The Apartment Gurus

Episode 025: Blake Dailey-Active Duty Air Force Replaces JOB Income with PASSIVE Cashflow From Real Estate!

Tate Siemer Season 1 Episode 25

Blake has replaced his military income with a brrrr bnb strategy. The right leverage with the right amount of income can replace your income and might be easier than you think. 

He purchased his first property with a VA Loan with his wife and then consecutive deals from there. If you have access to VA Loans this is a great resource to move you forward. 

Rich Dad, Poor Dad was part of his progression. Then he read Brandon Turner’s book about rental properties and searched out forums and podcasts. 

Disciple, Persistence and Grit is needed to get you through the hard times. 

Book: "Grit" by Angela Duckworth - Perseverance and passion for long-term goals

Find like minded partners, meetup groups and mentors.You can shorten your learning curve through masterminds or mentorships programs. Blake started with the War Room Mastermind which is for service members.

Get that first deal because that gets the ball rolling and foster those broker relationships. The magic or law of the first deal.

Use the power of an owner occupied loan to get a personal portfolio going.

Power of Grit
Power of a mastermind
Power of mentors
Power of meetup groups
Power of giving back
FHA or VA loans

Pick what resonates with you and matches your personality and go after it.

Reach Blake at: 

Blake’s Podcast: