Digital Transformation Viewpoints

SMEs the ability to solve challenges with Industrial Process Data with Michael Risse at Seeq Hosted by Janice Abel

ARC Advisory Group Season 1 Episode 6

This Podcast with Janice Abel, Principal Analyst from ARC Advisory group interviews, Michael Risse, VP and Founding partner at Seeq about the Digital Transformation in Manufacturing. Seeq is an advanced analytic application that enables engineers and SMEs the ability to solve challenges when working with industrial process data across all verticals with time series data. The company has grown substantially over the past few years.  Michael described several use cases including How Duke is using Seeq for windmill data and Motiva, the largest refinery in the US, is using Seeq in the oil and gas an optimization. The podcast also describes how Seeq is being used for the digital transformation.