Addressing the Increasing Need for ESRD and Dialysis Nurses
Making Health Care Better
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Making Health Care Better
Addressing the Increasing Need for ESRD and Dialysis Nurses
Feb 11, 2021 Season 2 Episode 21
Alliant Health Solutions

According to the United States Renal Data System’s Annual Data Report, the incidence of kidney failure requiring dialysis or transplantation for end stage renal disease (ESRD) in the U.S. ranks among the highest in the world. 

There are currently over 500,000 ESRD patients currently in care. With that those type of numbers, there is an urgent need for ESRD and dialysis nurses, and unfortunately, there is also a nationwide shortage. 

Tune in as the quality improvement director of ESRD Network of Texas, Dany Anchia, BSN RN, CDN shares some the contributing factors to why there is a shortage of nurses and how anyone in the  nursing field or interested in nursing can open doors to this very much needed field of expertise.