Into the Pray

A World of Windows: Peering Through Jeremiah 1 (feat. Nick Franks)

Season 4 Episode 53

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Thank you for joining us for our mid-week session of Into the Pray - you can find all episodes here.

You might like to watch/share our flagship 2021 film here.

This week we continue peering through the God-given window of Scripture to discover how abnormal our secularised world is, let alone our secularised Church.

The main audio in this episode is from a meeting Nick had been invited to speak in last year, hence the audio quality is via Zoom. The blog article/photos associated with this is here along with part two of the audio if you're interested here.

We'll pick things back up with Dave Brennan of Brephos next week.

Thank you very much for your ongoing prayers for healing as we continue to return to full capacity this week. We share more on our Patreon page for those of you who would like to walk this journey more closely with us.

Thank you also for those who have left reviews for us. There are approximately 25 reviews left via iTunes meaning there’s scope for several thousand others! 🙏

If you would like to support our work, you can do so here and/or here. Please also consider sharing this podcast to your networks for us. 

Come, Lord Jesus!


Nick & Mairi xx

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