Unexplained Inc.
Unexplained Inc.
Cross-Pollinating Science & Spirituality w/ David C. Bumblebee
David C. Bumblebee is a key note speaker at the Cosmic Consciousness Conference in Uluru which is happening in exactly one week!
In this episode he gives us a thorough breakdown of some of the material he will be presenting there...it is all too much to squeeze into one episode but the hypothesis is that through our hearts and minds we all have antennas connecting us to the cosmos. We start out by sharing the concept of 'As Above..So Below' as it is linked to all this.
This is David's first ever podcast interview...ever! It does not disappoint and I do understand that this material is NOT for everyone! It is dense and at times chaotic but the overall themes and evidence brought up is astounding. Only a mind of sheer brilliance and eccentricity could put this all together.
Some parts were lost due to technical difficulty...and about 80 minutes in you will hear a 'fast-forward' sound and it will have a graphic for the video viewers. In fact I strongly recommend that the audio listeners check out the video link here on Rumble...as this is a visual presentation and may sink in more. This will require your full attention in order to get it
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Video Link to Rumble here: