Imagine Yourself Podcast
Step into the next chapter of your life with faith and purpose. Imagine Yourself is more than just a podcast—it’s a space for encouragement, renewal, and growth. Hosts Lanée Blaise and Sandy Kovach invite you to journey with them as they navigate life’s twists and turns through the lens of faith.
For over five years, this dynamic duo has uplifted and inspired listeners with their blend of wisdom, wit, and spiritual insight. Covering topics like faith, relationships, career, health, and personal growth, they bring you wisdom from expert guests along with their own lived experiences. Here, you’ll find a welcoming space to embrace self-improvement—without judgment or pressure, but with grace and encouragement.
Imagine Yourself Podcast
Finding God in the Quiet Moments w/ Rev. Dr. AdaRA Walton
This week we experienced a “soul reset” as we had the honor of hosting the remarkable Rev. Dr. AdaRA Walton. She brought an enlightening perspective on how to connect with God in the quiet moments of our lives. She introduces a transformative acronym for "LIGHT"—Living in Love, Inspiration, Gratitude, Harmony, and Thankfulness—that guides this journey.
Connect with Rev. Dr. AdaRA Walton
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"Imagine Yourself" is hosted by Lanée Blaise and Sandy Kovach—two dynamic voices with a passion for inspiring and uplifting others. Lanée, a TV writer, producer, motivational speaker, and podcaster, brings powerful storytelling and insight. Sandy, a radio personality, voiceover artist, and podcaster, delivers warmth and wisdom with every conversation. Broadcasting from the Detroit Metro area, they welcome guests from around the world to share valuable perspectives on health, career growth, faith, and personal transformation. Tune in and imagine the possibilities for your life!
Lanée Blaise [00:00:04]:
Today on Imagine Yourself, we have a treat that is just going to bless everyone who listens. I'm Lanae here with Sandy, and our guest who happens to be my absolutely amazing auntie cousin. And I know auntie cousin is not a word that everybody thinks of, but she's officially my mom's cousin and my cousin, but she gives all the wonderful auntie vibes and I just love and respect her. And she has been a tremendous help for me when I was at my lowest and also she's always there when I'm at my highest. So I would like to introduce the Reverend Doctor. Adara Walton. She's an ordained Reverend, Doctor of Naturopathy, Bioenergy Kinesiologist, Reiki master, teacher, and author of the book that I have right here in my hand, everybody's truth, muscle testing for the masses.
Lanée Blaise [00:01:16]:
So I will just jump right in and welcome reverend Adara Walton to Imagine Yourself.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:01:29]:
I am so happy and I'm blessed to deliver whatever it is god wants you all to know today.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:01:38]:
gonna say this. I'm just here to edutain you, and you should do that. I'm gonna educate your audience, and I'm gonna entertain you.
Sandy Kovach [00:01:46]:
Now I'm gonna call you reverend Adara, but I probably would like to call you auntie cousin because that's or doctor. I mean, there's all the things.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:01:56]:
All of it is fine. I just tell people just don't call me out my name.
Sandy Kovach [00:02:00]:
Alright. Alright. So the whole concept that you have is being led by the Holy Spirit, by talking, listening, praying, and getting words from God to help guide your life and other people's. So when people hear that, you know, it depends on whatever denomination they're in or, you know, whatever their level of being comfortable with, scripture or there's so many things that feed into this. Some people think it's woo woo. Some people think it's, like, I do it every day. So I'm just gonna ask you as if someone is just starting on this process and they're opening their minds to this, what's the first beginning step?
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:02:37]:
The first thing I would tell them is to and I really seriously mean this. I've done this even with the new student this year. Be your light. Grow your light. Show your light. Really be it and people will say, well, what is that? Now, I have an acronym. I will share it with you. This isn't from a book.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:02:58]:
Again, this is from my own inspiration. I do hear. Listen, really, extremely well. My acronym for light is when I want that person, I want you to be living. That's your L in love, inspiration, gratitude, L I G H, harmony, and thankfulness. There is a difference. L I G H T. Now, it says right in scripture and that's the other thing.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:03:30]:
I can go as I say biblical on people on Psalm. I just want to pepper a few things. It does say, the light of the body it says is the eye. Now, we talk about the 3rd eye. You don't need your physical eyes to show, to feel, to grow, to exude your light. You do have, we are so a magnificently made. So, you have this little thing here, okay? People they call it the 3rd eye but even Jesus, Yeshua, say it, let thine eye be single and if therefore, your eye is single, your body will be full of light but we really are people have read that line. You're a spiritual being having a human experience.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:04:16]:
Well, I can actually measure as an energy Kinesia. I can measure your light. I can tell you how to grow your light. Even people, if you want your child to study better, to get better grades, get rid of your incandescent lights, buy what's called full spectrum light. They sell those now. Home Depot and those full spectrum actually approximates the sun. It's a duplicates the light from the sun and they tell you now, go out in the sun to do what? Reset your melatonin, your circadian system. Okay, the melatonin.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:04:53]:
So, you sleep better at night but you have to start in the morning. You have to be out in the light, in the sunlight. So, we feed our bodies food and nutrition to grow the physical bodies. You have to feed yourself light. So, you have to be loving. You have to feel inspiration. Just like the 2 of you doing this show. You have to be in harmony.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:05:17]:
So, you grow your life. I can get a black card. Show everyone. You and you close your eyes, you go into that space, the darkness. I can test you for your spiritual light. I have it right in my book. I actually have people review my book, take one chapter, go out and do the exercises on light and voila. It's like, we gotta call this woman.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:05:40]:
It works. You look at the black car, look at anything, and you can press on an arm. The body, we are designed to spirit to be on the positive. So, you learn how to feed yourself light. How do you do that? With prayer. You feed yourself light through prayer, through meditation, good works, good thoughts. The body will actually physically show a response when you say something positive, when you smile, when you feed it light. Jesus said, I am the light of the world.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:06:15]:
He who follows me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life. That's John 8 and 12. That's one of my other favorite ones. So you learn to ingest light. You learn to even if it's a low level light, but I tell people get rid. They've done studies in schools. This is clinical, hard evidence data that you put a full spectrum light bulb in your bulbs at home. Children's test scores improve.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:06:50]:
If you have a child that's angry, I don't like to use labels, but as an MD, I have had to deal with children that were ADD, ADHD, and ODD, oppositional defiant disorders. Those are the ones who bully. Give them a light filled diet. Change the lights in your house. Get the lights in the kitchen. If you have the long, you know, tubes, they make full spectrum tubes. But you can now buy the bulbs. It's called full spectrum.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:07:19]:
There are so many clinical studies on that. It will enhance the light And guess what happens? The personality changes. You do change as above so below from the inside out. But these are clinical studies on tests and exams where students do much better and you work, folks, in an office environment under full spectrum lights, and they have them in all sizes now. But that's what approximates, you know, the sun. So I do know when you're working in the dark, you're having sad thoughts, depressed thoughts, you're not showing and shining your light, and light will prevail.
Sandy Kovach [00:08:05]:
Let's talk a little bit about someone like you who literally hears you know, is guided by the Holy Spirit, hears from God, however you wanna put it, all the time. How does it happen? Is it something you get a feeling? You get a nudge?
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:08:20]:
Yes. And I'm gonna you use that because I know your listeners. Let's call em gut feelings where you don't know where it comes from but you think I ought to move on that or you hear something and you just quote no. That wasn't a good idea. That's not gonna work for me. How do you know that you know that? But those gut feelings and those hunches come from that very, what I'm gonna call spiritual landscape. Listen and be silent. Listen and silent.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:09:10]:
Same six letters. Anybody can sit down and be silent. We are so driven to do. We must be moving. We must be doing this. Sit down. Get quiet. This is how you start.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:09:30]:
I had to start years ago. And before you even ask, because you're gonna say, how do you know what you're listening to is the right voice? Okay? Well, guess what? You don't have a testimony, folks, without a test. So if you don't sit and be silent, take an issue, take what I call bad stuff happening to you. See that bad stuff. It's a challenge. Take your issue. Take your challenge at work. Take what's happening to you.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:10:04]:
Take that bad experience you had. Sit down. Write it on the sheet of paper if you want to have it there. Close your eyes and ask, what am I to learn from that? Now, that's hard for a lot of people but I'm just asking you, just do that but be silent. God knows everything about us anyway all the time. But do need us to sit. Say, here it is. You do this enough times.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:10:36]:
During, I mean, a day, a week, you will get a response. I don't care if it comes through that hunch or what we start calling intuition that part that's always there but people doubt it. Why? You have learned. You have been trained. Sandy, Lanae, even me to listen to everything outside of you, everything that's external. How are you gonna hear god? The guidance. If you don't get quiet and listen. So, in the silence, it starts to come.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:11:18]:
Now, you want to know how I test it? Because I know somebody's going to ask. I can't tell you the first time but I would do the little thing and I would actually physically act on something I heard during my silent time. What you heard in your little silent time and time and time again when I did it and here's the other thing, that voice in the silence will never, and I mean this, tell you to hurt or harm anyone, any animal, or yourself. When it doesn't feel right, don't act on it. When it feels good, even if it's something I've never tried it, but that felt right. I think I ought to do this. Act on it. Time and time again.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:12:16]:
You will be tested. But at some point, as I say, you'll have that testimony that the still voice you heard inside was the one. So, you practice and what does practice do as we all know? Practice makes perfect. So, you do it over and over until you start to cultivate your meditation practice. That's how you do. You start with doing what I call no thing. It feels like you're doing nothing but you're active in the silence and passing thoughts. So here you are trying to close your eyes and do no thing.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:12:59]:
Okay. I am trying to be silent and listen. You gotta get all kinds of thoughts. Oh, you guys, you should be cleaning, you know, your washing clothes. You should be doing the floor. Oh, you need to be taking care of your children. You got this. Let them come and I'm saying this.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:13:16]:
Act like it's a movie screen, folks. Let the thoughts come. Let them cross your screen just like you're watching. Let them go. They will start to slow down until no thing is there. Ask and you shall receive. Ask for your help. And then what you get, go back to your little sheet of paper.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:13:39]:
When you open your eyes, there's no set time for this. Write down those thoughts that you got, that you were given, that you were sent. Write down the images you saw. Maybe it showed you, I need to go and do this instead. I've done this countless times, innumerable times through the years to the point I learned to what I call trust 2, rely upon spirit totally. Your children learn to trust you. But you have to let them sometimes what? They run up to the stove behind you, try to put their hand in there, and you're trying to cook, and you know the stove is hot. So we all have to learn.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:14:26]:
But you must practice. You must trust. That's how I'm gonna answer that.
Lanée Blaise [00:14:31]:
I love that. It makes me think about, especially the fact that you are related to my mom. It makes me think about my mom because I remember for many, many years, she wanted to hear from God. She wanted to know some of the things, you know, kind of biblically, do I go to the right or to the left? Or, you know, do I do I move forward with this or do I not? And it took her decades before she finally was able to receive. And I say receive because I do believe it is within us to hear from God, like you said, to get those what we call hunches or nudges. And for different people, I do think that it comes about in slightly different ways. Sandy and I have talked about this on the podcast before as far as even through dreams can be a wonderful way to, you know, to receive it, but I just wanna encourage anyone who's listening, who feels like they've been seeking this all along, and they're not getting to that point where they really do wanna get some answers. And how do they, you know, get to practicing? I love that.
Lanée Blaise [00:15:43]:
I'd never thought of it nothing as no thing, but practice the the quiet, the silence, the no thing. We've talked about that on the podcast before with other folks. We had, Melanie Kybell, who also knows you, reverend Nadar. And she, you know, she talked about that some as well, but really getting that meditative state, that quiet state, not getting frustrated with
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:16:07]:
yourself when those
Lanée Blaise [00:16:07]:
grocery list items start start swirling around and popping up and really trying to get it smoothed out. So we we do wanna just encourage the quietness, the listening, which is very much against what society teaches us now that you need to be busy, you need to be bustling, you need to be productive in doing things. And there's a time for that. I also wanna say to anyone listening, there are times where you can have a beautiful, almost like wave, where you feel like you're not really doing anything for a whole day or however long the period of time is. Nothing really productive or outstanding has happened, but you took that time to rest. And then on the flip side comes the portion where you are on all cylinders. You are knocking the things off of your to do list. You are strong and healthy and mindful, and you're really rolling.
Lanée Blaise [00:17:10]:
And so please take those times when it's like the downtime or the quiet time and savor that and embrace that instead of feeling guilty about it.
Sandy Kovach [00:17:20]:
Really, the direction that we're in here is being slow, doing the no thing, taking the time, leaving the margin, which I was just lecturing you about earlier today. Yes. We are. Margin in your schedule because we want to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. We want to know, the direction that we should go. We want those intuitions. So as we move to a close on the episode, I feel like it's important to get some of reverend Nadara's information.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:17:54]:
I wanna give just one other additive before we do that.
Sandy Kovach [00:17:58]:
Can we get an additive? I like additives as long as they're natural.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:18:01]:
Yes. Thank you. This is natural. Yes. Lynnae was talking about one word we haven't said, appreciation. Simply say, I appreciate both of you. Look at what you're doing for the world, for your audience, disseminating this. So you say, I'm appreciative.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:18:22]:
That's gonna put you in a state of better balance and harmony. I'm in gratitude. Teach your children. Thank you, mommy. Thank you, daddy. Thank you. I told my friend, whatever. Thankfulness.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:18:35]:
I am grateful. Three words. I am thankful. Those are the little short additives. That's really what I want to at least leave people with that because you're tapping when you do what I call that that light to live in harmony, to live in thankfulness, living in I love myself. I have to practice that still. I have to look in the mirror. There was a time folks you might think, no, I wasn't born this way either.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:19:05]:
We have the dark and the light. There's a short story about that. Well, which one are you going to exemplify? Which one is going to exude? The answer, simple answer is the one you feed the most. So, if you feed the anger, if you feed the distress, you're going to have the child that bullies. You're going to have the take that same child. Like I said, change the bulbs. Sit them down. Get them.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:19:30]:
What is it they like? What is it they appreciate? What is it they're grateful for, they're thankful for? Have them practice some of that on a daily basis. And the most difficult one, most people won't do it, and I give it to adults. Go stand in the mirror and tell yourself, I love myself. Look yourself directly in the eyes. When's the last time any of you've done that? You're too busy attending to the worldly activities outside. John Legend has a song that he wrote for his wife. We're not perfect, but he loves all the tweaks and the edges and the corners. That's what you do.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:20:11]:
You love. I don't care if you limp. You have something physical. Love your life. Love you the way you are. I am lovable, and that was my daughter, Melanie's book. I am lovable. I am able to love.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:20:28]:
That's what that is. Not just lovable. I'm able to love me and then I'm able to love others. So, I am lovable. I'm grateful. Do not align with all your physical eyes. See in your ears, hear. We have to teach ourselves and give ourselves another kind of diet because you can die to it.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:20:52]:
You know, the other stuff. Okay. Fine. You don't want to be on that kind of diet, okay? So, nurture your light inside. Nurture your higher self. Get silent. Listen. Write it down.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:21:08]:
And then stand in that mirror. Tears may be coming down. I love me the way I am. I love my little crooked stuff. I love my little illnesses I get. I love, you know, whatever it is. Start, you will put more love out. You will encompass more love.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:21:26]:
So, I will simply close with that And now I'll give you that other information.
Sandy Kovach [00:21:31]:
I love it. Before you
Lanée Blaise [00:21:32]:
get that though too, I've gotta say, I have never in my life stood in front of the mirror and told myself that I love myself Me neither. Ever. Never even crossed my mind to do such a thing.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:21:43]:
Well, guess who told me to do that? The voice inside. Yes. That's what you get when you get silent and listen. Again, you'll get things that make you feel awkward. You may be taught but what you're given the instruction, the direction, the guidance is always positive. It's always uplifting and the first time I did it, I said, this doesn't feel right. I like myself and the voice said again, I said, love yourself. Tell yourself, I love me over and over because the voice said, I love you just the way you are.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:22:24]:
And isn't there a song?
Sandy Kovach [00:22:25]:
There's a couple of them. Bruno Mars and Billy Joel. I mean, and the the all of me from John Legend. Boy, all great song references.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:22:33]:
That's what I'm saying.
Sandy Kovach [00:22:35]:
That's what hits me, man.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:22:37]:
And that's where the inspiration comes from in the word life. In spirit too, the word inspiration comes from in spirit too. In spiritual, which means in spirit. So, when spirit, they are given those words to the song. The songs to the title, I love you just the way you are and when that voice told me and that was over 50 some years ago, it was one of the hardest things because I was at a very low depressed point in my life. Truth be told, that might be something you want the audience to know. I shut off my phones. I hit my car.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:23:20]:
I said, god, it's you and me. 3 days this weekend. Either I stay here or I'm coming home to you. Now, that's how low I was. Now, and that voice, I I was told, go get a notebook, write down, 3 days, my journey with god. I did. I've never even spoken about this. I did.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:23:45]:
I did everything that voice told me. I sat there sometimes with eyes open. I pride myself so hard. There were tears on my carpet. Because I thought I was worthless. I was depressed. I was sad. That voice had me get up and go in my mirror, woke me up at 3 AM the first night, looked in the mirror, say, I love myself.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:24:12]:
I said, I can't do that. Say, I like myself. I started with that. Now, say, I had 3 days practice till I knew on day 3 and that was the defining journey that set me on this path that gave me spirit is my life, is my Email, and my website because that voice said, no matter what I did and how I felt about myself, I'm still your child and I will love you just the way you are but pick yourself up. Look in the mirror. Look at your light. Allow your light to shine. You are not junk.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:25:00]:
You're still lovable. And I, Reverend Doctor. Darr, am gonna love you.
Sandy Kovach [00:25:07]:
And you gave us your website, and, tell us your book again so that folks can, search that out on Amazon or on your website. It's called Everybody's
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:25:18]:
Truth. Muscle testing for the masses. It goes into what muscle testing is but more so than that, it will open you up to you. There are exercises in there, information on, and one chapter, how do you build your spiritual life? That's a chapter some women did use. They went and took my book. I didn't know them, went off on a retreat, came back, singing my praises, and wrote a book review. They said, it absolutely worked. So you can get it on Kindle.
Rev. Dr. Adara Walton [00:25:52]:
You can get it off my website, www.spiritismylife.com. And I now have little coffee and tea mugs. You can hold it up and look. Spirit is my life.
Lanée Blaise [00:26:03]:
That is the icing on the cake. I just I love you as my aunt, and I love you as being our guest. I love the work that you do to try to make sure that everybody has accessibility to keys that will help unlock their light, their love, their new ways of living. We thank you, Sandy, and I thank you for being on Imagine Yourself, and I guess just to send everybody, hopefully, floating on their rest of their day. Just wanna say imagine yourself doing like Barry White said, you know, don't go changing, Because I love you just the way you are and really, really letting that sink in. Let God's love sink deep enough into you that it can get through all the crevices and all the frustrating parts because you know that there is light and there is love. And there are folks out here like Sandy and like Reverend Nadar and like myself who applaud you as you look in that mirror and do that for yourself. So imagine yourself loving yourself.
Sandy Kovach [00:27:16]:
Thanks for spending some time with us. Hope you got a lot out of this episode. Please feel free to contact us anytime via our website, imagine yourself podcast.com or on social media. We'll put those links in the show notes as well as how to get in touch with reverend Adara.