Different from the Other Kids
I want to talk about what no one else wants to talk about... Children with mental illness.Raising a child who is ‘different’ from the other kids takes a great mental and emotional toll on the parents. They are worn out and pushed to the brink, totally exhausted. Many are tapped out financially and in some cases, they have had to quit their jobs or take lesser ones to be there for the next episode when their child can’t cope. There is little or no support from a system caught up in process and willfully lacking in parental resources.As a parent of a challenging child, you can also brace yourself for the stigma of a lifetime. We look like the accomplice to this very badly behaved, poorly mannered and emotionally unstable child. If you don’t have a diagnosis it’s worse. If you don’t have money it’s worse still. So much of what we require to help our children isn’t covered by extended health insurance.The general parent community is unsupportive at best; hostile and judgmental at its worst. This compounds the pain and stress we live through every day. We go through things very few parents can relate to.This podcast is a collection of my interviews with kids affected by challenges, parents of those kids, and even medical professionals from the mental health community. In many cases, the name of the child has been changed or last names of the contributors omitted to maintain privacy for themselves and their children.
Different from the Other Kids
Episode Thirty-Nine - Use of Force
September 26, 2016
Angela Tsounis
This week on Different from the Other Kids: Law & Disorder Edition, Angela sits down with Maria, a Coordinator of Police Foundations at Durham College. They discuss the changing educational landscape for prospective police officers and how community outreach has become integrated into the foundational training they undergo. Maria explains how police evaluate and deal with escalating situations and also gives some advice to parents how they can aid police in helping their children.