Fight Back

Advanced Healthcare Directives

July 13, 2020 Healthcare Consumer Rights Foundation

In this episode, Fight Back covers the critically important topic of advanced healthcare directives, a legal document that addresses such end-of-life issues as “do not resuscitate” orders, treatment options, healthcare proxies, and more. In this emotionally powerful conversation, we hear from Kristen, whose husband J.J. was diagnosed with brain cancer at just 34 years old and given a few months to live. With the help of J.J.’s advanced healthcare directive, Kristen was able to act as her husband’s healthcare advocate—fighting for new treatments, second opinions, and facilitating J.J.’s wishes as he went on to live, not for three months, but for three years. Our special guest Ashton Ellis then joins us, who is an expert on advanced directives and attorney who creates advanced directives for families. Ashton is currently working to develop a curriculum that trains doctors and lawyers on how to apply the appropriate standard of care when complying with end-of-life care laws. Our conversation will cover many reasons why a healthcare directive is so important, not only for yourself but for your loved ones too.

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