NCFM Today

NCFM Today - Season 2 - Episode 2 - The Advanced Medical Home in NC Medicaid Transformation


In the February 2021 episode of NCFM Today, learn about the role of the Advanced Medical Home as North Carolina transitions its Medicaid Program to Managed Care.  Carol Stanley, Medicaid Transformation Manager for the NC AHEC Practice Support Team, and Nicole Cannady, Practice Support Coordinator and Quality Improvement Coach for the Southeastern AHEC in Wilmington, discuss tools that NC AHEC has available to help primary care practices achieve Advanced Medical Home (AMH) Status, the differences between a Tier 2 and a Tier 3 AMH, and what family medicine and other primary care practices should be doing now to prepare for Medicaid Managed Care in North Carolina.  The two also discuss significant financial incentives for practices who are achieve AMH Tier-3 status early, and how those incentives can impact your practice.  Any primary care practice currently taking Medicaid should listen to this important update.