NCFM Today

NCFM Today - Season 3 - Episode 1 - NCAFP Family Physician of the Year Dr. Viviana Martinez-Bianchi

February 16, 2022 Greg Season 3 Episode 1

In this month's edition of NCFM Today, NCAFP Communications Consultant Peter Graber interviews our latest Family Physician of the Year, Dr. Viviana Martinez-Bianchi, Director of Health Equity for the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health at Duke University. 
 In the episode, Dr. Martinez-Bianchi discusses her childhood in Argentina, how she came to the US for her Family Medicine Residency, and how she ultimately became a leader locally, nationally and on the international level. She also discusses the intersection of public health and clinical care, her work with WONCA (the World Organization for Family Physicians) and her work with the Latin-X community in North Carolina throughout COVID-19. You don't want to miss this inspiring episode.