Into the Pray

A World of Windows: Peering Through Psalm 139 (feat. Dave Brennan)

November 09, 2021 Nick & Mairi Franks Season 4 Episode 49

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Welcome to Into the Pray and thank you for listening along. You can also watch along here.

Today's midweek session with Dave Brennan of Brephos begins to lift our thinking above the realm of the natural and normal into the transcendent and eternal.

“A world without windows” is how sociologist Peter Berger describes the secularized view of the world.  He also calls it the “prison of modernity.”  Bultmann the theologian, as much as Sagan the scientist, is an inmate of this prison.  Both agree that a modern scientific view of the cosmos requires reality to be interpreted as a closed system of natural cause and effect—a system without signs of transcendence.

The renewal of Christian witness and mission requires constant examination of the assumptions shaping the Church’s life. Today an apparent loss of a sense of the transcendent is undermining the Church’s ability to address with clarity and courage the urgent tasks to which God calls it in the world.

Grab a brew and listen or watch Nick, Mairi and Dave read Psalm 139 and begin the sometimes foreign process for all of us of lifting our thinking.

Paul said it like this, "Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth." (Colossians 3:2).

Thank you very much for your prayers for healing as we have sought to return to full capacity this week. We share more on our Patreon page for those of you who would like to walk this journey more closely with us.

If you would like to support our work, you can do so here and/or here. Please also consider sharing this podcast to your networks for us.

Here’s a short review of “Paul - Apostle of Christ.

Come, Lord Jesus!


Nick & Mairi xx

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