Into the Pray

Climate Change: The Real Emergency? 1/2 (feat. Dave Brennan)

November 03, 2021 Nick & Mairi Franks Season 4 Episode 46

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Greetings All, 

This is part 1 of a 2-part podcast. **Tune in to Into the Pray this Friday to hear J C Ryle's "A Call to Pray" read in full by Mairi, Nick & Dave.**

You can watch this podcast via basic YouTube video

Look out for our conversation with Alisa Childers next week.

Thank you very much for your prayers for healing as we have sought to return to full capacity this week. We share more on our Patreon page for those of you who would like to walk this journey more closely with us.

Today's Wednesday session with friend Dave Brennan of Brephos involves those two dreaded words (no, not Brexit debate) climate change

Dave's blog is here.

As you have watched the world swarm on Glasgow this week for COP26, as you have witnessed generations collaborating effectively together, as you have heard Greta Thunberg's scripted protestations, what have you thought?

- Is all of this harmless and, actually, quite good?
- Is there something more nefarious lurking behind the scenes?
- How should we think about the importance of creation?
- How should we both steward and worship?

Grab a brew and listen to Nick and Dave discuss an incident in Norwich last week that serves as a strong reminder (if that was needed) that the 'climate change emergency' narrative is not harmless at all.

As a visual display of Yahweh's great creation, you might enjoy a glimpse into our half-term break and Scotland’s jaw-dropping beauty? “Open Your Eyes” can be seen here.

Thank you for your prayers and please feel free to let us know how we can be praying for you.

If you would like to support our work, you can do so here and/or here. Please also consider sharing this podcast to your networks for us. 

Come, Lord Jesus!


Nick & Mairi xx

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