Open To Happiness

86 - The link between consciousness, genetics and happiness

October 05, 2022 Nicoleta Porojanu

In this episode Nicoleta talks about consciousness, genetics and happiness with dr. Bruce Lipton, stem cell biologist, best-selling author and internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit.

Bruce and Nicoleta unpack the biology of belief and empower people with their lived experience.

What is the connection between consciousness, matter and miracles?

The shift from the classical Newtonian physics to the new quantum physics.

Why matter is in fact energy.

Learning from Max Planck who laid the foundation of quantum theory and won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1918.

Quantum Physics reveals that consciousness is energy and our thoughts are creating our life experiences.

The science of our new biology Epigenetics reveals that consciousness is controlling your genes. 

What we learn from “The Matrix” documentary. 

Why the brain is a computer and the mind is the "matrix of all matter".

Between the conscious creative mind and the subconscious programmed thinking.

The programme learned by the subconscious mind that works on automatic pilot. 

How we sabotage our lives with our 95% repetitive thinking and self-diminishing tendencies. 

Why genes control only 1% of diseases, and the remaining are due to environment, lifestyle and consciousness.

When life strives to be happy, in harmony and ease, and the mind activates genes that create illness. 

Why a mental “mis-programming” leads to misfunction and internal disharmony and can cause disease. 

When new ideas bring new energies in the brain. 

Where the energy psychology is driving the world.

Find out more about Dr. Bruce Lipton's work here: