Engineering Peace with Thom Bond

Breakthrough Virtual Reality Empathy Training For Police - Coming to a Police Department Near You

September 09, 2022 Thom Bond Season 2 Episode 16

In this "What Peace Sounds Like" Episode, Thom brings  listeners up to date on a project that has formed through his work here on this podcast. It is the next chapter in this real-life practice of Peace Engineering, a chapter which began with his series here with Reverend Dr. Michael Christie titled "A Conversation Between Two Americans".

That episode led to a revival of Thom's work with his former student, retired NY Police Detective, Anthony Torres, who is featured in Thom's Engineering Peace episode, Feelings, Needs, and Police Work.

Today's episode features Anthony Torres and Mike Roberts, a new partner in the journey. Mike is a software engineer that has tipped the scales in the direction of progress, by bringing the expertise that completes the team that's creating a whole new future for police and the public they serve. Thom, Anthony and Mike talk about their project's genesis, it's current status, and it's future.

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