Pathfinder Unscripted

What About…? - Politics

June 02, 2020

Pathfinder Church | June 2, 2020
Today Dion and Doug are joined by Rachel as they bravely wade into that most contentious of subjects: politics!
Questions discussed include:
—Was America’s founding a sin?
—I've been struggling with the politics of this pandemic. I have family members who are severely at risk of COVID-19. What should we think of politicians that are trying to open churches and other areas of life too soon, almost to pander to the Christian base. Especially when these decisions will inevitably lead to a second wave.
—If we aren't allowed to come to church, but only in certain numbers and by having limitations placed upon the church in order to worship...are we not experiencing a type of persecution?
—If separation of church and state is so prevalent in our government, as a child of God should we still have separation of church and state?
—Why are so many Christians passionate about abortion, but less interested in the lives that are already being lived?
—How do I know the balance of standing up for what I believe in on social media, opposed to just staying out of the mess?
—Why does God let there be such division politically among faiths and churches and family members?

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