GND Media

"Affecting one part of the Ecosystem ripples across the rest" - The Willow Tit Project

Season 2 Episode 8

 a few audio glitches in this one,  damn you crappy broadband! I want broadband communism now!

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We spend a lot of time on the podcast looking at the big picture; national carbon budgets, climate politics and so on. Even looking at Greater Manchester as a region sometimes can obscure some of the challenges when it comes to protecting our planet. Climate change isn't just about parts per million in the atmosphere, it's also about protecting and expanding biodiversity to support our ecosystem. Even the smallest thing can change the course of the future.

This week we are joined on the show by Jenifer Wood, Laura Nash and Stewart Fraser, organisers from the Willow Tit project based at Carrington Moss in Trafford. We discuss the importance of the scrubland habitats of the willow tit, the delicate balancing act of their ecosystems, the effects of development, and how people can get involved in supporting conservation projects in their own neighbourhoods. 

City Nature Challenge - get out there and spot some wildlife

Shout outs

Youth strike Manchester

Geoff Densham for doing the pioneering work on the willow Tit project
Mark Champion - for his expertise and support of the project 
To all the Friends groups in Manchester

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