Selling Your Business with David King

Retirement Planning for Business Owners with Scott Chelberg

David Season 1 Episode 8

I am joined by Scott Chelberg, the President/CEO of Retirement Solutions Inc. Scott is a Wealth Manager and Certified Financial Planner™. With more than 30 years of experience, Scott is highly qualified to help business owners with retirement planning, income distribution planning, financial and estate planning, investment management and wealth management strategies. Scott holds series 7, 24, 63, 65, and 51 registrations and is also a Registered Principal with SagePoint Financial, Inc. Scott shares helpful advice for business owners planning to exit based upon his decades of experience.

Selling a business is the American dream, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, the reward for years of hard work. Successful entrepreneurs make countless sacrifices in hopes that they would someday reap the benefits of their labor and live a new life of vacations, recreation, and prosperity.

You only exit your business once, so you should feel confident passing this milestone. A successful business exit reflects the preparation done beforehand. Failing to plan is planning to fail.

The owner of a privately held company has several alternatives on how to exit their business. In the absence of an exit strategy, events will inexorably dictate the final exit plan. A costly involuntary exit may be caused by death, disability, divorce, disagreement, or distress.

Selling Your Business with David King will help you take control of the sale process and make it positive one.