NY NOW Podcast

Modern, Sustainable and Global Crafted Design with Incasa Décor

November 03, 2021 NY NOW Season 1 Episode 58

INCASA is an Astoria, NY-based contemporary home décor and accessories shop with a fresh design perspective, an eclectic mix of individual products and design services that blend seamlessly. Our collections incorporate style, quality, value, traditions, and community. Aiming to make home styling and quality design accessible to its clients, INCASA offers fine workmanship and innovative design products at affordable prices paired with a personal shopping experience.

Guest Name: Eduardo Vázquez Silva   Title: Owner   Company: Incasa Décor 
Bio: Eduardo Vázquez Silva is the owner of INCASA Décor, a small boutique located in Astoria, Queens that specializes in small batch, sustainable, home accessories and décor. Through INCASA, Eduardo aims to highlight small local and international brands that offer well-designed functional products. Originally from Mexico, Eduardo wants to use the store to bring to the forefront Mexico’s craftsmanship and unique style, but his vision goes beyond Latin America - as he features products from Portugal, Turkey, and the Philippines, with plans to bring items from other parts of the world, while continuing to bring in a diverse range of makers from Queens and other boroughs of New York City. INCASA also has its in-house range of products and services, such as custom drapes and their accent pillow collection. A BFA in Interior Architecture and Design and his experience in furniture and textile design guides him through this ambitious project.    

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Dondrill Glover:

Welcome to The NY NOW podcast, a modern wholesale market for retailers and specialty buyers seeking diversity and discovery, gathering twice a year in America's design capital, New York City. It's where buyers and designers on Earth have refreshed and dedicated collection of eclectic lifestyle products. Hi, I'm Donna Glover, podcast host and senior producer for New York now, and welcome to another episode of our community, your voices, the podcast series. Today we're highlighting a local business in Queens. Queens is the most ethnically diverse urban area and the world as residents often closely identify with their neighborhood, rather than the burl of the city. The Pearl is a patchwork of a dozen unique neighborhoods with each of its own distinctive identity. And it's also the most linguistically diverse with at least 138 languages spoken throughout the borough. And today's special guest is Eduardo Vzquez Silva, founder and owner of incasa decor located in Astoria, Queens, a small boutique that specializes in small batch sustainable home decor and accessories. Throughout in Casa in Toronto aims to highlight small and local and international brands that offer well designed functional products are originally from Mexico, in Toronto wants to use the store to bring the forefront to Mexican craftsmanship, unique style, and his vision goes beyond Latin America. He also features products from Portugal, Turkey, the Philippines, in Guatemala, as well as other parts of the world while continuing to bring in a diverse range of makers from Queens and other burls throughout New York City. And Casa also offers an in house range of products and services, such as custom drapes, their own accent pillow collection, it guado armed with passion, purpose and intentions, along with a BFA in Interior Architecture and Design, and his experience in furniture and textile design, guiding him through this ambitious project of bringing in cosmetic core to Astoria, Queens. Join me in welcoming Eduardo to our New York now Podcast Hi, a Eduard

Eduardo Vzquez Silva:

Hi, how you doing?

Dondrill Glover:

I'm doing fine, it's great to see you. This conversation has been a long time coming. So I'm really excited the day to dive into your story, I have all things that in cost at the core. So I'd love to kick things off with your journey to New York and to the world of interior design.


You know, I always have been very passionate about interior design, and declarative a process of defining theme. I was in studying marketing in Mexico where I am from, and I was not very happy. So when I came to this country, give me the opportunity to study study what I want to so in California, I went to design school, I get my bachelor in fine arts degree at Cal State Long Beach. And that's what started my career. I get a internship in a company that allowed me to design fabrics and furniture. And I was hired by the company. I was so lucky. So that's what I started my my design career has been doing for 15 years.

Dondrill Glover:

Wow, that's so they hired you that is that is a wonderful in that in that process? You know, once you got to the company, did it just feel like now you're here you can be creative. And I love to ask, what was the first piece that that you designed or project that you worked on?


You know, I work in a residential product, designing a sofa, or sectional Ashley. And I was so lucky, because the person the is very into design. So together with a signer, beautiful and gray sectional and the most important thing was the color because we select a bowl color that was emerald green. And because they were so happy with the result that she even gave us more work. So at the end of the project, we define the whole house take out

Dondrill Glover:

from the sectional and then doing the whole home. That's amazing. In that Eduardo you know when we think about design, ethos, and the elements of design, what would you say kind of learning from that experience and everything that you studied in school and with what you're doing now? What's your approach to designing a space what's important for you to know before you build that, you know with the assortment,


not before to start thinking of the design is smaller contemporary. I like to start focus more in the functionality don't have the space to know the customer to know what they do, why they want what they need you they have paid kids know their lifestyle. And based on that study finding the space, because you know, sometimes you can design a beautiful space, but it's not functional for the family. Right, exactly. So my main thing is design a functional space. Yeah, that's my main approach.

Dondrill Glover:

Yeah, that's a great one. Because, you know, we talk on so many levels about how people live, you know, human centered design because it needs to be functional and you need to be able to move and feel a certain way in the space. I think that's a great approach. And staying in that lane. I'd love to ask, what would you consider to be an important piece of accent decor, to have in a room to begin building an adding these wonderful things around it?


I mean, I've come in from the furniture design, my advice is to start with a big piece. You know, for example, if you are in your living room, get a sofa, or sectional that fit your room, the right side, the right style, the right color, that you feel very comfortable to get in desktop. After that, you cannot allow accessories you know mean, for example, for winter, you can add a beautiful summer pillows bright colors do not change every time you cannot lie, fertilize or draw. You know, like in Qatar, we have a beautiful homemade pillows that you can use for like accordion the seasons. We have a lot of throws, or a simple base that can change the whole roll. Yeah, everything goes around your big piece to fix.

Dondrill Glover:

That makes so much and I think you know that makes it so exciting because I always say with home decor. You can change your space like every season based on as you mentioned, you know pillows throws ball you know vases, I mean different things that add color and texture. I think it's really exciting. It brings me to my next what question or conversation here. I love to talk about in college, a core, your very first signature lifestyle shop located in Astoria, Queens. It's such a beautiful store, I consider it to be just a jewel tucked away in the heart of Astoria, Queens, I'd love to talk about how it came to be and why you chose Astoria.


You know, as I mentioned to you, I am really passionate about design, or show your passion. Another thing that's sustainability to Paul local business, the charisma sheet, show what Mexico can do regarding the accessories or textiles can to promote things. And such as by working in different companies. They don't be allowed to express myself. So that's what I decided to open my own business where I can be myself. I can get across my point of view and show all my passion you know me like sustainability or handmade products. So I show Astoria because have been my home for 12 years. I glazed restaurants, gray bars, great parks, great community, the shopping experience is going to know very big. So I feel I need for candidate A unique on the corner store. Yeah, that's my enter there. And I mean, that's that's what I say they're the perfect opportunity for me.

Dondrill Glover:

Yeah, I have to say your store. And the assortment is very unique for the neighborhood. And you were spot on with seeing the need, because we have so many thriving entrepreneurs and shops in Astoria. But the fact that you brought in a home decor space is really made a huge difference. It gave you the opportunity to really highlight your interior design aesthetic, through product and having a space where you could really present that to customers. That sort of kind of help you along in the journey and the drive to open up your own business.


This is all you know, because that's one of the therapists that we give or this is one of the points that make me different for different stores. You know, people sometimes come to look for a pillow, but I give them more than a pillow. I can talk within about it takes two hours. What goes better with so far with the lifetime film and also I can suggest drapery that we have of different roles. So at the end of the day, we can design Complete role for them is Can I get an advice and involve the customer to fill out so they are the size of the space. So that's what makes us do need to,

Dondrill Glover:

I'd love to talk about the, the transition from, you know, retail shop owner, how would you handle that while maintaining interior design services, one thing that you just said that was very powerful is that with the way that you work with customers, when they come to your shop, you empower them through your experience in your assortment, it's a feeling like they're designing their own space, what was that transition for you in handling both spaces,


I mean, the transition was very smooth and natural, because I like to talk with people, I like to know their stories, or knowing that the stories we can get together a room, I guess, suggests color, texture, you know, like, and they feel also involved in that process. So being a business owner, that same limit my design expertise, because I apply, I apply to my customer to my space, all the knowledge that I have defining and need and is going to transmit all this knowledge to the people that goes to my store, picks and involved them, you know, if it's very important to involve the customer in the process, because you know, the signing for you, God signing for your customers, so they need to be happy, they need to feel the lifestyle. And that's important thing.

Dondrill Glover:

I think that that's, that's an element of connecting customers to what they're buying. And also being able to give them that insight to help them define to find their spaces through working with with someone particularly in your shop with you having that background and that experience. And you know, you can't talk about small businesses without talking about some of the challenges that come along with opening a shop and what has been some of the challenges for you in becoming a business owner and you know, wearing all the hats that come along with it.


You know, it's very interesting because I am a very creative person, I have a good eye for design, and that's what I do. But when you're a business owner you have to know about account accounting, Judo hafla in the financial department that support you or the legal department that is behind you do the half marathon you have to do everything. And that's the main challenge that you have to do things or maybe they're no fun and design. But at the end of the day, you have to do the numbers. You have to get all deliver aspect of the business. And that's what I find a little bit more of struggle with that there are no fun but I have to do

Dondrill Glover:

you have to you have to do and you're like a one man show but you are certainly rising to the occasion. So I applaud you as we do all of our small business owners because you again you are wearing us so so many hats and I'd love to dive into the assortment adding cost of decor we've talked so much about design and all of those elements and I'd love for our listeners to know what they can find at your shop.


You know I think that we find a big selection of products that are unique and is produced by story. I am very focused in bringing items there are handmade there are sustainable gentlemen that there are like Fairtrade like we have a bigger format of pillows that within our house as well as have custom drapes we make we make but we have a nice glasses from all over the world we have played for hardware, I will have some pixelation on the candles. And also I like to bring like local products to me like for example here in Astoria, we have a big community and big people the house plug home you know we like candles, they make jewelry. So also you can find those in my store. I like to promote these people, you know, because sometimes they don't have an outlet to sell the products. So that's one of my main focus to to promote is making the story a local

Dondrill Glover:

Yeah, that yeah, you I noticed in the shop, you have a great presence of that and I love to get back to that to talk about it because it really you know that maker community is so present at ng causa and I noticed you mentioned about some brand values that you just mentioned previously. You know, I'd love to talk a little bit more about because we know that customers care about social impact and conscious brand values. And for you, I know that sustainability and fair trade locally made handmade, what are some of the other conscious principles that are attached to products that you carry? And then the other part is, why is it so important to you as well?


No, I am very focused in sustainability. With Dyson, one of my main concerns, so we tend to bring products in debase me like, we have some glasses they made with recycled material. And we look for companies that are good for the environment, all our ceramic has the resources locally, the clay, Udemy, fun, all, everything that helps to keep the environment. Good day is one of nine main focus, gentlemen, when we work with international market makers, we also be sure that they have a fair trade. And they have employees with respect, and they are paid well, the most important thing for me,

Dondrill Glover:

that that is that that's really important. You know, it shows transparency. But also, you know, there are noted statistics that, you know, 70% of consumers are more likely to support brands and companies that have a very similar value system, where it where things are aligned. And I think that that's really important for designers, for makers, for shop owners to keep aligning in that space, because it's resonating. And it's really, really important. So it's wonderful to know that you are, you know, as a designer, and a shop owner, being mindful of those conscious principles with your partners that the products that you are bringing in. And I'd love to switch gears a bit and talk about, you know, a global design area, I know that you are deeply committed to sharing resources from Latin America, and also specifically Mexico, it has a very rich design heritage and craftsmanship and handmade, and you're working with artists, since in Mexico, can you tell us a little bit about the techniques, the groups that you're in, that are represented in the Mexican region?


You know, like, I tried to elevate the mythical crab machine, because we have very good talent. So I work with artisans, all over the Mexico to keep the traditional techniques to do textiles, for example. But we work with them to change a little bit the design to make a more modern face more appealing to a bigger group of people. So it's a combination that we do, we keep all the traditional technique, but we elaborate a little bit more than also, me having the ability to work within the tendons producer important in Spain, in what Amala so we there, it is the same way. You know, there's so much talent all around the world, that I like to bring it to New York, and to show our customers what they can do. All those techniques, every pieces that we have in the store, tell the story. This was come from if a part of the life to

Dondrill Glover:

absolutely it. And I just think it makes it much richer and more textured. And I was going to say that, you know, you are just as passionate about connecting customers to a wide range of design collections. And you know, you've got this incredible eclectic mix of design cultures and I know that there are things from Spain, Portugal, what are some of the other countries that you are representing?


We have the Turkish, Turkish they make a beautiful textiles. Oh, yes, absolutely. I like to clean Danish show their work. So we have also from Chile. For four different bars everywhere where you can find a unique piece. Try to bring it

Dondrill Glover:

right your eyes or eyes are looking there. I remember coming over to shop in your store and one of my best friends had just moved into a new place and it's been a wild and you helped me put together a just a beautiful table top story. I wanted to bring a global table experience to her home and you helped me pick out napkins from Mexico I had flatware from Portugal. I have plates from France and then of course the recycle glasses, and you just, you know, it was just a great experience to be able to, you know, look at all of that product, fit it into someone's home. And I tell people over and over again, you know, bringing kind of the fusion of of global design to a table. It's like you're you're traveling while you're sitting at your table.


And that is the beauty of what I like, try to do you know me like, would you see that for dinner, you have something to talk about it is clobbered, experience in your table, a global talent in your table, that everything is makes to give you a good experience while you have been.

Dondrill Glover:

Absolutely, you are big attendee of New York, now you're one of our VIP buyer attendees. And I know that our handmade section has been a tremendous resource for you. I'd love to talk about your experiences at New York now. And why has it been so important for you to attend the show every season?


You know, I look to your now for this every Sunday, always, I know what is trim the new corners coming all the new products that I can find there are ULINK also is a way to connect with all those makers, with all those countries of people that make the 14 that you can find them there in one space, you know, under one roof. So for me, it's very important to go every time that they do to connect with people to know what they're doing. And also, to know what's coming up for the next season.

Dondrill Glover:

It's really important. And it's one of the things that we pride ourselves in in in being a support and making those connections so that buyers and exhibitors can connect to have these conversations, because that's what it's about. It's about building connection and relationships, and how you can expand on what you have in your stores, but in other ways that you can work together. And I noticed one of the things that that you do is that you will bring in sort of a smaller kind of niche product, you know, you're definitely I see in your assortment, you've really been willing to give people a chance, and work with smaller groups, and so forth. So to know that a lot of that is happening, and you making connections that our show is meaningful to us. And we definitely appreciate your attendance and your support of the show. So thank you so much. I love to carry that back to your support of local brands, you've talked about that on several occasions, and you do carry a great assortment, I know that you've recently expanded into artisanal food. And I know that I understand that some of that is local, I'd love to talk and hear more about that.


You know, you know, as I mentioned, I like to promote local products that are made here, gentlemen, and it's important to take care also on my community and bring them to my store has been a very good thing because my products, get a compliment, gentlemen, for example, we have a local honey producer here in Astoria that goes perfectly with a honey contained and I have so see, the people that take the time I take the container is a very good satisfaction for me. I mean, we have a great chef look very John chef here in Astoria, that makes an excellent salsa matcha. People like to go there and get into using when they're cooking. So it's a connection between the local people, and then my plate, you know, me, that and the cooking so everything is interact, and they can use community health, all those local markets, especially right now during the pandemic, a lot of people emerge, I start to produce things at home. Yes, gentlemen. So having them and next way that different of my products is a very great Saturday satisfaction.

Dondrill Glover:

And then you've also talked about having your handmade craft, but you also in your shop, it has a very modern feeling and aesthetic to that. And is that something that's been intentional, and merging, you know, the craft that you love local makers and making sure that you also have this very fresh and modern contemporary expression. It's wonderful that that designers are partnering with artists as in bringing that modern tone but I think it's part of the reason that those connections and those relationships are so important because a designer like yourself and others can really extract kind of that modern element that people are looking for. They want some contemporary and then they want indigenous they want a blend of things and That is so again, it's so present at your store. Another thing that I'd love to ask, you know, I know that you're, you know, you have this beautiful center table in your shop. And I know that every season that table changes for you always merchandising and doing these beautiful stories as we come into the holiday season. And it's gifts, what are some of the things that you feel are great for the holiday table, things that you might be carrying, or what inspires a table for you in terms of adding in product that clients and buyers can be inspired by.


I'm going to sort of these two Sunday Christmas, we tried to give customers things I do for things that they can use in the daily basis. For example, we have beautiful ceramics. And we have played semi with have caught. So try to offer candidate gift packets dynamic. They can complement everything they have the classes they have the place they have the table where this has been the names. So all these is going to make your table top beautiful. So that's what I want not intention that we have for this season. They give the whole package no only one thing, thing or the complete fit. We have different styles, different colors. Also taken in consideration. There is there is there is time.

Dondrill Glover:

Yeah, their style, of course. And then the other thing that you that you've that you've come out with, and CASA has its own branded collection. And I'd love to hear more about about that collection that's available.


Yeah, you know, I like to because I have a sister that I've been working for so many Jews, that she made our pillows, she met our drapes. And it's very important for me to sit down with a customer and talk about what they want. And together we design the preferred rate for the living room or with the signer, a sofa for for them. So they are getting a product specific for them. And that is something that they really appreciate. Because they get involved in the whole process, but they're getting a costume problem. Right. So that is one of the services that we offer to customers.

Dondrill Glover:

Nice, nice. And then kind of my last question on on gifts, because we're in the throes of this season. I know that you are doing you've expanded in beauty and wellness, I think they were like candles and was there like a soap set that we were talking about.


Yeah, we have fun handmade soaps also here locally, they produce here in Astoria, which is a big selection the candles, you know, also locally made. So it is a very good ergonomic, but you can find jewelry locally made. And everything that is more jewelry is more appreciated for the customers.

Dondrill Glover:

I know where I'm going to be shopping at this holiday season because you have such a great assortment. Eduardo, it's been such a pleasure speaking with you today and having you as a part of our community, our Voices Podcast Series, what you're doing and your journey has been inspiring and I am I have been much admiration of your desire to constantly connect with customers and clients and think about what they need and how you can make their home a more functional and more sustainable and just a more eclectic place where they're having these rich experiences it really comes through and your shop, the aesthetic and most importantly, your passion to to connect and bring beautiful products from around the world and also be such a support of local community as a local business owner, and I'd like to tell listeners that it is a lovely and inspiring experience to shop and in Casa de core and Eduardo with that, can you tell our customers where you're located, what your store hours are and where they can also connect with you online because you also have an E commerce shop.


Thank you. Thank you. The store of course is located in Astoria, Queens, the address is 31837 Street. Our website is in Gasser the core.com our Instagram is in Casa underscore decor. So that's our social media.

Dondrill Glover:

Excellent. And one last question. What should we be looking for? from you in 2022?


No, I always tried to give something new such a surprise to my my customer. So every Don't they come they see different things. They see different colors, different tech tools. So I always keep a surprise element for them when they come by. So when we found it under these lines,

Dondrill Glover:

and I know that you'll be joining us for New York now 2022 And February 6 through the night, we're looking forward to having you at the show. And again, it was really awesome spending time with you today. And thank you for sharing your local story.


No, thank you for this interview. You always are very inspiring, very easy to talk. And I guess, good buy from you. So thank you for inviting me. Thank you. So now you're now for do these shows that we get a lot from them.

Dondrill Glover:

Oh, well, we it is our pleasure to support and we'll look forward to seeing you soon to connect with Eduardo and learn more about in Casa de core visit in Casa de cor.com. And follow us on Instagram at in Casa underscore decor. Thank you for listening to the New York now podcast. Make sure to tune in weekly for engaging and insightful conversations touching on the most relevant topics facing our community today. Is it New York now.com To learn more about our market, and how you can join in all the conversation