NCFM Today

NCFM Today - Season 3 - Episode 4 - The Dr. Gilmer

Greg Season 3 Episode 4

In this episode we talk to Dr. Benjamin Gilmer, a family physician in western NC and now acclaimed author of the riveting medical mystery, the Other Dr. Gilmer. Dr. Benjamin Gilmer discusses his own journey as he works to determine why Dr. Vince Gilmer, who previously practiced in the same clinic, came to murder his own father. We learn about Dr. Benjamin Gilmer's journey of discover from fear to friend and advocate for Dr. Vince. Today, Benjamin Gilmer is advocating for mental health and prison reform nationally. Prior to becoming a book, part of this journey was documented on an episode of This American Life. Join us as your colleague, Benjamin Gilmer, calls on you to be an advocate and use your own stories to bring about change.