off his back
Being a banjo playing hack, brewing moonshine, anti authoritarian
Collecting Teeth
Storytelling: An important part of sharing culture.
The complexity of being the partner of someone who has such a strong calling
Cultural anaesthetics
The journeys he has left in him - entwined in an exploration of self & elderhood
Inner work for the benefit of then serving his community around him
Modifying Black Barn Farm so it becomes a much more community space where the sum of the parts are greater than the whole.
Exudate: providing things for the benefit of other things.
You can go through life & the exhaust that comes out of the back of you does not have to be waste, rather a product that contributes to the building of more life.