Gamer Traffic Show.

Exploring Gaming Culture: From Nostalgia Trips to AI Ethics, Netflix Woes, and Xbox Strategies

October 22, 2023 Mike Sampson and Mr. Amazing
Exploring Gaming Culture: From Nostalgia Trips to AI Ethics, Netflix Woes, and Xbox Strategies
Gamer Traffic Show.
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Exploring Gaming Culture: From Nostalgia Trips to AI Ethics, Netflix Woes, and Xbox Strategies
Oct 22, 2023
Mike Sampson and Mr. Amazing

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Prepare your earbuds for a gaming culture roller coaster ride as we explore the world of Jason Staten's new film 'The Beekeeper', bask in the glory of Minecraft's latest landmark, and reveal the story of an unbelievable Nintendo Wii U discovery within a humble mom-and-pop store. 

Are we playing god with AI in Cyberpunk 2077 or just pushing the boundaries of gaming? Join us as we delve into the ethical minefield of artificial intelligence, from the potential hazards of AI misuse to its intriguing applications in movies and games like 'Preppy Human' and 'The Beekeeper'. As Netflix prices continue to soar, we also ask ourselves – when will enough be enough to cancel our subscriptions? 

 To wrap things up, we pull back the curtain on our plans for the Game of Traffic Show and our YouTube channel in the coming year. So, game on! We're excited to share this journey with you.

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Prepare your earbuds for a gaming culture roller coaster ride as we explore the world of Jason Staten's new film 'The Beekeeper', bask in the glory of Minecraft's latest landmark, and reveal the story of an unbelievable Nintendo Wii U discovery within a humble mom-and-pop store. 

Are we playing god with AI in Cyberpunk 2077 or just pushing the boundaries of gaming? Join us as we delve into the ethical minefield of artificial intelligence, from the potential hazards of AI misuse to its intriguing applications in movies and games like 'Preppy Human' and 'The Beekeeper'. As Netflix prices continue to soar, we also ask ourselves – when will enough be enough to cancel our subscriptions? 

 To wrap things up, we pull back the curtain on our plans for the Game of Traffic Show and our YouTube channel in the coming year. So, game on! We're excited to share this journey with you.

Speaker 1:

Let's do it. Welcome everybody to another episode of the Game of Traffic Show. I'm your host, mike Sancho, chilling my cooool. It's amazing in the building. Everybody get off. Mr Amazing, a taste game of traffic show. We're going to talk about a new movie coming out starring Jason Staten the beekeeper, and it's not what you think, okay. We're also going to talk about Mr Amazing, minecraft hitting a milestone. Again, again, just keep bringing numbers, but we can say show talking about guess what? Mr Amazing the unbelievable just happened. Unbelievable, you probably can't guess it. You can't guess it.

Speaker 2:

Go ahead, drop it out, drop it out on you.

Speaker 1:

I actually bought a Nintendo Wii U brand new.

Speaker 2:

In store. In store, mr Amazing. They wanted to store a package.

Speaker 1:

Not eBay, not a use on Amazon. Brand new, mr Amazing.

Speaker 2:

What store is that, though?

Speaker 1:

I'm curious we don't know what store it is, it's probably a mom and pop store. It has to be. It's not going to be a chart. This is supported by former NPD employee Matt Pekows Teller. What else is rain bright? Okay, you know, lucy, and stay in the verge, lucy. When a console get discounted, any left though, I mean discontinue, lucy, any left. Those back to the. You know the main, the realtor, not realtor, but like the Sony or the, we are the Tendo.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So I'm trying to find out. There's a brand new one in the loose years later, when we use discontinue in 2017, I believe.

Speaker 2:

I want to say about yeah, because the switch came in place. Yeah 2017.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so like stores like Walmart and Target wouldn't have it no more.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely no, they definitely wouldn't have it.

Speaker 1:

Toys Us would have it Toys Us discontinued the damn store. So, but then they had, they would have inventory. It's probably a small mom pop store, we'll say Dr Game.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So it's very funny, but no, it's even funnier.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It's also also reported that three PlayStation Vitas was sold in 2021. Oh, that's interesting. Yeah, brand new also brand new.

Speaker 2:

Brand new, I think it's when you, when you're pretty like that, when you scan it. What's the price point for these brand new systems? I'm very curious retail you think it's actually reach for retail for I mean, I mean like, I mean I expected it to be $200, but like whatever they're going for at the time, it's like $200 bucks or is discontinued tightly because it's such an old system.

Speaker 1:

Most likely it's probably retail price.

Speaker 2:

Oh, wow, that's interesting.

Speaker 1:

In the retail price. It also reported that a copy of Sonic Hedgehog well, guess what system, what a Sega Close Do you have? Sega Game Gear? Wow, wow, that was back in 2018. Wow, wow.

Speaker 2:

That's crazy. I didn't think like you'll find them in a little mom and pop store. I think maybe you'll find like in a garage sale or eBay, amazon you know something like that you use you but like to find a brand new one in actual store. That person was like I gotta scoop this up.

Speaker 1:

I was on the same day too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think I was on the same thing, Like we got a brand new. We you?

Speaker 1:

Oh, I think he said it was in September of this. This is a month ago we spoke with Satemo this year. Wow, that's pretty cool.

Speaker 2:

So it's. The question is, is he going to keep it or is he going to resell it? He hasn't passed the bank. It's probably worth something.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, because I mean, I thought about a second with you. Got one downstairs. This is yours for backup.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And I was about a couple of new Wii games. Yeah, not quote, quote new, but use market. So I thought about getting another 10 Wii U but it's so full you get for like 125 bucks.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I know, no doubt you can find it, but my thing is 150. It's half, it's maybe to get at one, you know, 200 bucks on places. Yeah, my thing is a difference with what you're trying to do is like you ain't getting it with the, with the instruction books and the plastic back and plastic around the box that you got to rip open. That makes a big difference.

Speaker 1:

And if a collector's box and box sealed in box?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Maybe the collector's maybe might just keep it.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I think it's like it's hard, Unless you got like a couple of sisters. I just can't keep my system just put in the box and keep it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, that's the same. He's a collector, if you like. You said, he probably has multiple of them.

Speaker 1:

Oh, this is something like this. It's something that's rare and you want to keep your box, yeah.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And you might see you make money off it a year for now. So that's impressive. Though it's impressive, you know what I'm saying. You have anything to say about that.

Speaker 2:

No, but I hope I can. One that can walk in and find a brand new Nintendo.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, no, no, really impressive. It's something. I sold Something. I bought a brand new toy 2600.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Good luck with that, brand new in a box. So I has that. That's the most of the clothes forever you go back with 1977,.

Speaker 1:

I think it's probably wow People like yo. It's box. You know what I'm saying? That'd be very impressive, but we'll see, we'll see. Let's go to the next topic. A next topic. Mr Amazing, as stated in the beginning of show Minecraft, the Bohemian the killer Damn, it has so over three million no, not three million, sorry, mr Amazing 300 million copies, that's correct me. That's impressive.

Speaker 2:

That has. I mean, I think it was a top selling game of all time already, right yeah?

Speaker 1:

This is pretty in the verge. Yeah, I think the 50. And what 15 year anniversary.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yep, you're right.

Speaker 1:

Coming up. So they announced it. Mr Amazing, or did you just had it? They announced it.

Speaker 2:

That's impressive, man.

Speaker 1:

I mean the closest, I think, is Grand Theft Auto 150 million. Yeah, they didn't catch it. No, it's over 100. I'm trying, I might be in correct. Grand Theft Auto, wow, the second best, oh sorry, grand Theft Auto is 185,000.

Speaker 2:

Wow, that's impressive, and it must grow.

Speaker 1:

It's still popular.

Speaker 2:

The last one from what 10 years ago he would take.

Speaker 1:

That's impressive, man. That's in every system now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, is it on your phone? Yeah, mr May, keep it. It probably is, it probably is. I don't play mobile phones like that. It probably is mobile games, I should say. But that's impressive, that's a milestone. I never thought that day in my life I'll see games sell that much, be honest with you, but it's.

Speaker 1:

That's a game that tight.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm sure the guys are doing it. They were just like, whatever, we get some money. They were thinking 300 million copies sold, yeah, so shout out to them. For that man that could have been a shot of the week yeah.

Speaker 1:

And also it's one of the biggest selling items in entertainment history. Michael Jackson's third the best album of all time sold around 70 million copies. Wow, that goes to show you the PlayStation 2. And that's where.

Speaker 2:

To go back with what you said, michael Jackson sold 70 million copies of the 3rd album. Those are probably going for what let's just say 2012,. Depends what you got it on, between what? 10 to like $19. I'm talking about the sell price of saying, yeah, we're a Minecraft You're going to. The dollar amount is way crazier, so generate the dollar bills to that. You know that's crazy the way you put that's actually a good money to money, yeah, yeah. That's a pretty good analyst you just made just now.

Speaker 1:

And also the plague appeared PlayStation 2, the hottest seller accounts of all time.

Speaker 2:

For now. Let's go to the topic 155 million. Which is right there, but what's the topic? And every episode goes by, so just get closer and closer.

Speaker 1:

We'll see. We'll see, mr Amazing. I mean, it's amazing, like I said, if you told me this when the Minecraft first came out and you told me this gave us so 300 million copies, I would laugh at you. Yeah, I would laugh at you, me too.

Speaker 2:

Tell me when my son was into it big time, I was like this is garbage. She's having you know you got to be a fatherly thing and go play with them. But I'm like God damn. I'm like what is this game?

Speaker 1:

But I guess I was the wrong one. God, I would have told you.

Speaker 2:

I'm with you, you're right. Yeah, you're right about that. That's what. The same way about it.

Speaker 1:

So I'll be shout to Mojo You'll keep making that money. That's right, it's the Mojang Mojo, was it's?

Speaker 2:

so later, Matter man, you're like what? It doesn't matter what.

Speaker 1:

I think, more money than you ever see, bro. So that's the way it is, mr Mazen. Let's go to our next topic. Yes, sir, next topic. It's amazing, I'm kind of scared about this topic. Uh-oh, you know, this is where the world's coming to Cyberpunk 2077.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Unfortunately, when the actors died.

Speaker 2:

Unfortunately, the rest of the piece is called Dose's.

Speaker 1:

Family. Get some guy in place. You got replaced by Sure yeah, Say they're going to replace my job very soon.

Speaker 2:

And AI, ai, that's the. Well, you know what it is with the AI. It's the beauty and like the I guess I don't know what the word is. I don't say it's the wrong, because it's a beauty where you could, you use, store his memories, his voice and everything that you continue. You can use it still, but it gets into F, what's the right word? Music, ethicals yeah, ethicals, ethicals. People might be like, hey, you know, this is wrong, pull it like this. That's the subject.

Speaker 1:

In the wrong hands, ai Could be very dangerous.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the guy that started creating one of the first AI's. He said he goes hey.

Speaker 1:

I saw this. It was so special, it was recently, it was six minutes yeah.

Speaker 2:

So he'll say hey, you know, I never saw it as at this level and he goes we need to be able to control it because it can really come back to hurt us. You know, not in those exact words, but, like I said, like for movies were when you're one of your favorite fans of the first. Now you can fish the movie using his brother and you can use I used to do some kind of a voice stuff, just in general anything like. Anything now, like it's crazy man, like the AI world.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry, I'm like will spend. I robot trust. I'm with you can I bet we use talking about the preppy human?

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, I love that game, I'm like oh, I'm a robot. Yeah, yeah, yeah, ain't no spoiler, cuz I just what you do, you pay. You're not gonna play it again. So it was like literally the humans versus the robots and yeah, they wanted to be, they want to equality like humans did. It's almost sad because they were being Treated unfairly. You didn't crowd, I got, was all ripped apart and he's like first, I got no heart. You cry no, but I said, you say it though, man.

Speaker 1:

No, no, but I mean I, mr Basie, it is. What is the AI for now? All right, mr Mason. Yes, sir, let's go to top of that. Dear too many people. What's that, mr Mason? They're never stopping price hike at Netflix continuous, mr Mason. I didn't start it this week. They raise the prices, mr Mason, you won't go into it.

Speaker 2:

We could definitely touch on it because you know, you know what nephis is saying, because they remember, they, they, they hike the price in january 2022. So that's going on, I guess, almost two years. I guess, right, they're right, they're. They hike their price, but they're saying the big companies like disney, hulu and dumb raise their prices. So why can't we fair? But what I don't understand is Netflix Is made a lot of money since they start doing the share the crackdown on the share.

Speaker 1:

crack, yeah, yeah so.

Speaker 2:

They. When they did that, though, we started cracking down on the share. Our past with sharing 8.8 million people was like damn, I want, I want, I have my shoes on the first that I really like. So what they did you? They went and got their old subscription. So boom you just, you just add an 8.8 million people to the things. That's, that's more revenue for you. That's one. Your shares in stocks went up. You already had a price hike not that long ago, so now you're all across the board. You're hiking everything. I think about three dollars. I from that mistake. All right, because the, the, the premium plan, the ad free plans the one I have Was 20, is going to 2299, was 23 dollars practically. Then there's the stream basic plan and I think it's rising to 1199. I think the only one that's staying the same, add the, add one at 699 more To the ad to get make money for the ad revenue exactly, exactly.

Speaker 1:

So with Disney that once you get to a woman, the ads and that raising that can make their money exactly so I'm a little disappointed by that, beyond which I feel like Netflix was you.

Speaker 2:

You always said that the price is gonna go up and I agreed with you it is, but I think it's just too soon. That's what I think. I know they follow suit because who do? Did it? Uh, disney did it, so why not us? And this is the perfect time to do it because we got some pretty good shows. That is the fall, and then, you know, the rider strike is gonna. You know those stuff are gonna end eventually, so like they're gonna start ruling out stuff and but I don't, I just feel like the timing is it's not right.

Speaker 1:

When's the perfect time to raise prices that they were?

Speaker 2:

perfect on a race. There's nothing right? You're right. We're gonna be always gonna be mad at the surprise, like you're right. There isn't a perfect time to raise prices, but I just feel like it's just too soon.

Speaker 1:

I would do that. Okay, after Thanksgiving, that's good for you, they have to Christmas Merry Christmas price hike. But may I see a question, mr Amazing, yeah, what is enough is enough for you to cancel the description?

Speaker 2:

Honestly, if it gets to 30 dollars in the next two years, I think I might have to Assault. So what were you supposed to be that for? That's a good question. I do watch a lot of shows as I know, you watch, you know big on. That's mine, that's you know, that's my number one thing, because you know, got my looping, I got my stranger things.

Speaker 1:

I got my crew of Kai and I got my.

Speaker 2:

I should watch, even like this on the platform. I could watch it by. Watch my demons layer on there. That is a good question. Maybe you know what. What I'll probably end up doing is. I'll probably down great tool, a lesser plan here. Yeah, that's there that but you know the thing it is, though. I download my stuff, oh, but it'll still have the ads in the downloads though, right, I don't know you get down though, with women, with the ads.

Speaker 2:

Oh, got them. They got me tired. Then I guess I'm gonna. I guess I'm not the pit of $30 Michael.

Speaker 1:

But let's keep up in two years. For now it's been more than $30. You think? You think so. $7, $635, 2026, 30, 36 dollars, 36, that's a cable bill, cable boomers to me first came out. Mr Mason, you gotta stand with people. All these streaming stuffs, it always almost add up to a cable bow, that is true, but, but, but, um what?

Speaker 2:

I suppose the name has Peter something. One of the companies are like Guy that does that stuff. He said Netflix is gonna actually offer yeah he said Netflix does plan to offer More different price points.

Speaker 1:

So format and I don't know what, what you already got the story, got the format here.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this is, according to this said that they're eventually gonna offer even wider ride ride, wider range of price points For never subscriptions to gross description describe it based. So I guess they're gonna break it down more. You just gonna be different, tears they.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what they're gonna offer what they Understand what we got we gotta find out the only thing I could ask for the if they do a UD contract.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mind, that actually I wouldn't mind a paid off front. I wouldn't mind that. But that might be an option. But wait, it's in the works, so I guess we'll find out.

Speaker 1:

I mean, the company reported what a 9% year over year increase in average paid membership. They already see added 8.8 million subscribers last quarter, compared to 2.5 in the third quarter of last year. Yeah, overall, netflix reported to 240 million paid global scribes in the third quarter. Wow, and people thought with the crackdown with the passwords it will lower.

Speaker 2:

Remember I said it wasn't going to. I was one of the city. Was it going to? Because I was like you know, if you're a fan, you're a fan, you're gonna stay here. I said it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, I don't know what I said. I might have a mind of discreet or discreet, which I don't remember.

Speaker 2:

I don't read it, but I was adamant that, like yo, they're gonna go up man.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think I might agree with you, cuz I think they just did.

Speaker 2:

You just do this gonna, yeah you're a fan, your friend, you're not gonna blame. You invested five seasons of Cobra coffee season, whatever stranger things for you the hell. No, you're like, damn, I'll pay for it. You might pay for it. And then I thought Later what?

Speaker 1:

I think you're gonna pay for it. Nefes is very big, I think, like shows, like Scripts, just like Apple Peacock, we might want one of two shows. Yeah, and it's cancer? Yeah, cancel it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, netflix, you, you, you. You go and then think about Netflix is thinking a lot of specials now you know a lot of like comedy specials.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Exclusivity to, you know, especially the comedy world. I mean, I guess we'll find out what this leads us to All right, mr Mason, we're gonna go to.

Speaker 1:

I chose the week, mr Mason, a trailer week is the beekeeper starring my main homeboy, jesus statement. Hmm.

Speaker 2:

I like I sing that stop by oh, that's that back.

Speaker 1:

Stopping listen, stop and listen. All right, this is be keep a star in Jason's stadium coming out January 24.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You're a blessing, mr Clay. This place was crab grass and weeds and you brought it back to life.

Speaker 2:

Mrs Panko and I were friends. She was like family. She was the only person I ever took care of me. I Just got a message saying that there's a problem with my computer.

Speaker 1:

Yes, ma'am, we got this Yesterday. She shot herself.

Speaker 2:

This is private property. To know what they do here scouting the weakest in our society.

Speaker 1:

Buddy, I'm counter three, one, two, three. Yeah, I did it for you.

Speaker 2:

I Gonna burn this place to the ground.

Speaker 1:

Will you stop his ass out? You're telling me one man did this. The only thing you know is he's a beekeeper, a beekeeper, beekeeper well, that's not good. Be keepers is a special program outside the chain of command and protect the hive, and the system is out of balance.

Speaker 2:

I correct it. We have laws for these things until they fail. Then you have me.

Speaker 1:

My fingers. You cut them off. What the fuck? Well, don't move. This is much bigger than a little fishing scam.

Speaker 2:

The money's going all over the world to people in finance, even government. You are a problem. Get them right on the problem.

Speaker 1:

No way, he's coming there straight for the back entrance.

Speaker 2:

I figured I'd keep the firefighters a break. Somebody detain this guy.

Speaker 1:

Ah, we have to kill him before he kills his way to the top. Honey, it's flammable as fuck. Oh no, mr Mays, we just finished listening watching the beekeeper trailer start my main man, j Stam, coming out January 24. Mr Mays, I never known that Honey was flammable.

Speaker 2:

Right though man, look, put it in swing. I got some honey.

Speaker 1:

Some honey, I'm a poor, your body Don't match. Let's see how flammable is.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I know we're not doing that, what I'm doing that, but, um, I did find interesting man and I feel like Jesus stayed up your house with you. He's climbing the pole of like one of the top.

Speaker 1:

Actress farce.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't think he is actually they say, the only man know who makes kicking ass in a suit look cool, yeah no you're right, bond him on, make it look good yo, if you're in the last 50 years, you give me a top three or five. Actually, you know, guys, I mean you gotta put.

Speaker 2:

Arnold, you have to suppress us all in there. I think I think the move create creativity. Wise, I think his more moves and stuff yes, I'll give you that, but we took a movie. Wise, it's close, but the move, wise, yeah, I'll give you that. I forgot about this guy too, cuz you gotta put him in there. Van damn, he was big out in the 90s and 80s man, so, and that was really up there too. So it's hard, but I think he's. He's made his name a household name. I think he's there. I think he's. If I'm starting a movie, I want a minute. You know I put the black night. Where's he sniping it? Well, that was dull, but he'd have enough.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know he was good because he did.

Speaker 2:

He did his moves too. Yeah he did his own moves too, but it wasn't enough, michael.

Speaker 1:

Why is actually pretty well, now is popular, you are, yeah, I mean.

Speaker 2:

Why the big dude? Yeah, yeah, she graces her roles so beautifully, man.

Speaker 1:

She's a wonderful actress and she ages gracefully bad, so shout out to her and when the casuals like somebody for an odd recent St Roe game, they do. You're right, mr Mason, let's go. So hold on, hold on. See me green like this.

Speaker 2:

I mean we talk about the guy be one top five guys. That's a green light for me.

Speaker 1:

We like it isn't. January was allegedly a slow time, yeah. So yeah, we both green light it. Is it gonna be hit? We'll see, you know. Say mr Mason, let's go. Should we care? Top of the week. Mr Mason was told the top before we would talk about again yes, best spy. And what quarter? I think the first quarter of 2024 Will say March slash April will no longer some Blu-ray DVDs or In the stores or online. Oh no, no line either, mr Mason. Should we care about that? A little, a lot, not at all. I.

Speaker 2:

Know most people say not at all. But I'm gonna say a little because I'm like we've sped on different shows. I'm a physical copy kind of guy. So yeah, I'm gonna care.

Speaker 1:

I think because so much to care.

Speaker 2:

You're more physical person. Well, that's a boy the best by though. Huh, what's that, say boy? The physical copy of that spy game movie, a movie I should say, excuse me black it black.

Speaker 1:

No, not the black in it blackening. I got that for Amazon because too much of this by you show something.

Speaker 2:

I'm Drake Avenue with the black in the seats of the floor.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my bootlegger shot my bootlegger. We don't know how to store. Anybody know Jamaica Queens, he's so bootleg, said Bulleggs. Oh my god, it's a boom business. Unfortunate store got closed. I could be building buildings, yeah, south of bootlegger, all right, but anyway, oh, physical media. I think it's just pure options, cuz even we looked on Amazon, spider-man was cheaper than on the PlayStation store digitally.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that is true.

Speaker 1:

And that was for the game in a year edition with cameo DLC, so it gives people more options for them with their buying power. Yes, when once physical dies off which it probably won't die of, it'll just be a niche a niche like a niche.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, if you want to get it like how records are now.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I mean for the bestie big like big public sees like New York City Don't have their record shops. Stores like this, like three, four, it's like three, four major record shop stores and you go to and buy vinyl and it just sort of the pack, unlike we go to Target. You barely see anybody by the vinyl several Mike Samson.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's like he bought it the whole time Today.

Speaker 1:

I bought that Madonna collection. Oh, the trick I'm, oh, I'm like, says what that I want evidence greatest hits on vinyl. So I mean, it is like it gives us soon as less option and we discussed it before Best buy even specified a hash three fighter. Yeah, let's go with surprises when the hottest game I don't know, you pike by online and pick it up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you can. I think these you do, because the new ship I think they just want to do a surplus of stuff, so that things either by online in the ship, it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think the hot games like that should be present, but uh, as far as the against it still be selling there, so I mean I think we should care, I think we should care a lot. But I'm being probably biased because I'm a more physical media fan. Because we see, when movies come out or digital, or movies come out and you can't get them again. Yeah, and some movies that it's like I think have plenty be very difficult get on DVD. It's a love story movie. People probably never heard it so. So I can't lock because this fight some certain things we never gonna see again. Or you know, you can't really get physical to Street Fighter movies, the anime, the first enemy one.

Speaker 2:

That was good. Yo can't find it.

Speaker 1:

It's hard to get it and we can't. We find Fatal. What the other fighting game this is enough is the fury. Yeah, you can't get that physical. Oh, I tried. Only time you get VHS.

Speaker 2:

That's hard to find. I Might have VHS, the river house, I might be a movie or VHS player player.

Speaker 1:

I have one player. I have a player at the combo, the combo yeah. I don't why I kept it, I just kept it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think I have one, two downstairs.

Speaker 1:

I can't tell why they're just kept it.

Speaker 2:

I think it's the one I bought your mom for Christmas.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

This is probably like almost 20 years ago. I bought this. What's all good. I've watched what I have.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, Mr Mason anytime, anytime. All right, mr Mason, let's go to what mr Mason up next, the gangsta wakes of the week. I have one. Yes, I believe you have one.

Speaker 2:

I was actually to go with another one, a sports one, but I'm not gonna sports this one this one, you see, j Pinkin. No, no, I'm not gonna J Pink, I'm just picking up. Be honest with you, okay. I'm actually gonna T-Mobile.

Speaker 2:

Why so T-Mobile? What they did was that, for customers who are a grandfather to older plans where it's unlimited everything as is everything, they have slowly been automatically putting them in higher tier plans without, without letting these clients know that and but that we're not like I, so you get your bill. You're like, whoa, why is this building so much money? They just switched you over to the plan and, but what they did let you know is that you could have opt out out of it. So because they're doing that, because they don't want to be with the beanies, grandfather clothes we're not paying all these fees. But they say these pens are better because you have more. This feature more. That that's how to get you on there. But you obviously paying about five to ten dollars more in these plans also, but they're saying you can opt out of it.

Speaker 2:

But to me Personally, mike, their wax this because you got as your customers. No, I'm gonna just switch you out of a plan that you've been in for like the last 15, 20 years. I think you can't. You can, I think. I think we need a class action lawsuit. They should but but but by it won't work, because they're saying you can opt out, but you don't, don't just switch me. Yeah, I feel I should have the option to do that, but I just what I think I'm gonna take on this that a gangsta move from that. They did that all the customers.

Speaker 1:

Who don't? We look at the bill like your grandmother, exactly your mom, my mom has this. Yeah, they just like why is it bill so high?

Speaker 2:

Pay for it and boom, you're stuck in a new plan now that you, when you're prior, plumb, plumb, plumb Cuz. When I got Verizon I was originally grant on the old plan where I had unlimited everything. I had to pay for this gig at everything. But they forced out that plan because I was there like, oh, you just pass old. And then they weren't. They weren't offering where how you can buy a phone you pay for on on a monthly installments but those past you can't do it. You can only buy the phones off straight out. So that I was forced out that that plan.

Speaker 1:

You can't buy a phone straight out because, they're over a thousand dollars, cuz I know what a general for, I'm gonna pay for it now. No, you can't do that. What do you mean? I can't do that.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna pay for it now and they're expensive. They're like a thousand or more now.

Speaker 1:

So put like this people, I Ain't gonna type of car drive.

Speaker 2:

Whoa, whoa, whoa, you're gonna pick those right. Oh, ain't better J Let us all collection my dog, I suppose worth more than my car.

Speaker 1:

If I thought was left in the car, my car, my car, the keys in the engine running. They will still live on me by car Don't worry, I'll give you a rose up.

Speaker 2:

You got the car your dreams.

Speaker 1:

I Mr Mason, that gets, that's all way so yeah, you get the wakes the of the week. I missed the Mason this time that we go to discusses on one topic, show Xbox. Finally closing the deal. Yeah, congratulations, xbox listen guys, I'm Xbox fans and shut out to you in a small station. Sounds bill have Phil Spencer.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's getting right now you know, say but Um, it's a good help. Microsoft and the plans that the dominate the world. I know the brain, because they wouldn't buy everything pretty much. But uh, just shout out to them. Shout out to them and their fans Yep, abk, activision Blizzard King. Yo, but um, that's it, man, mr Mason, if anything else to say nah, but you guys have a great week.

Speaker 1:

All right. So, like I said, like a square, the game of traffic show. Follow some Twitter's. I make crazy comments. Mr Mason sometimes goes on Twitter. I hope we next year people, I know it says for what we will be on YouTube. Please watch us, please watch us. The family's gonna kill us. You can't keep doing this. They asked him what he gonna do you to. We're gonna do that. So yo check it out. This is game of traffic show. Yeah, later, later you.

Game of Traffic Show
AI Ethics and Netflix Price Hike
Beekeeper Trailer and the Future Discussion
Xbox and World Domination Discussion