Into the Pray

A Landmark Lockdown Testimony (feat. Mum & Dad)

Nick & Mairi Franks Season 2 Episode 35

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In this final episode of the second season of Into the Pray, we're joined by our Mum & Dad, Ant and Pam Franks.

We can't think of anyone on the planet who we'd rather talk to at the end of this year as regards to what on Earth is going on with the Church.

Don't miss Mum and Dad sharing their own personal testimony, not only over the course of the 2020 mayhem, but, as importantly, over the course of the last 53 years as they've held hands together through the undulating terrains of the Christian "church".

Please share this conversation on with others.

We pray that this landmark testimony will enable you to also come to the place of recognising what the Lord is surely saying to His people at this time in history: we must adopt a new posture before Him - of long-term, historic repentance and prayer; and, in so doing, look forward to all that would then happen in our lives personally and as a corporate whole.

We must repent of wanting revival without repenting.

In Great Britain and the West at large, we would also do well to take our lead from ancient Jewish culture that both honours and respects their elders enough to stop and listen carefully to what they're saying.

Dear Mum & Dad, we honour you, we love you, we value and trust you. And this Christmas we will miss being with you. To repeat the dedication message in the front of Body Zero: "For Mum & Dad who showed us the way to go."

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You can also view our review of 2020 in vlog form by
clicking here. 

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