Creditors' Corner LEGAL TALK

Title Reformation and Curative Actions

June 04, 2021 Attorneys Caren Enloe and Jeff Rogers Season 2 Episode 15

In today’s episode, attorneys Caren Enloe and Jeff Rogers discuss defects in title affecting the title to real property, including how those defects are discovered, and how they can be cured. Topics we cover include title reformation and quiet title actions.

Jeff Rogers leads the firm’s Foreclosure and Collateral Recovery Section. He joined Smith Debnam in 1994 and concentrates his practice in areas affecting the financial services industry. His practice includes commercial litigation, real property litigation, foreclosure, collateral recovery, bankruptcy, title reformation, and consumer finance litigation. His clients include banks, credit unions, commercial lenders, loan servicers, finance companies, title insurance companies, and other similar businesses.

For over 30 years, Jeff has devoted his practice to a wide range of creditor-related areas of the law. Over his years of practice, Jeff has assisted members of the financial services industry with most every type of matter and dispute that could be faced by a creditor. Whether an easement dispute, real estate title dispute, bankruptcy filing, defective loan document, foreclosure, or recovery of secured collateral, there are very few issues he has not handled for his clients.

His experience has afforded him the opportunity to frequently speak on topics of interest to secured creditors, including residential and commercial foreclosure, compliance and regulatory issues, collections, collateral recovery, and title reformation. Jeff has spoken at programs and continuing legal education courses sponsored by Campbell University School of Law, the North Carolina Assistant Clerks of Court Conference, the North Carolina Bar Association, the North Carolina Creditors Bar Association, the North Carolina Bankers Association, and the North Carolina School of Government.

Caren Enloe leads Smith Debnam’s Consumer Financial Services Litigation and Compliance group. In her practice, she defends consumer financial service providers and members of the collection industry in state and federal court, as well as in regulatory matters involving a variety of consumer protection laws.  Caren also advises fintech companies, law firms, and collection agencies regarding an array of consumer finance issues.

An active writer and speaker, Caren currently serves as chair of the Debt Collection Practices and Bankruptcy subcommittee for the American Bar Association’s Consumer Financial Services Committee. She is also a member of the Defense Bar for the National Creditors Bar Association, the North Carolina State Chair for ACA International’s Member Attorney Program, and a member of the Bank Counsel Committee of the North Carolina Bankers Association. Most recently, she was elected to the Governing Committee for the Conference on Consumer Finance Law. In 2018, Caren was named one of the “20 Most Powerful Women in Collections” by Collection Advisor, a national trade publication.

Caren oversees a blog titled: Consumer Financial Services Litigation and Compliance dedicated to consumer financial services and has been published in a number of publications including the Journal of Taxation and Regulation of Financial Institutions, California State Bar Business Law News, Banking and Financial Services Policy Report and Carolina Banker.