Northwestern Buffett Institute for Global Affairs

Prospects for U.S. and Global Climate Action with the Biden Administration

Northwestern Buffett Institute for Global Affairs

Many observers expect that Joe Biden’s presidency will quickly restore federal climate change measures and reverse the U.S. withdrawal from international commitments that we witnessed over the past four years. Many hope for substantial new domestic efforts—some sort of "new green deal"—and for the United States to fuel far-reaching international cooperation around climate change. Are those expectations warranted or unrealistic? What can we expect from the new administration? A panel of Northwestern University faculty experts will discuss these questions from U.S. and international perspectives.


Anto Mohsin - Assistant Professor in Residence in the Liberal Arts Program at Northwestern University in Qatar
Mar Reguant - Associate Professor of Economics at Northwestern University
Mary McGrath - Assistant Professor of Political Science at Northwestern University
Michael Barsa - Co-Director of the Environmental Law Concentration at the Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law

Moderated by Klaus Weber, Thomas G. Ayers Chair in Energy Resource Management at the Kellogg School of Management and Deputy Director at Northwestern Buffett. 

This webinar is part of the Northwestern Buffett Institute for Global Affairs’ Building Sustainable Futures: Global Challenges and Possibilities series, which focuses on a different United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (UN SDG) each quarter.

This and other Winter 2021 webinars focused on SDG 13: Climate Action are co-sponsored by the Institute for Sustainability and Energy at Northwestern (ISEN) and sustainNU.