Selling Your Business with David King

Financial Planning with Jackie Mazur

David Season 1 Episode 6

In this episode, I am joined by Jackie Mazur, owner of Guide My Finances.  Jackie began her career in finance in 2003 and recognized a need for unbiased financial advice combined with sound financial education. After working in the industry for a few years, Jackie went back to school to get her Master’s degree in Finance and Tax Planning. Today, she utilizes her fundamental tax knowledge and teaching experience to educate her clients, advises clients in many areas of financial planning and assists them with structuring their financial plan in the most tax-advantageous way. When helping business owners plan for retirement Jackie emphasizes the need for liquidity and diversification, shows how ERISA plans can protect assets from creditors and offer tax deductions, and understand their cash-flow needs in retirement. Ultimately, Jackie helps business owners determine if they can you let their business go to retire or do they need to remain involved.


Selling a business is the American dream, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, the reward for years of hard work. Successful entrepreneurs make countless sacrifices in hopes that they would someday reap the benefits of their labor and live a new life of vacations, recreation, and prosperity.

You only exit your business once, so you should feel confident passing this milestone. A successful business exit reflects the preparation done beforehand. Failing to plan is planning to fail.

The owner of a privately held company has several alternatives on how to exit their business. In the absence of an exit strategy, events will inexorably dictate the final exit plan. A costly involuntary exit may be caused by death, disability, divorce, disagreement, or distress.

Selling Your Business with David King will help you take control of the sale process and make it positive one.