
Quizbeard #31

Stephen Griffin Season 1 Episode 31

Welcome to Quizbeard number 31!

Today's rounds are:

  1. Board Games
  2. Pirates
  3. General Knowledge
  4. The Mafia
  5. Geography: rivers and lakes

As usual, you can play a Black Spot card to double your score on any one round.  See quizbeard.com/quizkit to print these out for home use.

New show announcement - CONTESTANTS REQUIRED!

With a working title of ‘Quizbeard’s Black Spot Challenge’, I'm working on a new weekly show, which will be different because it will feature interaction with a CONTESTANT.  You can see where this is heading.

Recorded over a Zoom call and released as an audio podcast, each contestant will face three rounds of five questions:

  • Round 1: General Knowledge (1 point each)
  • Round 2: The Mystery Envelope (2 points each)
  • Round 3: The Black Spot (3 points each)

Total possible score: 30 points.

The ‘Mystery Envelope’ round will be five questions on a subject topic, selected at the time from a choice of three by the contestant. The ‘Black Spot’ round will be five prepared questions on a subject of the contestant’s prior choosing (think Mastermind’s specialist subject).

I’d like to record a fair few of these before pulling the trigger and releasing for download, so if anyone would like to take the Black Spot Challenge (or whatever it ends up being called) as a contestant, please register your interest by visiting quizbeard.com/blackspot

Support the show

For all Quizbeard links, please visit https://linktr.ee/quizbeard

Thanks for playing!