Discover your Personal Power with Peggy Moore

Your Grand Adventure

February 23, 2021 Peggy Moore Season 1 Episode 41
Your Grand Adventure
Discover your Personal Power with Peggy Moore
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Discover your Personal Power with Peggy Moore
Your Grand Adventure
Feb 23, 2021 Season 1 Episode 41
Peggy Moore

Hello, my friends,
Hello my friends, and welcome to the Discover Your Personal Power Podcast, the show to help you live a life filled with peace, purpose, and power. My goal on this podcast is to give you something fun and meaningful to make your day a little brighter.  I want to help you find your light and your personal power within. 
Do you feel like your life is a grand adventure?
Or do you feel bogged down by the challenges, obstacles, and distractions of the journey.
 Life is a journey that can consist of both intense joy and extreme sorrow. The journey of life is never as easy as we hope it might be. Whether they come in the form of family, friends, work, school, or anything else, trials are a part of everyone’s life. We all experience disappointments but that doesn’t mean life cannot be a grand adventure.
Join me as we talk about how to create your grand adventure.
You can find me at
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Enjoy the podcast. 
Until we meet again, my friends


Show Notes Transcript

Hello, my friends,
Hello my friends, and welcome to the Discover Your Personal Power Podcast, the show to help you live a life filled with peace, purpose, and power. My goal on this podcast is to give you something fun and meaningful to make your day a little brighter.  I want to help you find your light and your personal power within. 
Do you feel like your life is a grand adventure?
Or do you feel bogged down by the challenges, obstacles, and distractions of the journey.
 Life is a journey that can consist of both intense joy and extreme sorrow. The journey of life is never as easy as we hope it might be. Whether they come in the form of family, friends, work, school, or anything else, trials are a part of everyone’s life. We all experience disappointments but that doesn’t mean life cannot be a grand adventure.
Join me as we talk about how to create your grand adventure.
You can find me at
Email me at
Jump over to my Facebook page at
Enjoy the podcast. 
Until we meet again, my friends


Hello my friends, and welcome to the Discover Your Personal Power Podcast, the show to help you live a life filled with peace, purpose, and power. My goal on this podcast is to give you something fun and meaningful to make your day a little brighter.  I want to help you find your light and your personal power within.  

My name is Peggy Moore and I am a wife and mother of over 30 years, a Nurse for over 20 years a Certified Professional Coach and wellness advocate.

Discover your personal power is for those of you that want more. Instead of barely getting by, or letting all the outside voices of expectation and opinions drive your actions, this program helps you stop and contemplate, evaluate and consider what you want most. Discovering your personal power is about figuring out what kind of life you want to have, what your core values and primary goals are, and how you want to show up in this world. Instead of just swimming to keep up, it is about thriving and flourishing and becoming the woman of your dreams. Sharon Eubanks said it like this:  This world needs women who are joyfully righteous, articulate, different, and distinct. The world needs you, the best of you. 

I found my light, my purpose, and my personal power and I want to help you do the same.  I would love the opportunity to work with you.  I have an online coaching program that has fun go-at-your-own pace videos, a colorful 80-page workbook that was just published on Amazon, It has journaling prompts and fun exercises. You will get one on one coaching with me and I will help you clearly define your purpose, discover your personal power, and live a life that you want to live. Go to Discover Your Personal or Peggy Moore Life Coaching .com  and sign up now.  I would be honored to work with you. 

One of my favorite heroes as a child was Helen Keller.  I love her story of triumph.  She is quoted as saying Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.  

Do you agree?  Do you feel like you are on a grand adventure?  

There are many definitions for the word adventure, the dictionary says adventure is an unusual and exciting or daring experience. Wikipedia says an adventure is an exciting experience that is typically bold, sometimes risky, and may be associated with some potential for physical danger. 

Is your life an adventure?  Life is a journey that can consist of both intense joy and extreme sorrow. The journey of life is never as easy as we hope it might be. Whether they come in the form of family, friends, work, school, or anything else, trials are a part of everyone’s life. We all experience disappointments but that doesn’t mean life  cannot be a grand adventure

Challenges, obstacles, are part of the adventure

In this journey of life, it is important for us to understand. Change, challenges, trials, and obstacles are temporary and prepare us for what lies ahead. 

They make us the hero in our own stories. 

TV and movies provide a wonderful source of inspiration for those who live with and must overcome physical limitations each day. These fictional heroes inspire us to do more and to be more than others normally see. They understand some of the struggles that those with disabilities experience and they give us hope and even confirmation that we can make a difference in the world around us.

Think of Frodo Baggins, a humble hobbit, who loved and lived a simple life with good friends, good food, and a good home went on a grand adventure that he didn’t actually choose.  After many obstacles along the way, he was able to carry the ring all the way into the lands of Mordor and find success. 

What about Superman, and the neverending threat of kryptonite?   Without that weakness and the need to overcome it, would we love him as much?  

We love the stories of those of success and triumph.  We love those stories of grand adventures. 

Harleigh M. Rosenberger:

Several years ago a man was being interviewed on the radio. He had started to walk across the United States on foot, from California to New York. He had reached a point halfway across. Reporters asked him about his experience. Finally, the question came: “Sir, what would you say has been your most difficult experience so far?”

The traveler thought long. Through his mind went the toilsome climb over mountain passes; hot dry stretches of desert. Sun. Wind. Then he said quietly, “I guess my greatest problem was that the sand kept getting into my shoes.”

So that was it. The sand in his shoes. Not some great crisis that he had faced. Not some danger that had almost taken his life. But sand; sand that wore blisters on the soles of his feet. Sand that ground its way into the pores of his skin and irritated constantly, that made every step an agony. Sand in his shoes. . . .

. . . Now there was one hint that the hiker suggested when the sand got into his shoes. He had to stop and dump the sand from them.

In our journey in life, we too are troubled with sand in our shoes—sand in the form of change, challenges, trials, and temptations. We can either let these things stop us short of our goal or we can find ways to dump the sand from our shoes and continue our journey.

How often are you letting the sand in your shoe keep you from enjoying your grand adventure?

As we travel on the journey, this grand adventure in life, we face obstacles and challenges and sometimes distractions. 

Sometimes life has a way of distracting us, doesn’t it? We tend to lose sight of our great quest, preferring comfort and ease overgrowth and progress. 

Does it ever feel like you’re just going through the motions of life and not really headed anywhere? Do you feel stuck on autopilot? Or do you go to bed wondering if your days are well spent?

If so, you’re not alone. I walked that path for many years … living out of habit, doing what was expected of me, and wondering why I felt so lost on the inside.

 Some days the pain of living is just too much to notice anything else. Other times you’re just too tired to care. It’s hard to pick up the subtle signs of bliss when the noise of everyday life drowns out the quietness within you.

As a mom with young kids, waking up to little feet and little wants and little needs, spending the day feeding those littles, wiping away the tears and fixing the boos boos and breaking up the fights, and calming the tantrums can be exhausting. 

And yet, those moments are there, the grand adventure of being a mother, a wife, a friend, are all woven in your crazy life.  All just waiting for you to pay attention.

We just need to slow down sometimes, sharpen our focus and heighten our senses and live the moment.  Because the moments make our grand adventure. 

I remember a particularly hard time in my life when my kids were super busy and I was working as a nurse, so, long 12 hours shifts and it was exhausting and I bought this book about finding joy in everyday life. It was just what I needed at the time. I can’t even find the book, but I remember 2 things from that book, one was to drink your orange juice or morning drink in a fancy glass. There is something about a fancy glass, that just makes you feel good. Like why have I left the cupboard full of fancy glasses and drinking out of my old plastic cups?  I deserved a fancy glass. What a simple fun thing.  I still love to drink out of a fancy glass. 

And the second was to use your china.  Instead of those pretty dishes sitting in my cabinet, we would use them for Sunday dinner.  I loved Sunday dinner.  My daughter even started setting the table the night before and it was just lovely to look at.  We knew that Sunday was a special day.  It was the day we were together as a family, with no distractions, no dance classes, or football games or work, we knew we would have a nice meal together and be able to eat and enjoy each other’s company and the table was beautiful.  

These might not be the things that bring you joy.  You get to choose what brings you joy. 

We find joy in the adventure when we choose to live not perfectly, but intentionally. 

Intentional living means conscious choosing how you want to live your life.  Consciously choosing to live your life according to your values and beliefs. 

Instead of focusing on those challenges or obstacles or losing your way due to distractions

Fortunately, I learned that it doesn’t have to be that way. When you embrace intentional living, you can live on your own terms and create a life of meaning and purpose.

Intentional living is about the journey, the adventure, it is forward-thinking, but also allowing yourself to live and love the moments. 

I have a few short tips to help you be more intentional while enjoying your adventure. 

Be intentional about your goals, your dreams, your passions, and what is most important to you.  If you need some exercises to help you figure this out go to my website under the free worksheet's tab. There are tons of journal prompts and worksheets to help you get really clear about what you want your grand adventure to look like. 

  • Be mindful of the media you consume

I have learned to tailor my social media to meet my needs and desires.  I don’t like drama, I don’t like hate and I don’t like arguments about politics.  I want to hear about my friend's and my family's lives, their babies ', and their kid's achievements, their accomplishments, and life events.  My social media is to celebrate with others.  I am careful about the shows that I watch and the books that I read. I am intentional about what I  put in my head. 

  • Do something that brings you joy

Get out those pretty glasses or china or go for a walk and feel the breeze on your skin, smell the fresh leaves and hear the dirt and rocks crunch under your feet.  

  • Make time for self-reflection

You guys know I am a big proponent of journaling.  Write down your dreams and goals.  Write down those obstacles and challenges, they are all part of your grand adventure.

  •  Do something you can be proud of 
  • Get involved in your community.  
  • Prioritize rest and self-care, make sure you are taking that time to fill your bucket 
  • Choose to be kind

 As we travel on our grand adventure, we  can only progress by helping others progress

There is power in relationships that extends beyond a generic introduction. When you create connections based on shared interests and goals, you’ll be more successful at your job, because people want to work with people they know and like.”

I  love the Shine Theory, which is the idea that says I don’t shine if you don’t shine.  when you help another woman rise, we all shine. “ It's a term I coined with Aminatou Sow to describe a commitment to collaborating with rather than competing against other people—especially other women. 

 We progress in life as we assist others – both spiritually, but also materially helping the poor and needy.

“There is something interesting, almost paradoxical, about this path you’ve chosen: the only way for you to progress in your gospel adventure is to help others progress as well. To help others is the path of discipleship.”

What would Dorothy’s adventure be like without the lion, the tinman, and the scarecrow?  What about Harry Potter without Hermione and Ron?

We love the Avengers, we love how they come together as a team using their own unique strengths, powers, and gifts to conquer the enemy.   

We learn from each other.  We can learn to bank other’s success. 

As I watch others become successful in their careers it gives me courage and strength.  I bank that 

As I watch my friends crush their goals, instead of being envious or jealous I can celebrate in their success and bank that

As I read and study historical figures that have overcome challenges and beat all odds, I can bank that. 

All that stored up information helps me along my journey or adventure. 

 Exchange roles, you have something of value to offer, you. Connecting, collaborating and exchanging ideas adds to the adventure. 

When we realize we don’t have to acquire knowledge on our own. Collaboration and sharing make it twice as rich.

I love learning from others.  I love hearing their stories.  It adds to the richness to my life. 

Making Connections

Once upon a time, there were two men named James Watson and Francis Crick. They went on a quest to discover the structure of DNA, arguably the most important molecule in the universe. As you might guess, there were also other people on that same quest. There was a physicist named Max Delbrück, who had made some speculations based on quantum physics, and there was a biochemist named Erwin Chargaff, who was studying the chemical makeup of the molecule. There was also Rosalind Franklin, an X-ray crystallographer who was focusing on visualizing the crystal structure of DNA.

All of these scientists contributed important information to the discovery, but none of them was actually able to figure it out. So, back to our heroes, Watson and Crick. These two connected the dots between all the pieces of information from the other scientists and correctly solved the puzzle. Because they made connections between different branches of science, they were able to see a bigger picture that nobody just working within their own narrow fields could have ever seen. Brilliant, right?

 I think that making our lives as connected as possible is helpful. This doesn’t just apply in the academic world, where we make connections between ideas and disciplines. It also applies in our daily living, in the way we connect truths we know in our hearts with decisions about our words and actions.

When we make connections between different aspects of living—the physical, the intellectual, the emotional, and the spiritual—we see the big picture more clearly (just as did Watson and Crick with DNA). When we integrate our different talents and interests, we find unexpected opportunities to do good. 

Each new day brings with it the opportunity to evaluate where we are in terms of where we are going. Wherever we are on our journey, we have the ability to dump the sand from our shoes. We can choose to live intentionally and with joy in our own grand adventure of life.  This is your adventure, your life,  The future is in your hands. The outcome is up to you.  

Live in a constant state of wonder and enjoy the adventure

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...”

So be sure when you step, Step with care and great tact. And remember that life's A Great Balancing Act. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed) Kid, you'll move mountains.”

You're off to Great Places!

Today is your day!

Your mountain is waiting,

So... get on your way!”

Have a fabulous week. 
Until we meet again, my friends