The Landscape

Paralympics - 360 View (5 Interview Segments)

Naveh Eldar / Amy Truesdale / Oz Sanchez / Gary Pate / Jeff Underwood / Gabriel Mayr Season 2 Episode 19

The Paralympics aren't just "games", or even only a movement. It's people, it's business, it's health, it's raising expectations, it's education and more. This episode features some of my favorite moments from five episodes I've conducted over the past year and a half. Each segment gives a different perspective of the Paralympics and hopefully you'll walk away entertained, educated and contemplative. You can find the full episode of each segment in the links below!

Oz Sanchez - 6 time Paralympic Medalist and the winner of multiple gold medals speaks about mental health and the man behind the medals. Full Episode HERE.

Gabriel Mayr - Speaks about some differences he learned between the Brazilian and American Paralympic Movements while he spent time with a mentor in Colorado Springs. Full Episode HERE.

Gary Pate teaches us all we need to know about Wheelchair Rugby, also known as murderball. As you know, this is one of my favorite sports!! Full Episode HERE.

Amy Truesdale speaks about her success in Para Taekwondo, as well as her preparations leading up to her bronze medal in the very first games to feature the sport. Full Episode HERE.

Lakeshore Foundation was the very first certified Paralympic training facility in the country. Their former President Jeff Underwood speaks about their youth programs. You can hear Full Episode HERE

See everyone in a few months! 

Naveh Eldar  0:16  
Welcome to the landscape, a podcast on people programs and businesses that are changing the landscape for individuals with any type of disability. I'm your host, Naveh Eldar. This is going to be a special episode for a few reasons. One, I am going to be out for a little while I am transitioning into a new position. But I am still going to be with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee. And I am also going to be doing work that will be positively impacting the disability community. So all good things are good things. And the second is, this is kind of like a best of episode just finished the Paralympic Games. For we have, luckily only three years until the next one. And so I actually have five episodes that really give a 360 degree view of the Paralympics. And so I thought it would just be really cool to kind of put my best or favorite clips from each episode and like 510 minutes. So that's what this episode is going to be. And on top of that, I am going to name each episode with a quote. And if you want to play a fun game, like bingo, you have to figure out what where the quote came from, some of them are going to be super obvious, some of them probably not so obvious. So we can see who can get all of the quotes. And so the first one we're starting with is our Sanchez, who has won multiple Paralympic gold medals and medals, has also won silver in in bronze as well. And in this clip, he is talking about himself as a person. Because often we look at athletes on any level, and we view them as this celebrity or as this huge inspiration. But they're people. Right. And so this segment is called more than an athlete.

Oz Sanchez  2:21  
Yeah, so the reason I made that distinction is that, sure, you know, there was there was the physical damage to the nerves, which were non regenitive, meaning permanent and total. And there was the physical incapacitation as a result of that damage to those the spinal cord. And that rehab took me a while to get back on my feet, if you will. But two years for I was walking on two forearm crutches with some orthotics, a afos on my legs, but the the emotional and spiritual rehab, that took me well over a decade before I finally bounced out of that darkness. Because I get I did get to the point of suicidal ideation, a couple of attempted overdoses, a lot of alcohols and trying to find solace in the bottom of a bottle of painkillers, opioids, you know, and eventually, I did find my way back into the light and that experience that journey. By time I came out on the other side, I was in an entirely different space, spiritually and psychologically speaking, that in spite of how long and painful and how close, I got to actually ending my own life, it was well worth the the experience, because who I am now. And when I become as a result of that pain and suffering, I would never take back, I wouldn't wish it on anybody. But I also would never take it back.

Naveh Eldar  3:43  
Right? And so there's always something that like, grounds you, right, there's that that something or something's that stop, you just literally stop you. So when you were in that time, what was it that helped you to hang on?

Oz Sanchez  3:58  
So the pattern that I found was, in my sober state, I had access to executive function and the neocortex, which is its primary role. And for the most part, I can remain rational, and not let these thoughts of pain and suffering, drive me to the point where I would conclude self harm, right? It was in my inebriated state that these inhibitions kind of went to the, you know, the wayside and I would act on them and a couple of times, even though I would say it was probably not technically intentional, much of the the ruminating thought was, I'd be okay if I went to sleep and never woke up. Right. So an attempted overdose on you know, painkillers and alcohol was one of the incidents. And then I got behind the wheel, and I had a pretty gnarly accident, and in a DUI out of that situation, and then the other incident was in in overdose on I want to say it was end, it's some sort of chemical liquid version of basically what's Mali or ecstasy. And that was pretty close when as well. And when I bounced back from that one, and I physically saw the effects and the damage that not only myself, but to a partner that was with me, it really left an impression when I was sober because most of the time when I was drunk, I behave. And then the next day, most of the symptoms and the signs of the the negligence and the self harm are gone. But in this case, they were very visible, and especially how I saw my partner friend at that time, it really made an impression on me. And that's sort of where I subconsciously made a decision to find an answer and sort this out because this this behavior is unacceptable. So that's when I decided to essentially find a way to sober up and not mess with me on being that inebriated and and numbing anymore.

Naveh Eldar  5:52  
Did you go through any kind of a official program? Or was it just self? Well,

Oz Sanchez  5:57  
no, I think that's why it took me the better part of 15 years to sort this out, is because you know, my ego and self pride and machismo and Marine Corps mindset said, I got this, I'll sort this out. And the reality was, I didn't have this and I was desperately trying to sorted out. But eventually, I did sorted out and it wasn't so much intentional, or so that it is a side effect of an opportunity that I had, which was in the process of all of this, this pain and suffering I did still managed to get on my feet, and started an athletic career. And I eventually made my way and competed at the Beijing games in 2008, I won a gold medal there. And this notoriety. And this accomplishment put me in any sort of mentor, role model capacity for the Wounded Warrior community. So I was asked quite a bit to come and speak to these audiences, whether it be bam, CS, but that's those or, you know, the local Bebo hospital here in San Diego, I started having to find details and create a version of a story of myself that was inspiring to this audience, right? Because I wasn't going to share my deep dark, you know, secrets of like, Hey, you know, I drink a liter of jack daniels daily, and I go to sleep, and I wake up within and I use painkillers like, no, so I genuinely wanted to inspire this community. Because one of my biggest hangups with my depression was that I never wanted to exit the military, I was in special operations. And I wanted to stay on that path, my brother was special operations. And so I was really attached to that identity. And so my depression was coming from result of this sort of cognitive dissonance, where I couldn't access this way of living. And so therefore, I was condemning myself. For this way, I had to live as a result of my negligence, which was the accident, right. But in the context of being a speaker, or a mentor, or a beacon of hope, to this other community that was very much suffering, and which I very much held near and dear to my heart, I found a way to tell a version of my story, which was all still factual, and and very relevant based, but it was inspiring. And, you know, the the notion of confirmation bias says that whether it's a truth or lies the mind when we repeat something to ourselves over and over again, well believe it in spite of how accurate or truthful it is. So in this case, I started drinking my own Kool Aid. But it was it was in fact, an inspiring, healthy, positive, uplifting story of myself. And this is sort of where my transformation came because I started telling the story enough, and I got good enough that I started getting paid to do it. And then it's paid, you know, experienced led to a speaking career, and the audience's got bigger. So I gave more attention and focus to making sure that I told the best version, the funniest version, the most inspiring, captivating version of the same person, myself. And so again, confirmation bias. Eventually, I bought in full at full fully, and the only person I ever had convinced was myself, and that was the subconscious mind. And so that's how the transformation kind of took place, if you will.

Naveh Eldar  9:04  
In this next section, I speak to Gabriel from Brazil. And I really liked this part of the interview because he compares the Brazilian Paralympic movement to the American Paralympic movement, but in a way that we often don't think about, and the name of this segment is called, this is a business you ain't too far gone to see that.

Gabriel Mayr  9:29  
The way that we trained to treat the athletes is very different from what happens in Colorado Springs. In short, I think that perhaps what struck struck me the most, we pretty much use it to nurse the athletes so they care of what they are eating or if they are going to sleep at time or not. And so these you kind of learn in the in the university that is a role that you have as a coach And for me, it was shocking that they could go to the dining room. And they would have like, free ice cream free sodas, and they could get all the food they wanted. And I was like, Okay, how does it work? And so yeah, if we are overweight, we're cut. So we know that.

Naveh Eldar  10:21  
Oh, wow.

Gabriel Mayr  10:22  
So we have all of these. And sometimes, we should have treaties because we spend lots of calories. But if we put on weight, we are kept from the program, we record from the national team, and we know that someone wants a place. So giving the responsibility for to the athletes. This was something that was a big learning for me. When I went there, I was eager to support us to have the light soccer team. And was another learning that I had was that Mike Lucas, my mentor said, Look, we have a strategic plan. We have we do gobo at the Paralympics, and we need the medals in gobo. So we get funding. So we're not doing football, because it's out of our Bullseye eventually. Okay, we may do it. But it's not our goal, because we wouldn't need 1520 years to make it happen in this level. So we can't afford to go out of the way. So of course, now the games are going to be in us. So you have a lot and probably will have a team. So now this is getting traction. So my post exchange project, I was doing a few videos on teaching coaches how to do the sport. But yeah, so there's the differences. I think, I think Brazil, probably one manager would say, look, we have this guy skilled in this sport that we don't have. let's organize something let's kick off in here. And then we see how it goes. But somehow, we won't miss this opportunity. So I'm not sure if I completely agree that opportunities should be missed. But I surely appreciate how the leadership can stick to the plan. And this was a learning to read write, I like to do in those different situations and see different management styles and perspectives on sports and everything. So yeah, those kinds of learning. That's, I think that's a very rich, I have

Naveh Eldar  12:23  
this next section is personal to me. If you follow me on social media, you know that I was sending out video supporting our men's wheelchair rugby team, because I was just, it's just such an amazing sport. I'm telling you people, if you watch this sport, we could have a professional model of it. Because I watch it every week. It is just exciting and skilled and violent and, and all these wonderful things. So in this section, it's actually maybe my most expected segment, because it's just Gary pate, who worked with the the Paralympic team as well as he at one point, he was the president of the US Paralympic not of the US wheelchair rugby Association. He's just explaining the sport. But I think it's in a really interesting way. And so I call this segment helped me help you, because I'm trying to help you to get into something that you will enjoy people. So here is Gary pate, in the help me help you section.

Gary Pate  13:33  
wheelchair rugby was originally called murderball. And if your listeners would Google that they can find it on YouTube and they can find it. I think it used to be on Netflix, I don't don't know that it's still up. But it's an amazing documentary about the sport is the name murderball, which was the original name of the sport. It was originated in Canada. And it was the idea that, you know, so not now not everybody but so many of the guys and gals that end up quads ended up in wheelchairs, their injury or their disease or whatever happens, happens in their prime of life. I mean, that there's plenty of old folks like me that that my but a lot of these are guys and gals who are 1819 2021 22 they were in a car wreck, perhaps driving foolishly, we have likely seen an influx of men and women who injured in the military. Right? So So you've got a men and women kind of in their athletic prime. But all of a sudden, they're being told there's nothing available for them. So these clever Canadians figured out Oh yeah, there's something that we can do. And which our rugby is a full contact sport which people just get us there astonished for the first time they see it. You can travel from one link of the court to the other in under six seconds. So imagine how fast you're going to travel the length of a basketball court. Work, which is where the game is played. We do play indoors, not outdoors, because the wheelchairs don't do well in grass, you got to have a hard surface. So you play on the basketball court and the superior players can go five, six seconds, the length of the court and the amount of speed and force that's built up. So when I say it's full contact, it's full contact, it is basically a terrible game for somebody who doesn't get hurt or somebody there's not blood or you don't, you don't have to pick people up out of the floor. And it's, it's a great outlet. There's other wheelchair sports, but nothing else is full contact. So it's played for on a side, there's a classification system in wheelchair rugby, just like in all of the Paralympic sports, where depending on your degree of ability, you are given a point system. And the greater the ability, the greater the function, the higher your point is to play wheelchair rugby, the highest you can grade in is a 3.5. If you grade in as a four, which is what you would grade in that you would write in as a four because you, you have full use of your trunk and full use of your arms and your legs. Okay, so if you don't have full use, then there's a grading system that frankly, goes all the way down to a point five. So it's 35 down, depending on the amount of ability depending on the degree of function, which is usually not it's not, it's not 100%. But it's largely It stems out of the type of injury that you've had. And I keep mentioning injury, it's easy to think classically about the young man breaking his neck in a car accident or a motorcycle accident that that, that that is the classic. But listen, we have a lot of people that play because of a congenital defect. We have people in the sport because of disease illness, cerebral palsy, there's actually a superior player, a young lady who's in a chair due to lamb disease that's affected her and all of her limbs.

So it can be disease, it can be injury, it can be congenital, we have some number of players who are quad amputees who are missing arms and legs, which is everybody's always astonished to see these guys and gals playing the sport. So depending on the nature of the injury in the amount of ability, you have your points system, each team can only have eight points on the floor at a time. So it creates the opportunity for athletes have varying abilities and disabilities and function to participate in the sport. If you can only have eight points out there. You can have one hot point or you can have a 3.5 more or maybe you can have two high pointers. That's 3535. That's seven. But then how do you get your other players on the court? Well, at that point, you need somebody who's rated very lowly, who's a point five, right? So it creates a lot of strategy on the parts of the coaches to try to balance the team to try to get as much speed and function out on the floor as you can. It is played in for eight minute quarters. A lot of the rules are similar to basketball in that you have you have 10 seconds to inbound the ball, you have 12 seconds to get the ball across half court, you have 40 seconds to score. So there's a clock that's ticking that keeps the game extremely fast paced, and it's much more of an offensive game than it is a defensive game. Especially with the clock ticking 40 seconds. with eight guys I don't know, floor in wheelchairs, goes amazingly fast. As a referee, I can tell you there are times well, candidly, the players can go faster down the court and I can go you can go faster in two ways that I can go on that I can go on two legs, right so it's extremely fast paced, strangely high contact high energy. The files are very similar to in basketball, you know, reaching things of that type you when I say it's his contact, the players hit each other. But for instance, I can't smack you in the face it out that that would be a foul. So

Naveh Eldar  18:59  
this next segment is my most recent recording is with Amy truesdale just came out maybe one episode ago actually before my last one. And she just won the bronze medal in para Taekwondo. And it is the first time Taekwondo has ever been in the Paralympic Games. And Amy was the world number one is the world number one, she won a bronze medal. She gets a ton of credit for Taekwondo even being in the Paralympics because she's kind of like a forerunner of Taekwondo in the Paralympic community. And so I call this segment To hell with circumstances. I create opportunities.

Amy Truesdale  19:47  
And this is a very good question. And if I'm just talking about paratype wandel, I've like World Champion twice European champion four times. And that's it for the main Sort of events and then a few goals at smaller competitions. And well, overall at one stage, I think I had about 400 trophies, but I don't actually have them anymore. So yeah, they're gone now.

Naveh Eldar  20:13  
Where'd they go?

Amy Truesdale  20:14  
I don't know. Because it Yeah, it was like they were the parents house. It was just it was literally excessive it was taken up two rooms in our house. So yeah, I've just kept like my main paratype one day one. So what yeah, there was quite a few.

Naveh Eldar  20:33  
So I know you have a sister. Do you have other siblings?

Amy Truesdale  20:37  

Naveh Eldar  20:39  
Did they? Were they annoyed with you ever? with like, all these trophies? And I'm sure you got a lot of attention. You can be honest.

Amy Truesdale  20:47  
No, no, not at all. I my sister did take one day like she had a fair share of trophies as well. And she doesn't do it anymore. But she's quite successful in Taekwondo, but nobody ever asked you for any supportive and you so glad that I stuck to doing it. But yeah, I think my parents were like, yeah, we actually want to live in space, this is getting out of control.

Naveh Eldar  21:09  
That's, that's awesome. Who are your main rivals? I mean, you're so successful. Right? So who are your main rivals in the world? And how much difficulty Have they given you in different matches?

Amy Truesdale  21:24  
I'm, yeah, just a few girls. So everyone in my category, I've been up against them at some point, because as I say, it's 12 years since we didn't prototype on digital hub for everyone in the category, and the gills within the top, like ranked 12345. So like France, Brazil, it was Pakistan, Azerbaijan. There, they would be my main competitors. And when I go to the games or any power competition,

Naveh Eldar  21:52  
and do you have any particular individual that you look forward to fighting or that you are especially focused when you fight?

Amy Truesdale  22:01  
I'm not particularly because I think you've got to go into every match with the same sort of mindset because, like sport, and obviously martial arts, it's so unpredictable, you don't know, I can't guarantee 100% what that person is going to do. So I need to like focus on my plan and just treat everyone the same and sort of not be complacent to someone who who may be like an underdog in that category.

Naveh Eldar  22:24  
So this is the first time we I mentioned it earlier that the Taekwondo will be in the Paralympics, which means you'll be making history congratulations for making the team. How does that feel for you? I mean, was that motivation to keep going? Was it is it something that I mean, just was just such a weird year? Right? So how was that entire knowledge that you're going to be the first to compete?

Amy Truesdale  22:51  
Yeah, I've, I've known for a long time. So it was like it was officially announced in like, 2015, that it would be a Paralympic sport. So since then, that's been my goal every single day, it's going to be a Paralympic sport. It's going to be alongside Olympic Taekwondo. So no one it's the first one and the year that we've had with the current situation with COVID. I think it does motivate you and push you more that you've got something to prove. And it's just going to be more memorable being the first first games?

Naveh Eldar  23:22  
And how was the year? What How much did you have to train at home? When were you I know that you ended up back in the gym? When were you able to get back in the gym? And then just how did it impact all the athletes being postponed a year?

Amy Truesdale  23:37  
I think overall, like for me personally, I think it was like a really positive experience. And the first 10 weeks I spent it with my support level, which is my sister and my nephew. And I stayed at her house for 10 weeks, our coaches were like on zoom to me, we were doing sessions online. And luckily, like Taekwondo you can train outside. So that was that was really beneficial that we could just train outside and have the support from our staff and coaches. And then after that, we resumed back into the gym. So we were like, very fortunate to be one of the first like professional sports to return back to our training facilities. And then, obviously huddle the social distancing correct procedures in place. So we were designated particular areas and times, so we weren't mixing with other athletes. And then that's what we continue to do with our training.

Naveh Eldar  24:28  
So you said you're a professional athlete. So can you explain it? Because you know, like in the United States, there's no more governmental sponsorship of our Olympic team. So how does it work for you?

Amy Truesdale  24:39  
So, as a professional athlete, you're on the Olympic or Paralympic team, and we're supported by the National Lottery and UK sport, so they will fund those and based on our mental success,

Naveh Eldar  24:52  
and so you get so this is like a full time training for you. And when you say full time, How many years has it been full time Now,

Amy Truesdale  25:01  
I've personally been on the team. So it was just after 2017. Just over three years, I've been a full time funded athlete.

Naveh Eldar  25:10  
And what did you do before that? As far as like for finances?

Amy Truesdale  25:13  
I actually before that I was doing a mixture of things. I was like coaching Taekwondo, which is like club level. I'm just doing like some assemblies in school, and teaching Taekwondo. And then before that, I was working in retail.

Naveh Eldar  25:28  
Gotcha. So it must be wonderful to be able to train.

Amy Truesdale  25:31  
Yeah, definitely. It's, yeah, it's so much easier. Because before it was just so hard trying to do trying to fit in training, I probably earning like very, very low wages. So it was just so hard, and then you're trying to find competitions. But now I don't have that stress, because what competitions are funded for live?

Naveh Eldar  25:53  
This last segment is about the future. It's with Jeff Underwood of Lake Shore foundation. Again, if you follow me on social media, the wheelchair rugby team, their their headquarters at Lake Shore Foundation, which is the very first Paralympic and Olympic Training Facility like certified Paralympic training facility in the United States. But they do far more than that, including a lot around youth, which I find to be extremely important. And so that's what Jeff talks about, at the time of the interview. Jeff was the president of Lake Shore, and he just recently retired like maybe three months ago. So happy retirement to you, Jeff. And so this last segment is called today's special moments are tomorrow's memories, because some of my greatest lessons and memories come from when I played sports as a youth. And it's just important that we make sure that everybody has access to sports and activity, and friendships and all those things that come along with it. So here is the last segment.

Jeff Underwood  27:04  
We have 200 220 230 youth in our program aging from from 18 months up to about 1819 years old. But it's just so important. To get off to a good start, if you are a child with a disability, you see so many stories of the kid that maybe as has a birth condition, maybe they've had an accident or an illness at a young age. And they need to be around people who help them build their confidence, they need to be shown that they can do things. Rather than that they can't do things they need to be put in environments of have high expectations. And oftentimes, their medical providers, their schools, even their families, at times, consider them too fragile. And that's not what happens when they when they come here, we certainly don't put them at risk. But our experience tells us that what you need to do is look at every child, as an individual, identify where they really have some opportunities, what their interests are, and we're not trying to you know, we're a lot more than just an elite sport organization, we the Paralympic aspect of Lake Shore gets a lot of attention. But we want to look at each person in our program, particularly the children, what are you interested in? Is it dance is it you know, is it profession, if you build their confidence and demonstrate to them that they can do certain things that's going to spill over into other aspects of their lives. And we're educating quite frankly, not only that child, often we're we're raising the consciousness of our caregivers, their family members, their teachers, to let them know that they can do things and we're teaching them how to be self advocates as well. They have people in their lives that are telling they can't do things, they don't need to accept that they need to demonstrate to those those folks that they in fact, can and will do things given the opportunity.

Naveh Eldar  29:00  
I love it. The program that I'm over in Tennessee expectations is everything you know, we have like really good we do employment is what I'm over. And people from around the country asked how our numbers are so good, like what is our secret sauce and I tell them as expectations so so I love that you have it you know in sport because like it, it does it changes, you know, teachers and parents and every single person that you named. So if a youth or an adult isn't interested in competitive sports, I'm sure that you have programs just to keep them active. And so what are what are just some of the things that you offer in general.

Jeff Underwood  29:39  
Yeah, we do. probably half a dozen camps a year for children and youth summer specialty camps such as perhaps a sports camp. Some are camps where they are invited to bring a friend or a sibling we call those more inclusion camps. We do some camps that are based upon outdoor rec. Creation, cycling waterskiing, that type of thing. The curriculum for camps really sort of varies based upon the season of the year, the age of the child, were more and more weird, including aspects of mindfulness in nutrition into all of our camps. And nutrition has been important part of the children and youth camps, teaching them not only about what healthy eating means, but how to prepare healthy meals, we do that in a new nutrition lab that we have on our campus. We also try to make sure we understand from parents and from the children, you know what they want, and what they need, not just delivering things that we feel like are right for them and making sure we're delivering the kind of Camp experiences that they want to have. And sometimes they just want, it's just a matter of fun, or they want to have the same kind of experiences a lot of their friends are having. And that's why we like the inclusion camps because the child with a disability brings a sibling or a friend with him. And it I think the experience there is probably more profound for that child who comes as a friend, oftentimes just to see how their buddy and their friends are having such a good time and doing so much together that that's the social aspect of what we do. Whether you're a child or whether you're an adult, is huge, we see that social connecting is a big part of what we do, because for so many of our clients, they don't, they have very limited social interactions, right. And even though we talk about ourselves being mainly into sort of physical activity, the social connection is a big part of building out their life. And also it's a way of sustaining their involvement in the program.

Naveh Eldar  31:41  
All right, I hope everybody super enjoyed this episode, I will be back probably in November, I'm gonna be honest with you, I wasn't sure when I was going to come back. And so there was always that little voice in the back of my head that wasn't sure if I wasn't gonna come back. And I even hit thought just in case that happens, there was a bunch of people I wanted to thank that have been super supportive. And I was like making my list of those people want to thank just in case, the show didn't come back. But then this amazing national organization reached out to me and was like, we would love to do an episode with you. And I was like, okay, that that needs to happen like this, their their vision and their story and their goals need to be known across the world. And then there is this great advocate that I've been in communication with for a while just just as like, I don't know, peers or friends or a fan of his or whatever. But he is an Emmy winner now and he is he works for some really great movements, international movements. You may have saw during the Paralympics, this we the fifth, the we the 15 which is represents the 15% of the world population have a disability. And so they had commercials all through the Paralympics. And it's all over social media right now. It's a brand new movement. And he's a part of that, as well as being an Emmy winner. So he is like, Yeah, let's do something. Let's try to get something on the books. And then there's a business that I reached out to that one, a very prestigious award for working with disability owned businesses. So they're a big company that have vendors, you know, that do things for them that they outsource, basically. And they make a point to hire disability owned businesses or work with them. And so they reached out and after, after I emailed them, and after for a while, they reached out and said, yeah, we would love to do an episode. So I have you know, the tagline of my show. So I have an individual, I have a program. And I have a business, right, which are like my three, kind of like my three legs of the show. And I said, You know, I least have to come back and do those three episodes. So those will be I have one interview scheduled already. So it'll probably come out end of October, early November. And then I'll have two more after that. And then we'll have to see how I am adjusting to my new job because it's kind of intimidating to me can I say that I know people that I work with listen to it, but it's it's a big ask. It's a big goal that we're going after in this job. And, and there's a lot of imagination and brain power that me and my team are gonna have to put around it. So anyway, thanks for listening. See you next time. Super, super appreciate all you guys who have been with me through all of this. And if you have not left a review, please do so I have a perfect five star rating which you know may motivate some of you who don't like to see perfection. Go in there and try to ruin it. It's it's a risk I'm taking I'm very aware of that. But I do want to hear what you think about the show and that's a great way for you to let me know and to let the world know. So we will see you in a few months. All right people live a good life. Bye