The Landscape

Para Taekwondo with World #1 Amy Truesdale of the UK

Naveh Eldar / Amy Truesdale Season 2 Episode 16

World champion at the age of 14. First athlete to qualify for the Tokyo Paralympic games in the debut of Taekwondo. Disability Advocate. Diversity and Inclusion Champion. Amy Truesdale is one of the biggest names and pioneer of Para Taekwondo, and though her name has already been etched in history, she is far from done. In this episode, Amy speaks about why she got into the sport, her success, why she donated most of her trophies (LOL) and why she's a disability advocate. I've been a fan for over a year, and it was such an honor to interview this trailblazer and one of the greatest to ever do it!

Amy's Links:
Instagram: Here
GB Taekwondo Page: Here
International Paralympic Committee Page: Here

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Naveh Eldar  0:16  
Welcome to the landscape, a podcast to shed light on the people programs and businesses that are changing the landscape for individuals with any type of disability. I'm your host, Naveh Eldar. The Olympic Games have started and I've already spent way too much time watching every event possible. The Olympic and Paralympic Games are probably my favorite sporting event in the world. That is until my Cleveland Browns make the Super Bowl. Any sporting event that has moments like an 18 year old Tunisian swimmer shocking the world by winning the 400 meter freestyle is a sporting event I need to find time for this year, Taekwondo is making its Paralympic debut. And today's guest was the first athlete to qualify for that event. Amy truesdale was a world champion. When she was 14. She's lost count of the trophies and medals that she's won, but ballparks in and around 400. She's the world number one in the heavyweight division. She's a disability advocate, and diversity and inclusion champion. And she'll be representing Great Britain in a few weeks in Tokyo. She is also just an incredibly kind and humble human being. before the interview starts, if you're new to the landscape, please subscribe, recommend to others and leave a review on Apple podcast. Today's episode starts with Amy speaking about Chester England, and what childhood activities she took part in there.

Amy Truesdale  1:58  
It's just a really small sort of place. And they do get a lot of tourists there's like quite a lot of room in history there. So you do get a lot of tourists from around the world that like to visit like a landmarks in Chester. And we have it was okay. It's just it's so small that every time you walk into Chester, you're guaranteed that you're going to bump into someone you've either worked with or went to school with. And well, that's about it really, when I was growing up, I started swimming in Bali dancing and tap dancing. So I was about three years of age when I was doing those sports. Then when I got to the age of eight, I started Taekwondo as well. So at one stage, I was doing all those activities at once. And it just got to the point where the parents were like, you need to pick a favorite because we're taking you to dance exams and Taekwondo exams on the same day. So you need to like focus your energy into one and pick your favorite. So automatically Taekwondo is my response.

Naveh Eldar  2:57  
Did you continue dance at all? And I asked, because you're very active on social media. And sometimes you post pictures that I swear looks like a dancer. Like if nobody knew who you were, and they just saw the picture that to me, I would be like, she's a dancer. So did you How much did you get into it? And when did you stop it?

Amy Truesdale  3:17  
I'm sure it was about three. But I've started, I probably did it for maybe less than 10 years, less than that maybe six, seven years that I did dancing for. And I haven't picked it up since. Like, I may do little sort of YouTube videos at home, which is mainly sort of poly dancing. I think that's really helped with my flexibility as a martial artist. And no, have not continued it. But it is something that I would possibly pursue in the future.

Naveh Eldar  3:45  
Now, obviously, you're a pair athlete, and for people who don't know us because you have a limb difference, but that can be a lot of things. So I was wondering if you can tell us a little bit about your particular limb difference?

Amy Truesdale  3:56  
Yes. So when I was born, I was born with my forearm and the hand missing. So now I'm an adult, I realize it I'm atomic boundary syndrome. So that's when sort of like the end limb can be restricted, and then it doesn't fully develop. So that's the only sort of understanding that I got off it. And when I was younger, I wasn't really provided with much information. I was born.

Naveh Eldar  4:20  
In what age did it did you start paying attention to it? Or did you ever feel like it limited to you in any way?

Amy Truesdale  4:28  
No stupid. I was young girls See, I knew like my arm was different to everybody else's, but I didn't really pay that much attention. I think it's only as I've got older, and sort of all the people might say your comments or leave sterile. They notice more. I'm probably a bit more self conscious going into adulthood but as a child, I was probably quite carefree about it and didn't pay much attention because I just did the same activities as everybody else and I didn't feel restricted or limited in anything that I was doing.

Naveh Eldar  4:58  
I've heard you say that You got into Taekwondo because your family wanted you to get into it. So why did they want you to get into it?

Amy Truesdale  5:07  
Um, like my parents have bought myself, my sister and they just thought that the world is quite an unsafe place, and to be honest, and they just, well, I think if you did a martial art, it'd be like a valuable life skill. And as a child, I would watch watch, I call the Bruce Lee MIDI. So I was interested in fighting and kicking anyway. And so when my parents took me along to my first Taekwondo class, I was like, super excited. And like before went along, I was doing like, find sidekicks on the bed. So it was just it was really exciting that I was allowed to go to a martial arts class. You enjoyed it right

Naveh Eldar  5:41  
away. Was there ever a point when you were a kid because a lot of times you start things you're like, Okay, I'm tired of going to practice? Or did you really dig your teeth into it right away?

Amy Truesdale  5:52  
Yeah, it was definitely my favorite. I don't think there's ever been a stage throughout during Taekwondo that i've i've never not wanted to do it. So yeah, I've always looked forward to go in I think it's such a versatile martial art there's something for everyone in this so many of us you can develop in so much learning you can get from it.

Naveh Eldar  6:13  
There's a difference between pair Taekwondo and standard Taekwondo. What is the difference between the two?

Amy Truesdale  6:19  
I am so Taekwondo that's obviously Olympic style. It's it's exactly the same only they can do. headshots, they can kick to the head, where it's paratype wonder when we don't have that luxury, unfortunately. So it's everything click into the body. And that's it really the wrong times are exactly the same. We do three two minute rounds. And well, yeah, just the headshots that one.

Naveh Eldar  6:45  
And then what is the point system? Because this is the first time it's going to be in the Paralympics. And so a lot of people aren't familiar with like, okay, when I'm looking at it, how do I understand Who's winning? So how do you how do you score points? How, when is around over? Do you have, you know, like, can you score enough points to knock somebody out or anything like that any information?

Amy Truesdale  7:06  
Yes. So the two athletes will be wearing red one wears blue, and you'll have like, an electronic body protector, unlike little socks which have sensors in so you have to hit the body protector, like certain threshold in order to score points. So you may make contact with the pad. And but if it's not hard enough to work register a point. So it's electronic and you can like visually see how many points you're up and how how many your opponent's got, and what you need to do to obviously maximize your lead in the match.

Naveh Eldar  7:41  
And it's interesting, cuz you said the luxury of kicking people in the head because in a lot of your pictures and videos, you do kick the dummy. You have like a I don't know if you call it a dummy, but there's like a practice dummy that you often kick in the head. So it seems that you miss that a little bit.

Amy Truesdale  7:57  
Yeah, I think it's probably like withdrawal symptoms. So when I'm not trading, and it's like, I'll do it for like a little bit of fun. And well, yeah, I do miss it a little bit. But I think I've accepted now been in power Taekwondo for nearly 12 years. So that's how long have not been doing headshots for so I am used to it. Well,

Naveh Eldar  8:15  
let's get into that. So you've been doing para Taekwondo, which means prior to that you were doing standard Taekwondo? Yeah. Did you ever feel that you had a limitation? Because obviously, if they don't, if they took that out of para Taekwondo, it means that they feel like there's it may not be safe or something like that. So how did how well did you compete in standard Taekwondo?

Amy Truesdale  8:38  
And so before I did the Olympic style, when I very first started Taekwondo at the age of eight, I did a non and non Olympic style. So it's like an ICF sort of style. Yeah, I did very well, in that I was with that organization for nearly 22 years. So went through all the end like the grading process, all the belts, so I got to fifth degree black belt. And then I got I international fighter of the year, I was like, ladies female, like, what that will champion. So I've got to the stage red division, there was a medals that I could win. I do everything on site, World Champion. I am on numerous occasions in different events as well. So that's when I thought there's no sort of more opportunities here. So that's when I transferred over to the Olympic style.

Naveh Eldar  9:28  
I just wanna make sure I understood you correctly. So when you were competing in that, that was standard Taekwondo.

Amy Truesdale  9:35  
Yeah, I did that for like 20 odd years. So yeah, it was that organization. I was like pretty much the only person who had a limb difference. It was just although players from other clubs around the UK really

Naveh Eldar  9:49  
very nice. And did you ever even at a young age compete against males,

Amy Truesdale  9:55  
where we didn't like obviously in training or competition level know that separately. categories.

Naveh Eldar  10:01  
Got you. I wondered if like when you're eight if they would pair like boys and girls together. They're always separated. Yeah. Right. So my daughter used to be a swimmer. And she took great pride when she was younger in destroying the boys and races. But you know what, once they hit a certain age that ends. So at what age? I mean, you accomplished like these amazing things. At what age did you know you are talented? Or did your coaches tell you you're talented?

Amy Truesdale  10:30  
See, when I first started Taekwondo, a young age. I think I just knew it was for me, I think my instructors, people who are always trading with would often give a lot of feedback to say how well I was clicking. And so I think I knew straight away, that was definitely the sport for me and that I was actually quite good at.

Naveh Eldar  10:49  
And when did you start competing internationally? At what age?

Amy Truesdale  10:54  
Oh, my first international con. 14. I went to CES was this is very different style. Taekwondo is the non Olympic style. I went to World Championships in Miami, and then I became world champion. And that was at the age of 14. So that was the first like, international medal that I got.

Naveh Eldar  11:15  
So I know you're looking at me, I'm sitting here laughing. Because I'm like, you're a world champion. And in a combat sport, right? At the age of 14. So you're competing against like, 25 year old women or whatever. And, I mean, where do you go? What did the world think of you at that point of time? Like, were you? Did you become instantly famous? Like this child prodigy?

Amy Truesdale  11:36  
Yeah, no at all. I think just people just seen a lot of potential move. Obviously, when I went into adulthood and just encouraged me to stay within the sport, even though leaving the sport is never crossed my mind was it was just more encouragement, like to see what I would develop and what I'd go on to achieve in later life within Taekwondo.

Naveh Eldar  11:56  
Yeah. Did you ever think about competing in the Olympics? And Taekwondo? Was that ever even an option for you?

Amy Truesdale  12:04  
And I don't think it was an option. No, like, in my head. At the age of like, 910, I was going to go to the Olympics. I was going to go as far as I could with my Taekwondo career more. Yo, just so happened that para Taekwondo is the avenue that I went to.

Naveh Eldar  12:22  
And so what was it like the very first time you got your uniform? And it had the British flag on it? Like was that what did that? What did that feel different to you that were you? Was it exciting? Or at that point in your career? Or was it just like, Oh, this is just another thing I'm doing.

Amy Truesdale  12:40  
Now, I think like when I got my 18k is really exciting, because I think it used to mean so much. It's, it's like your hardware, it's paid off. It's like you're wearing that to represent not only myself to represent the country, and the team that support me, so yeah, I'm very proud to wear my team kit on my job box are fighting.

Naveh Eldar  13:02  
Now, I can't imagine what your trophy room looks like. But how many? Do you know how many World Championships you've won? How many international competitions you've won?

Amy Truesdale  13:13  
And this is a very good question. Um, if I'm just talking about paratype, cuando, I've like World Champion twice European champion four times. And that's it for the main sort of events, and then a few goals at smaller competitions. And overall, at one stage, I think had about 400 trophies, but I don't actually have them anymore. So yeah, they're gone now.

Naveh Eldar  13:39  
Where'd they go?

Amy Truesdale  13:40  
I don't know. Because it Yeah, it was like they were parents house. And it was just it was literally excessive. It was taken up two rooms in our house. So yeah, I've just kept like my main part of type one day ones now, but yeah, there was quite a few.

Naveh Eldar  13:59  
So I know you have a sister. Do you have other siblings? Yes. Did they? Were they annoyed with you ever? With like all these trophies, and I'm sure you got a lot of attention. You can be honest.

Amy Truesdale  14:12  
No, no, not at all. I my sister did Taekwondo. Like she had a fair share of trophies as well. And she wasn't there anymore. But she was quite successful in Taekwondo. But now we have all your friends supportive and you so glad that I stuck to doing it. But yeah, I think my parents were like, yeah, we actually wants to live in space. This is getting out of control now.

Naveh Eldar  14:35  
That's, that's awesome. Who are your main rivals? I mean, you're so successful. Right? So who are your main rivals in the world? And how much difficulty Have they given you in different matches?

Amy Truesdale  14:49  
I'm, yeah, there's a few girls. So everyone in my category, I've been up against them at some point because, as I say, it's 12 years since we didn't paratype on digital hub. Fourth Have you won in the category and the gills within the top? Like ranked 12345. So like France, Brazil was Pakistan, Azerbaijan though they would be my main competitors. And when I go to the games or any power competition,

Naveh Eldar  15:17  
and do you have any particular individual that you look forward to fighting or that you are especially focused when you fight?

Amy Truesdale  15:27  
I'm not particularly because I think you've got to go into every match with the same sort of mindset because, like sport, and obviously martial arts, it's so unpredictable, you don't know, I can't guarantee 100% what that person's going to do. So I need to like focus on my plan and just treat everyone the same and sort of not be complacent to someone who, who may be like an underdog in that category.

Naveh Eldar  15:49  
So this is the first time we I mentioned earlier that the Taekwondo will be in the Paralympics, which means you'll be making history congratulations for making the team. How does that feel for you? I mean, was that motivation to keep going? Was it? Is it something that I mean, this was just such a weird year? Right? So how was that entire knowledge that you're going to be the first to compete?

Amy Truesdale  16:16  
Yeah, I've, I've known for a long time. So it was like it was officially announced in like, 2015, that it would be a Paralympic sport. So since then, that's been my goal every single day, it's like, it's going to be a Paralympic sport. It's going to be alongside Olympic Taekwondo. So no, it's the first one in the year that we've had with the current situation with COVID. I think it does motivate you and push you more that you've got something to prove. And it's just going to be more memorable being the first first games?

Naveh Eldar  16:47  
And how was the year? How much did you have to train at home? When were you I know that you ended up back in the gym? When are we able to get back in the gym? And then just how did it impact all the athletes being postponed a year?

Amy Truesdale  17:03  
I think overall, like for me personally, I think it was like a really positive experience. And the first 10 weeks I spent it with my support level, which is my sister and my nephew. And I stayed at her house for 10 weeks, our coaches were like on zoom to me, we were doing sessions online. And luckily, like Taekwondo, you can train outside. So that was that was really beneficial that we could use train outside and have the support from our staff and coaches. And then after that we received back into the gym. So we were like, very fortunate to be one of the first like professional sports to return back to our training facilities. And then, obviously huddle the social distancing correct procedures in place, and we were designated particular areas and times, so we weren't mixing with the athletes, then. That's what we continue to do with our training.

Naveh Eldar  17:54  
So you said you're a professional athlete. So can you explain it? Because you know, like in the United States, there's no more governmental sponsorship of our Olympic team. So how does it work for you?

Amy Truesdale  18:04  
So, as a professional athlete, you're on the Olympic or Paralympic team, and we're supported by the National Lottery, and UK sport. So they will fund those based on our mental success.

Naveh Eldar  18:17  
And so you get so this is like a full time training for you. And when you say full time, How many years has it been full time now?

Amy Truesdale  18:25  
I personally been on the team. So it was just after 2017 produced over three years, I've been a full time funded athlete.

Naveh Eldar  18:35  
And what did you do before that? As far as like for finances?

Amy Truesdale  18:38  
I actually before that, I was doing a mixture of things. I was like coaching Taekwondo, which is like a club level. I was doing like some assemblies in school, and teaching Taekwondo. And then before that, I was working in retail.

Naveh Eldar  18:54  
Gotcha. So it must be wonderful to be able to train.

Amy Truesdale  18:57  
Yeah, definitely. It's, yeah, it's so much easier because before it was just so hard trying to canoe trying to fit in training. I always end in like, very, very low wages. So it was just so hard and then you try and find competitions. But now I don't have that stress because we're competitions are funded foreigners.

Naveh Eldar  19:16  
Right. So something I didn't realize is so I see the team train, but they just in my head, you guys were already on the Olympic Paralympic team, but you weren't. They just announced the Paralympic team. And how many of you guys made the team?

Amy Truesdale  19:32  
So yeah, there's a few of us on the team, but it was three of us have been selected to go to the Paralympic Games.

Naveh Eldar  19:39  
Was there ever a question in your head if you were going to be I know that may sound like a silly question. But was there ever a question in your head if you were going to make the Paralympic team?

Amy Truesdale  19:48  
Well, for me No. Like my ranking position has been very consistent for the last few years. So like I didn't have to go to the qualifying tournament because I do Are you qualified to spa and stop being ranked number one for two, three years, and it's the top four ranked athletes that get a chance to go to the game. So I knew I was pretty secure and going,

Naveh Eldar  20:11  
God you so the people on the team, they had to go to a qualifying event. And so you know that that brings me back, you know, with COVID. Were you able to have any kind of outside, like, truly competitive matches? And if not, how does that impact your preparation?

Amy Truesdale  20:30  
Yeah, so to start with, no, we weren't, we weren't at all We were just with our group, it was quite difficult because we're all on very different plans. Like we've got, like boys on our team that are like, so much more heavily. You could like you couldn't possibly be a valuable training partner for them. And but now things have eased. We have got more regular training partners that are helping us towards the Paralympics. Yeah, it was a little bit of a struggle at first.

Naveh Eldar  20:59  
And will you have any doubt? We're getting close? We were talking about it before we started recording, we're just 80 something days away. I think it's around 80 days around that. So will you need do you need to get competition and before the games?

Amy Truesdale  21:14  
Yeah, I think it's essential. But I have literally just found out I'm going to competition in two weeks time. So I'm really looking forward to that. Because I haven't actually done a competition since October 2019. So it's a very long time. Not being in a competitive situation, even though we can do it in the gym. It's not the same, you don't get the same adrenaline, the nerves, the value. And so you're in two weeks time I'll be competing in Bulgaria in the European war skills.

Naveh Eldar  21:47  
Very nice. I'm sitting here wondering, are you nervous at all? Because you haven't competed in so long? Or do you feel like you're just gonna go destroy somebody?

Amy Truesdale  21:58  
Yeah, I'll be naive, just want to get but I think it's just more important just to try and put into practice, like what I've been working on and, and just not put too much pressure on yourself. Just use it as time to execute any sort of new techniques or drills that I've been working on in in the gym.

Naveh Eldar  22:16  
Are you competitive outside of your sport? Like, if you're playing checkers with your nephew? Are you competitive?

Amy Truesdale  22:22  
I like a little bit. But to be honest, I'm not actually that bad. When I compare myself to other athletes, I think I'm fairly sort of relaxed.

Naveh Eldar  22:34  
There you go. A statement about your teammates, though they kind of competitive just, yes. So we talked about we're leading up to the games. Now, obviously, one change is that you actually get to have a competition in Bulgarian. Is there any other changes that you make? Do you ever dial it back? So that your body is rested? Or do you do the opposite and work harder? How does it get the closer you get?

Amy Truesdale  22:55  
And it's probably just more fine June and it's going to be overall game, obviously what we're working on, we do get the weekends, which are like a Saturday, Sunday, they are our recovery days to maximize our recovery. So it's just making sure we get the most out of the days that we're not in the gym. So we're just obviously sleeping, possibly resting, which is maximized. And that really, that's what we'll do forwards now open some games.

Naveh Eldar  23:21  
Being part of the team, I was talking to a gentleman who was associated with the Brazilian Paralympic team, he was actually interviewed, but he came and did some kind of a, you know, exchange program here in the United States. And he was shocked that they were allowed to eat anything they wanted, like there was no because he was like in Brazil, they like micromanage you. So how is it for your team? Do they? Do they tell you what to eat? Do you get to decide on your own?

Amy Truesdale  23:49  
And yeah, we do have like access to the nutrition. So I think it all depends, like what your like body, like calm goals are really like, I'm a heavyweight fighter. And so I don't have to be as strict as some athletes that have to quote, weight. But obviously, we're just given the right advice on the best recovery free themes that are going to help us after training.

Naveh Eldar  24:12  
And so what do you do on your days off? Like you you have a couple days, what do you what do you do to unwind?

Amy Truesdale  24:18  
And usually on the weekends, I will travel to see my sister and my nephew. And that's literally what I do just making the most of spending time with them because I don't see them all week. And that's what I usually do on the weekends.

Naveh Eldar  24:32  
And then what else? What are your other interests just period like what do you what do you thinking about doing after? Are you going to continue after the Paralympics? Or are you thinking about doing something else?

Amy Truesdale  24:43  
Oh no. Whoops I am so once I've done Tokyo My aim is to then continue to compete in unqualified spot for Paris in 2024. And so I actually want to do two Paralympic Games. So that is the plan going forwards and then after that, and then ideal world, I would like to be a Paralympic Taekwondo coach. And along, like alongside my career coach, so I'm just hoping that the Power Team will develop or get more athletes in and then hopefully I'll be a coach once I retired from professional school.

Naveh Eldar  25:17  
And let's talk a little bit about Great Britain in general in the disability community, how your first of all you your Paralympic Games, there were outstanding, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the country is very accepting or forward thinking. So what is the culture like in England?

Amy Truesdale  25:37  
I think London 2012. That was like a massive turning point. I feel before that. Quite a lot of disabled individuals and Paralympic athletes are quite like Miss Miss representative, they don't particularly get the media coverage or the recognition that they deserve. But I think after a home games that has really improved, and obviously, there's still going to be a lot of individuals out there that don't understand disabled individuals that don't understand problem export, that that's why the Paralympic Games issue such such a turning point to help educate these people into what we stand for what we represent.

Naveh Eldar  26:18  
Now, that's something that, you know, nobody has to be an advocate of they don't want to that's like everybody, right? Like there are, you know, black Americans who who are like I'm not in, that's not my role, I have other things to do. But you are an advocate for individuals with limb differences. So why why is that important to you? And what are some of the things that you do around that?

Amy Truesdale  26:40  
I think it's important to me, because, apart from I have my own internal drive to be a public, Catholic and be good at Taekwondo. My aim is to, like inspire other people. And I've never want anybody who's got the same limb difference is myself, or any disability, for that matter. I feel like they are limited in life, and they can't achieve certain things. And people are putting stereotypes on them. So by me, opening up and being honest, and talking about my experiences, my journey, if I can inspire more how another individual that I know have done a good job.

Naveh Eldar  27:15  
There's an organization in England, what is the name of it? I know the United States has the lucky fin.

Amy Truesdale  27:22  
Okay, so yeah, I follow those guys. And it's reaching the UK. Yeah, that's a limb difference, charity.

Naveh Eldar  27:30  
It's great, like the work and advocacy that you do around that, as well as especially for you know, you always think of young people that may be struggling and how it's just, it's just nice to see somebody that's a world champion, not just on the para sport side, but also on the standard, Taekwondo side. That's unbelievable. Is there any advice you would give to young, I would say, especially young girls who are interested in getting into Taekwondo.

Amy Truesdale  28:01  
And I would say just try it. Most importantly, enjoy it. If you've got any questions about it, don't be afraid to ask. There's a lot of like role models of people who've got experience, ask the question, don't feel embarrassed that you ask any silly question. Just try and get as much sort of advice and knowledge from your peers. And that would be my advice, going forwards.

Naveh Eldar  28:27  
Now, I always end with a few fun questions. But before we get that, I was thinking about you coaching post post Paris. Would you ever coach in another country? You know, sometimes somebody will jump over to you Wherever Would you ever consider coaching in another country?

Amy Truesdale  28:44  
never actually crossed my mind. But yeah, I wouldn't rule it out. Because I was in the UK Top Great, so it'd be nice to venture out a bit to be honest. I do love the sunshine. So yeah, why not?

Naveh Eldar  28:59  
There you go. All right, some but only someplace sunny.

Amy Truesdale  29:04  
Or even just like a couple of weeks a year. We don't even get that. Hey, so anything to bonus?

Naveh Eldar  29:11  
Is it really that bad?

Amy Truesdale  29:12  
Yeah. Like I did scorching this week. This is probably all summer we'll have it for till about Wednesday, and then it'll be for the rest of the year. So

Naveh Eldar  29:22  
So I've only been I went to England for vacation once and I was there for a couple of weeks. And you know, it was fairly sunny. It did rain, but I was expecting it to be like constant gray and rainy but, but I understood that I was a little bit lucky too. So yeah, you definitely caught good. Okay, so my fun questions. One is what is your Do you have cheat meals? Yeah, we're supposed to so. So what is your favorite cheap food?

Amy Truesdale  29:53  
Oh gee. Usually if I was aware proper, big cheap meal. It would be like Chinese food or like a phone. Quit and mixture with loads of sort of Chinese food. That'd be a big tree.

Naveh Eldar  30:05  
Okay. They look happy just thinking about it. Yeah. And then the second one is where has been the favorite country you've visited, not from a competition point of view. But like a country that you competed in and you were like, one day, I need to come back and take a vacation here.

Amy Truesdale  30:23  
Oh, interesting. And I've been to a lot of places, but I think, like Korea, we go to South Korea, like once a year. And I always enjoy going back there just because it does remind me of Taekwondo defeats amazing. I'm probably one of my favorite places to go.

Naveh Eldar  30:44  
So I'm glad you said that that was supposed to be my last question. But obviously, I lied, because that made me think of something. So I was I always do research before I do my interviews. So you tell me, why does it make you think of Taekwondo?

Amy Truesdale  30:57  
I think because that's where it originates from. There's lots of universities where the everyone who's doing Taekwondo and yeah, and the best, like Olympic athletes are usually Korean athletes. I think the whole juice five reminds me of career in Taekwondo.

Naveh Eldar  31:13  
Right. So that was something that I didn't know. Like, I look, I was looking at the history of Taekwondo. And when I saw that it started in Korea, I was like, Oh, I didn't, I didn't realize that. Well, thank you very much. I'm super excited to watch you compete. As as you know, because I told you, but for the listeners, I it was early in COVID. Like ever, it is like when everybody was first just being locked away for this felt like it's gonna be forever. And, you know, Instagram will give you suggestions of you know, based on things that you follow. And you were outside. Trent, you're outside in your backyard, like training with a bag. And I think you were doing kicks. It was a video, and I was just watching you going? Oh my gosh, she's like, unbelievable. Like her control. And her power is like, it was like entertainment for me watching you. You know, you watch the rocky movies. Yeah, creed. And like their training is like the best part of the movie. So I was watching you like thinking like that. And I had no ideal that you were like the world champion. So I was like, Okay, that makes sense to me. Anyway, it's it's been a pleasure watching you train. And, and even though I'm American, I will be cheering for you. So thanks for joining. find links to Amy's social media and UK Paralympic page in the episode description. Make sure to follow the landscape on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter. This past Thursday, I had the honor of closing the Project SEARCH International Conference by interviewing two graduates of that program, which I'll be releasing as my next episode. Of course, the video was also recorded. So you'll actually get to see me conducting an interview, which took place at West Tennessee healthcare, which is a hospital in Jackson, Tennessee. This is yet another reason to go follow my social media pages, which is where I will share those videos. And yes, I got to conduct the interviews in person which was such a joy. I'll see you then.