Comfort Food Comics

Episode 16 - What If? #44, Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E.S #0, G.I. Joe: Real American Hero #26-27, The Demon #26-29

David Shevlin & Dan Molfese Season 1 Episode 16

The 4th of July spirit is alive on this week's episode of the Comfort Food Comics Podcast.  To honor the birth of the U.S.A, we rank and discuss a selection of books that offer some entertaining and thought-provoking perspectives on what it really means to be American.  Strap in as we dive into Marvel What If? #44:What if Captain America Were Revived Today, Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E.S #0, G.I. Joe: Real American Hero #26-27, and The Demon #26-29.