GND Media

"Farmers and Consumers have been pushed a part " Interview with Kindling Farm Co-op

Season 2 Episode 11

 On the show this week we are joined by Helen Woodcock and Chris Walsh from the kindling trust (@kindlingtrust) a Farming Co-op based in Greater Manchester.  We discuss the project and how they want to improve farming for farmers and consumers, How industrialised farming is hurting farmers and building solidarity with farmers across the world. 

Support the Kindling Farm here

Milan Urban Food Pact

land workers Alliance

Via campesina- campaign for food sovereignty

Shout outs

Ruth and Graham from the Oxford Real Farming Conference

Land workers alliance 
Open Kitchen   

Luisa Neubauer along with Fridays for futures Germany for taking the german Government to court and winning!


Go Northwest (@gnwbus) have been trying to slash worker conditions and push draconian fire and rehire contracts on bus drivers. Unite  drivers have been on strike for over 9 weeks to battle this cruel and calculated move by the company. Solidarity to the striking workers!  @Unite_NorthWest


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