The School Of The Forest Podcast

School Of The Forest Podcast Episode 18; "An Apprentice To Language": Chatting With Writer, Wilderness Fasting Guide And Craftsman Tom Hirons (Part One)

This is the first of a two-part episode in which I'm joined by poet and part-owner of Hedgespoken Press, Tom Hirons. Tom lives in southern England and while not a nature poet, his work is influenced heavily by the natural world and his experiences in it. In the first of the episodes, we talk about how Tom first started writing poetry, the incredible learning experience that being an educator can be, our thoughts about the merits of finding time in nature even if you don't live in "wild" places and the value of spending time in the natural world as a way to ground yourself in this "Mad epoch" as Tom eloquently puts it.

This was an incredibly captivating conversation for me, and I'm glad to be releasing it as a two-part episode, rather than cutting it up into a single shorter one. Look for the second part soon, where we talk about modern rites of passage, the merits of spending structured solo time in nature, and Tom's plans for future guided fasting trips in Wales.  I hope you enjoy the show, and that you'll check out all of Tom and Hedgespoken Press's offerings at the links below.

Tom's Website

"The Worship Of Place" Poem

Hedgespoken Press

The Feral Angels Of Poetry, Tom's online writing, and poetry workshops