The Product Podcast

Lessons Learned in 10+ Years w/ Amazon Head of Product

Neha Monga, Head of Product for global marketplace pricing at Amazon
As Product Managers and aspiring product managers, learning is all part of the process. That doesn't change if you've been a PM for one day or ten years. This talk focuses on the lessons Neha Monga, Head of Product for global marketplace pricing at Amazon has learned from launching products over her 10+ years long career as a product manager. Key Takeaways 1. Launch a lot - get better at product launches by doing it often and developing pattern matching. 2. Short term vs. long term - have an idea of what the North Star looks like, but launch intermediate stages that create value for customers and still allows you to validate hypotheses. 3. One-way door vs. two-way door - maximize your optionality. Some launches are a one way door and can never be reversed. Others are two-way doors. Try to create more two-way doors. 4. Have a plan - pivot, double down, abandon. Know what you are looking for from the launch - what decisions and what are the next steps. 5. What are you doing to make the launch a success - releasing a product isn’t good enough. What are you trying to do to actually get - adoption, awareness? Have a strong GTM plan.