From Apples To Fromage
From Apples To Fromage
Golden Russet and MouCo Camembert
Join Colleen and Talia while they taste local Colorado MouCo Camembert alongside Haykin's Golden Russet
We talk about what the difference is between Camembert and Brie (hint: not much), how a cider can taste like vacation, and crazy apple trees growing from litter.
NOTE: We are so sorry for the delay in releasing new episodes... both Talia and Colleen were pregnant. This episode was recorded in September 2021. We have both since had our babies and promise to get back on it!
Like the podcast? Have a question or something you want us to try? Email us!
Glasses we used - Riedel Extreme Restaurant Rose/Champagne glass
Follow Apples to Fromage on Instagram! And come back for another episode soon!
Find Colleen and Behind The Rind on Instagram
Find Talia and Haykin Family Cider on Instagram