GU Cast | Urology Podcast

"A Home and a Vehicle" | New Editor-in-Chief Freddie Hamdy discusses the future of the BJUI

August 30, 2020 Professor Declan Murphy

Professor Freddie Hamdy, Professor of Urology at the University of Oxford, has recently taken up the reigns as Editor-in-Chief of the British Journal of Urology International (BJUI) and has just published the first edition with his new editorial team. The BJUI has been around for more than 90 years and is one of the top journals in the world of urology. Its impact factor rose to an all-time high under the leadership of Prof Hamdy's predecessor. Professor Prokar Dasgupta, who also led a huge change to embrace digital and social media, and therefore Prof Hamdy takes over at an exciting time. 
Usual hosts Professor Declan Murphy (a past Associate Editor of BJUI) and Dr Renu Eapen (who recently joined the Editorial Board), are joined by Associate Professor Nathan Lawrentschuk who continues as Associate Editor in charge of the BJUI supplement. 

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